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The Act respecting First Nation, Inuit and Métis children, youth, and families (the Act) came into force on January 1, 2020.

The Act is a comprehensive reform of child and family services affirming the right of First Nations to exercise jurisdiction in relation to child and family services, including legislative authority and the right to administer and enforce these laws. The purpose of the Act is to affirm the rights of Indigenous governments and organizations to exercise jurisdiction over First Nation, Inuit and Métis child and family services.

Qalipu First Nation (QFN) is carrying out a preliminary project with respect to the Act. The Project is funded by Indigenous Services Canada’s Community Well-being and Jurisdiction Initiatives.  The goal of the project is to have an information session with QFN Chief and Council and Senior management as well as 3-4 regional consultation meetings with membership. The meetings and consultations will present information on the Act and explore some options for QFN under the Act. The feed back from the meeting and consultations will help inform the next steps QFN may take with respect to the Act. Below are two objectives of the project:

·        Facilitate discussion regarding the pros and cons of Qalipu First Nation implementing its own Indigenous Child Welfare Law;

·        Present information and facilitate discussion on possible options Qalipu First Nation can consider with respect to Child Welfare law implementation. For example, Qalipu First Nation can remain status quo, consider a law that focuses on prevention alone or prevention and protection together.

Note: If QFN should decide to consider developing its own children, youth and families law more intense consultations will take place with membership throughout the law-making phase.

Community Presentation

References & Internet Sites of Interest:

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Justice Laws (https://laws.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/F-11.73/index.html)
Indigenous Services Canada https://www.sac-isc.gc.ca/eng/1579468554846/1579468577638
Assembly of First Nations (https://www.afn.ca/an-act-respecting-first-nations-inuit-and-metis-children-youth-and-families/)
Mi’kmaq Family and Children Services (https://mfcsns.ca/)
Anishinaabe Child and Family Services (https://www.anishcfs.org/)
Child Protection Services (https://www.gov.nl.ca/cssd/childprotection/)


Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation Band
Department of Health & Wellness
3 Church Street
Corner Brook NL  A2H 2Z4

Phone: (709) 634-0996
Fax: (709) 639-3997

Mitch Blanchard