We’re one of over 100 First Nation communities across Canada participating in a project to put a spotlight on our labour market. We want to know where the gaps are, and what planning, training and programs could best support our people.
If you’re a member of Qalipu First Nation age 15 +, you can complete the survey and we will send you a $25 gift card to say Thanks. 10 months after, you can complete an update to let us know of any changes. Once your update is received, we will mail you a $40.00 gift card to show our appreciation.
Survey responses are being accepted from employers to help us futher understand the labour market needs. Employers will have the chance to communicate their workforce demands, enabling us to plan effectively.
The information gathered from the surveys will be used to match jobseekers with suitable positions, understand job requirements, set training priorities, and establish partnerships with employers.
Additionally, the survey results will help update and populate the Qalipu Business Network (QBN). The QBN offers member business owners opportunities to network with each other, from alliances, explore joint ventures, discover business opportunities, and build relationships with the Qalipu community. It unites Qalipu business owners while enhancing their collective presence and enabling major contractors to find Indigenous subcontractors and suppliers.
The future of our labour market is our youth. Not only are they the workers of tomorrow but also the future leaders and problem solvers who will shape our communities. QFN will make a $50 donation for every employer survey completed. This money will then be divided equally and donated to the K-12 schools located in communities within our wards. The schools will decide how to best allocate the funds. Many schools have great initiates such as a playground library or a library pantry. While other schools may decide to use it to have extra school supplies available for students or to purchase additional gym equipment.
The Indigenous Labour Market Survey is funded by Employment and Service Development Canada (ESDC) and is maintained and supported by Aboriginal Employment Services Inc. (AES). The project began in 2018 and is scheduled to continue until March 31, 2025.

Would you or someone you know like to complete the survey over the phone? We can do that. How about help creating a resume using your survey data? We can do that, too! Please contact Patrick:
Patrick Davis
Tel. 709-634-5045

The survey provides valuable information on what skills, education and experience exist within our labour market. It also helps us identify any gaps for future programming!
We’re also mailing a $25.00 gift card to all registered members of Qalipu First Nation who are 15 and older to say thank you for taking the time to complete the survey! A $40.00 gift card will be mailed to you 10 months after you completed your survey if you provide us with an update. Contact our office to determine when you’re eligible for provide an update.
Contact Information:
If you’re retired, your survey will help us determine what sectors need workers, and what training or skills you needed to complete your job.
If you’re unemployed, your survey can help us help you get back to work! We can match your skills to jobs, or help us determine what kind of training, programs or funding we can offer to assist you!
All collected information is confidential. The database is stored on a secure server that requires login credentials and two-factor authentication.
You can complete the survey online by visiting this link: Labour Market Survey and Skills Inventory (indigenouslmi.ca)
You can also complete the survey through telephone, or a hard copy of the survey can be mailed to you!
Please contact our office to ensure your survey was received. We do receive a very high volume of surveys regularly so please continue to be patient while we continue to mail out gift cards. You can e-mail or call our office with your name, date of birth and mailing address for an update.
Contact Information:
The survey is quite long but gives us so much valuable information that will benefit our membership. The time it takes to complete the survey will vary depending on your work experience, education etc. Generally, it can take 20-30 minutes.