YSEP Applications 2025

Youth Summer Employment Program (YSEP)


Qalipu First Nation is seeking applications from organizations who are interested in our Youth Summer Employment Program (YSEP).


Education & Training administers a number of education, training and employment initiatives. One of these initiatives is the Youth Summer Employment Program (YSEP). The YSEP has been in existence for over 10 (ten) years and was introduced by the Federation of Newfoundland Indians under a funding arrangement with Service Canada. This program has been successful in improving employability skills of Aboriginal youth that will assist them to succeed in the workforce. Additionally, students are provided with tools that will help them advance their education.


Qalipu First Nation is responsible for minimum wage and mandatory employment related costs. If approved, the organization will be responsible for the following:

  • Any expenses over and above wages and mandatory employment related costs
  • The financial management of the student including administration of payroll and any associated income tax documentation
  • Recruiting and selecting a student that meets all of the eligibility criteria and ensuring the student accurately completes the student application and all necessary documentation is submitted to Qalipu First Nation
  • Ensuring student completes a Qalipu Employee Information Form and Banking Information Form before employment begins
  • Providing adequate supervision to the student and ensuring a safe work environment
  • Providing any tools or materials
  • Providing any necessary training
  • Two reports during the student’s employment: one report halfway through their employment and one at the end of their employment;
    • Reports should include: the student’s day-to-day activities and an overview of the student’s performance
  • Ensuring payroll records are submitted to QFN halfway through and at the end of the term
  • Ensuring the summer student completes a survey during the last week of their employment.


To be eligible for summer employment through the ISETP Youth Program, a student:

  • Must be between the ages of 15 and 29 (inclusive);
  • Must be planning to return to full-time studies in September of the current year
  • Must have been registered as a full-time student in the previous academic year; and
  • Be a member of the Qalipu First Nation or Self-Identified Indigenous Person (students are asked to indicate on their cover letter their Indigenous Ancestry)


Please apply as soon as possible but no later than 12:00 P.M. the first Friday of April each year
. To apply, you must fill out the YSEP Employer Application. You must also include a letter of how a summer student would be beneficial to your organization and the community. Applications can be found by clicking here

Please direct inquiries and applications to:

Education & Training Attention:
Yvonne MacDonald

PO Box 460

St. George’s, NL

A0N 1Z0

E-mail: ymacdonald@qalipu.ca

Telephone: 1-709-647-3514

Application Evaluation and Selection Process

Qalipu First Nation will target students living in each of the nine (9) wards: Benoit’s Cove, Corner Brook, Exploits, Flat Bay, Gander Bay, Glenwood, Port au Port, Stephenville and St. George’s.

Applications received by closing time will be screened for completeness. Qalipu First Nation reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to determine whether or not any proposal is complete. If your organization requires more than one (1) summer student, please indicate so under additional information if the job title, description, hourly wage, weekly hours and number of weeks are the same. If you’re seeking more than one (1) student for different positions, you will need to provide an application for each position.

Approvals should be finalized by the end of April . Successful organizations will be notified the following week; however, approvals may continue into June and early July to fill declines. Organizations will then be given until noon on the third Friday of May to recruit and select a student. Student application forms, student resumes and cover letter and student’s confirmation of full-time studies must be received by 4:00 P.M. on the last Friday of May. If more time is needed, please advise Qalipu First Nation immediately. If an approved student declines a placement or terminates early, the organization must notify Education & Training immediately. The organization may NOT fill the position with another student unless granted approval by Qalipu First Nation.

RCMP Summer Student Program-1

RCMP/Qalipu First Nation Summer Student Program

Job Description: The RCMP/QFN Summer Student program was launched in 1999 through the Federation of Newfoundland Indians and has been a great stepping- stone to help students decide in a career in the RCMP is the right path for them.   This 9-week program runs from June to August and includes a training session at the RCMP Headquarters in St. John’s (all expenses paid).   Throughout the summer, Indigenous post-secondary students work alongside the RCMP, supporting their efforts for safe and healthy communities.  Students visit campgrounds, daycares, youth camps, and similar venues to promote safe and healthy communities.  Students give presentations on bike safety, sun and water safety, bullying prevention, and online safety.  They also provide presentations to seniors, attend community events, and assist with administrative tasks at the depot.

Location of Position: Successful applicants are assigned to a detachment within the RCMP jurisdiction near their hometown.

Eligibility Criteria:   Interested   applicants   must   meet   the   following   eligibility   criteria:

  • Have completed high school
  • Be a member of the Qalipu First Nation Band or Self-Identified Person (please note Indigenous ancestry in the cover letter)
  • Be between the ages of 19-29 as of June 30 in the calendar year in which they are applying
  • Currently registered as a full-time student and planning to return to full-time studies after the summer
  • Valid drivers’ licence
  • Not have a criminal record and be successful in the RCMP Screening Process

Salary Scale: $ 16.00 per hour which includes 4% vacation pay @ 40 hours per week for 9 weeks.

Apply: To apply, please complete an RCMP/Qalipu First Nation Summer Student Program Employment Application, attach all necessary documentation (refer to page 3 of the application), and submit your application by mail or e-mail to:

Education & Training RCMP Summer Student Program
Attention: Yvonne MacDonald
PO Box 460, St. George’s, NL A0N 1Z0

Or email to ymacdonald@qalipu.ca

Deadline:  All applications must be received by 4:00 P.M. on the third Friday in January of each year.

Thank you to all applicants who apply; however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
Please click here to view our application