Youth Summer Employment Program 2022

YESP2022 FeaturePhoto

Qalipu First Nation (QFN) Department of Education and Training have reopened employer application for their 2022 Youth Summer Employment Program (YSEP)!

Program Objective
The Youth Summer Employment Program is a partnership between the Government of Canada and QFN that provides Indigenous Youth with an opportunity to gain employment with local employers during the summer months. The aim of this program is to improve employability skills and provide tools that help youth advance their education.

Eligible Employers (Applicants)
QFN accepts proposals/ applications from community organizations who are interested in providing meaningful summer employment to Indigenous Youth. Interested employers must submit a completed YSEP application and attach any required supporting documentation by April 1, 2022. Notification will be sent from Education and Training by the end of April for successful employers.

Join the growing list of employers who are supporting Indigenous students on their journey! Business owners and organizations are invited to apply for a summer student by 4:00pm NDT on Friday, April 1, 2022.

Click here to apply for the Youth Student Employment Program

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