New Executive Elected to Lead Qalipu Cultural Foundation

QCF new exec

An election was held recently to fill vacant positions within the Board at the Qalipu Cultural Foundation (QCF), the Band’s charitable foundation whose focus is on raising funds to support and promote Mi’kmaq culture in the province.

Candace Simon of Stephenville was elected to Chair the group with the support of newly elected Vice-Chair Jennifer Brake Strickland, Secretary Toby Penney, and Treasurer Brittany Pittman.

Other team members include Odelle Pike (Elder and Council Liaison), Lorraine Stone, Mildred Lavers, Sherry Dean, Jeff Young, Nicole Travers (QFN Support) and Tara Saunders (QFN Support).

Candace noted that she was honoured to be chosen to lead. She said, “I am very honoured and humbled to accept the position of Chair of Qalipu Cultural Foundation. I know that this position is a very important one. Our culture and traditions are at the core of our First Nation Band; when we embrace who we are, our potential is magnified and there truly are no limits to what we can accomplish for our communities.”

Candace added thanks and congratulations to outgoing Chair Sherry Dean who will stay on as a volunteer with the Foundation. “I would like to congratulate our outgoing Chair, Sherry Dean, and thank her for all of her hard work and dedication. She is a tough act to follow!”

One of the main objectives of the Foundation is to apply for and fundraise monies that can be distributed to grassroots organizations for community cultural programming. More than $10,000 is distributed annually through the Mi’kmaq Cultural Heritage Program Grant.

Band Chief Brendan Mitchell looks forward to the energy and ideas brought to the table by new volunteers like Candace Simon, while maintaining continuity with those returning members of the board.

“It’s positive to see new volunteers stepping up to share their energy and ideas alongside those who will continue in support of the Foundation. Together, in collaboration with Qalipu, we take on the important job of nurturing our cultural community. We are committed to working collaboratively with the QCF Board on stimulating and supporting cultural growth across all our communities.

Candace noted that the Foundation could always use more volunteers. She said, “Many hands make light work. We invite any interested band members to contact us for more information.”

To contact the Qalipu Cultural Foundation, please visit their website at or contact Candace at