Food & Essential Supplies Relief Fund


Update February 11, 2022
Please click here for announcement of Local Service Groups Providing Food & Essential Supplies


Update February 9, 2022
Action Required from Local Service Groups who put forward Proposals for Qalipu Food & Essential Supplies Relief Fund – Please check your email or voicemails, (as listed in your proposal contact information) if you have not already done so – some Local Service Groups still have not returned correspondence to accept funds being offered by Qalipu First Nation.

Update February 4, 2022

Proposals from local service groups ended January 31, 2022 for Qalipu First Nation (QFN) Food & Essential Supplies Relief Fund. The fund of $135,000 granted through Indigenous Services Canada is to provide a mechanism for grassroots Indigenous organizations and local service groups who are on the ground in their communities to support QFN Members by aiding in local needs of first priority food security and following essential cleaning and preventative protection supplies.


With an evident need across our communities, eighteen (18) proposals were put forward, covering all nine (9) wards of QFN (Stephenville, St. George’s, Port au Port, Flat bay, Corner Brook, Benoit’s Cove, Gander Bay, Glenwood, Exploits). We apologize to our members for a slight delay in the announcement of successful local service groups – the groups must formally confirm their acceptance before their information can be provided publicly.


An announcement of all local service groups will be made next week, where members can then reach out to the service group closest to them and place requests for food and/or essential supply need.

The Qalipu Department of Health and Wellness is pleased to announce a Food & Essential Supplies Relief Fund (FESRF)and invite proposals from local service groups. These local service groups will be amongst the nine (9) wards of Qalipu First Nation (QFN) to address food security and essential supply needs for QFN Members:

  1. Food Security and Food Care Baskets (Priority One)
  2. Cleaning and Sanitation Supplies (Secondary & Compliment Service)
  3. Protective and Preventative Supplies (Secondary & Compliment Service)

Application deadline date is Jan 31, 2022, for grant funding from the Qalipu Food and Essential Supplies Relief Fund program. All services, support, and reports are required to be completed and summited by March 31, 2022. Funding is limited so interested groups are encouraged to apply early.

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