Message from the Chief – May 17th, 2024


We have been closely monitoring news of the devastating wildfires in Fort MacMurray. Our hearts go out to all the residents, families, and workers who are affected by this disaster, and we hope and pray for them as evacuations occur. It is difficult and tragic for people to flee from the place they work and call home, not knowing when they will return, or what they will be returning to. We will pray for the safety of everyone involved, and hope for a quick resolution that sees everyone returning home soon.

For members that are seeking assistance, please remember that you have access to mental health counseling services through your non-insured health benefits. Please contact Susan Bryan, Mental Wellness Navigator by calling 709-679-2238. Members can also contact the housing division to navigate additional emergency relief support by calling Housing Development Officers, Jason Park 709-634-0411, or Paul Brake 709-634-5472.