E-mail services (1)

Notice – Medical Transportation Reimbursement Forms

Did you know that NIHB Medical Transportation Reimbursement Forms can now be sent by email – mtreimbursement@qalipu.ca.

The forms can also be dropped off at Qalipu First Nation office locations listed below:

  • 3 Church Street, Corner Brook, NL
  • 43 Main Street, Stephenville, NL
  • 28 Hardy Avenue, Grand Falls-Windsor, NL
  • 45 Spruce Avenue, Glenwood, NL

Reimbursement Form can be found here: https://qalipu.ca/qalipu/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/MT-20-Transportation-Reimbursement-Form.pdf

If you have any questions, please contact the Manager of NIHB, Melissa Muise by telephone: 709-634-3144 or by email: mmuise@qalipu.ca.

Dec 6

Message from Chief Jenny – December 6, 2024

This past week, we gathered in ceremony to start the term of our newly sworn-in Council.

Joined by our Elders, Chiefs, and friends and family, we were honored to be sworn in by Grand Chief Norman Sylliboy of the Mi’kmaq Grand Council. Our new council came together first for a sacred pipe ceremony led by Elder Mutchie Bennett, grounding us in our shared culture and responsibilities. Our wonderful drummers and dancers graciously lifted our prayers and our spirits, inspiring us and reminding us of the importance of our roles. Members of council were gifted with handcrafted caribou medallions that were beaded by talented artists from all corners of our beautiful island as symbols of the creativity and strength that defines our people.

Our new Council began work right away, spending the next two days in orientation meetings that were dedicated to familiarizing ourselves with each other, our policies, and the work that lies ahead. This time was invaluable for building connections, setting intentions and priorities, and establishing shared goals for the next four years. Among the top priorities are enhancing our visibility and connection to members, improving the efficiency of our meetings, and ensuring we make the best use of our time to deliver meaningful outcomes.

We are excited to support our incredible staff and work together with community partners, government allies, and most importantly, you, our members, to advance the interests of our Nation. Together, we will honor our traditions, we will work to strengthen our communities, and we will continue working tirelessly toward a bright future for Qalipu First Nation.

Qalipu First Nation Chief and Council 2024 – 2028.  L-R: Miranda Osmond, Stephenville Ward Councilor; Frank Skeard, Glenwood Ward Councilor; Ivan White Sr., Flat Bay Ward Councilor; Calvin Francis, Gander Bay Ward Councilor; Colleen Paul, Central Region Vice-Chief; Chief Jennifer (Jenny) Brake; Charles White, Western Region Vice-Chief; Terri Greene, Benoit’s Cove Ward Councilor; Ernest Green, Corner Brook Ward Councilor; Lory Benoit-Jesso, Port au Port Ward Councilor; and Shianne Squires, Exploits Ward Councilor.
Qalipu First Nation Chief and Council 2024 – 2028.
L-R: Miranda Osmond, Stephenville Ward Councilor; Frank Skeard, Glenwood Ward Councilor; Ivan White Sr., Flat Bay Ward Councilor; Calvin Francis, Gander Bay Ward Councilor; Colleen Paul, Central Region Vice-Chief; Chief Jennifer (Jenny) Brake; Charles White, Western Region Vice-Chief; Terri Greene, Benoit’s Cove Ward Councilor; Ernest Green, Corner Brook Ward Councilor; Lory Benoit-Jesso, Port au Port Ward Councilor; and Shianne Squires, Exploits Ward Councilor.
Call for Artists

Request for Proposals: Qalipu Mural Project

Qalipu First Nation is seeking a Qalipu member artist to design a mural that represents QFN and the Mi’kmaq of Newfoundland. The panels would be placed outside on the buildings at 1 and 3 Church Street, Corner Brook.

For submission details and guidelines, visit: https://qalipu.ca/qalipu/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Request-for-Proposals-FINAL.pdf

Deadline for expressions of interest is December 18, 2024, at 4:00pm.


Message from Chief Jenny – November 22, 2024

While in Ottawa this week, I was kindly invited by Senator Marilou McPhedran to attend a breakfast hosted by the National Association of Women and the Law (NAWL) to discuss the epidemic of gender-based violence in Canada. During the discussion, representatives from the Status of Women, Senators and other staff shared research, opinions, and personal experiences regarding both the progress and barriers faced within this area of work.

Regardless of one’s gender, every person deserves to live their lives in peace. To be respected, free of shame and fear.

As we strive for inclusivity, equality, and understanding within our Nation, it is important to acknowledge Transgender Awareness Week and celebrate the diversity within our community and to also honour the experiences of transgender individuals. If we take the time to educate ourselves, we can be strong allies to those who often encounter discrimination and barriers in accessing resources and support. By doing this, we can help to break down those barriers and build a stronger, more inclusive Nation, one where every member feels a true sense of belonging.

By listening, learning, and supporting one another, we can embody the teachings of our ancestors and celebrate the diversity that enriches our Nation.

Related Links:

National Association of Women and the Law: https://nawl.ca/

Department of National Defence: https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence.html

Chief Jenny Brake with Parliamentarians and NAWL staff
Chief Jenny Brake with Parliamentarians and NAWL staff

Swearing-in Ceremony

Pre-registration is now open for the Swearing-in Ceremony of the 2024-2028 Chief and Council. The ceremony is being held at Marble Mountain, Steady Brook on November 29 with the doors opening at 9:00am, drumming and dancing starting at 9:30am and the formal ceremony beginning at 10:00am. There will be space to smudge and light refreshments will be available.

Attendance in-person requires PRE-REGISTRATION and is for MEMBERS ONLY. Members will be required to present a VALID Status Card upon arrival.

To pre-register you can call Allyson at 709-634-5111 or email arobbins@qalipu.ca before the deadline of November 26th at 12:00pm. You must state your name, phone number and band number for your pre-registration in your email or in the event you are sent to telephone voicemail.

Members can view the ceremony’s livestream by logging on to their KINU membership profile: https://mala.qalipu.ca/ginu/login.aspx

Nov 15

Message from the Chief – November 15, 2024

As we make our way through the month of November, also known to some as Movember, a time dedicated to raising awareness for men’s mental health, let’s take a moment to reflect on the importance of culturally relevant health care for our community.

We know that many men face silent battles with mental health. Shame and stigma often prevent folks from seeking help, and western approaches to health care don’t always reflect the spiritual and cultural needs of Mi’kmaq people.

Regardless of culture, our healthcare system must provide culturally safe spaces that support holistic healing and embrace every stage of life, from its beginning to our journey to the spirit world and every moment in between. Patients should never face discrimination or be denied the ceremonies they need during times of vulnerability.

Men’s mental health is not just a men’s issue, it affects families, communities, and future generations. We must continue to push for more resources and supports that reflect who we are as Mi’kmaq people, health care that integrates traditional teachings and guidance from Elders. This isn’t just about health—it’s about respecting identity and committing to true reconciliation.

Reach out to the men in your lives, check on your friends, family and neighbours. Together, we can challenge harmful stereotypes and ensure that seeking help is seen as an act of courage, not weakness.  By advocating for culturally supported health care, we can create safe spaces where our people feel seen and heard. The health and prosperity of our Nation must include everyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation or beliefs, we are stronger together.


Relevant Links:

Qalipu First Nation Non-Insured Health Benefits: https://qalipu.ca/health/non-insured-health-benefits/

Journey of Collaboration: https://nlhealthservices.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/PT_JOC_small.pdf

Health Accord for Newfoundland and Labrador: https://www.healthaccordnl.ca/

RCMP Applications Open for Summer 2025

RCMP/QFN Summer Student Applications are now OPEN!

The RCMP/QFN Summer Student program was launched in 1999 through the Federation of Newfoundland Indians and has been a great stepping- stone to help students decide in a career in the RCMP is the right path for them. This 9-week program runs from June to August and includes a training session at the RCMP Headquarters in St. John’s (all expenses paid). Throughout the summer, students visit campgrounds, daycares, youth camps, and similar venues to promote safe and healthy communities. Students give presentations on bike safety, sun and water safety, bullying prevention, and online safety. They also provide presentations to seniors, attend community events, and assist with administrative tasks at the depot. The Education and Training Department are now accepting applications for the Summer of 2025. Applications can be found here: https://qalipu.ca/qalipu/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/RCMP-QFN-Summer-Student-Program-Application-Revised-October-6-2023-1.pdf

Students can earn $16.00 per hour and must have completed high school, identify as Indigenous (priority given to QFN members), be between the ages of 19-29 as of June 30, hold a valid driver’s license, registered as a full-time student and planning on returning to studies in the Fall, not have a criminal record and be successful in the RCMP screening process.


Notice: NIHB Pre-Approvals

Members who avail of Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) are advised that our offices will be closed for Christmas holidays starting at 4 p.m. on Friday, December 20th and reopen at 9 a.m. on January 6th.

During this office closure time, new pre-approval requests for medical transportation will not be completed. If members wish to have pre-approval bookings for appointments that are scheduled during the holidays until January 13th, it is required that your pre-approval request and all supporting documentation are received prior to 4 pm on December 13th.

Please note that the NIHB medical transportation program is not an emergency service and eligible expenses can be reimbursed by completing a claim form and returning it along with supporting documentation. If you have any questions, please contact the Manager of Non-Insured Health Benefits at 709-634-3144 or email mmuise@qalipu.ca.

NIHB pre-approvals can be emailed to mtpreapprovals@qalipu.ca or call 709-634-3386