newsletter graphic April 9 2024-1-Oct 8

Qalipu Today – 2024 QFN Band Council Election

The 2024 Qalipu Mi’kmaq Band Council Elections are underway! After ten days of the call for nominations opening, its closure on October 2nd came with the announcement of twenty Candidates in the running for positions of council, for Chief, Western and Central Vice Chief, and nine Ward Councilors. Voting for membership will take place electronically by phone or website access, at anytime, beginning October 18th 8:00am and ending October 25th 8:00pm. To learn more about the Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation Band Election, Electoral Officer, Reisha Knott chats with Qalipu Today host, Lenny Benoit.

Listen to the podcast here:

Council Meeting Report sept 21

Council Meeting Report – September 21, 2024

Meeting of Chief and Council

The Qalipu Chief and Council met in Corner Brook on Saturday, September 21 for their regular schedule meeting. This meeting was the last meeting for the current council before the Band Council Election.

Financial Report

With the transition to a new accounting software, there are some delays getting the accounts to balance therefore delays in getting the 2023-2034 fiscal year financial reports completed. The Director of Finance has been working diligently with the auditors to rectify this issue and to have the financial reports prepared. A motion was prepared for the Director of Finance with direction to create a draft financial report for council to review the following day. The motion was carried.

Referendum Question

A briefing note was brought to council at the previous meeting which included some recommended revisions to the Custom Election Rules. These revisions would be asking candidates to provide a Criminal Record Check or Vulnerable Sector Check when running for an election.  At the previous meeting, the motion was not carried as council felt they needed more time for discussion and clarification. The motion to accept the briefing note wasn’t accepted during this meeting either as council felt that there wasn’t enough time before the election as the call for nominations was set for the following week.

Committee Updates

Councilors provided committee updates for Education and Training, Health and Wellness and Environment and Natural Resources. A motion was made to ensure the Department of Natural Resources hire two River Guardians for the Exploits River. All councilors were in favor of this motion.

Band Managers Report

The Band Council Election was set to start the week following the meeting. A motion was made to approve the hiring of the Electoral Officer for the election period. The motion was carried.

Next Meeting of Council

The next regular scheduled meeting will be the first meeting of the newly elected Chief and Council. Date for this meeting is to be determined.

Election 2024-2-Withdrawal

Withdrawal of Western Vice-Chief Nominee

Withdrawal Brian Dicks WVC October 8 2024

A notice has been put forward to the Qalipu Electoral Officer, Reisha Knott on Tuesday, October 8, 2024, at approximately 3:30PM that Candidate Brian Dicks who was in the running for Western Vice Chief has withdrawn his candidacy. As required under Section 22 of the Custom Rules Governing Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation Band Elections the Candidate’s Letter of Withdrawal has been received by the Electoral Officer.

Oct 4 (1)

Message from the Chief – October 4, 2024

October 4th is the National Day of Action for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and Two-Spirit People: MMIWG2S. This day is intended to raise awareness to the violence that Indigenous women, girls, and gender-diverse individuals face. This is a day to remember the lives lost, support the families who seek justice, and to demand action to end gender-based violence in Indigenous communities.

The significance of this day extends beyond remembrance; it is a call for justice. Indigenous women, girls, and Two-Spirit individuals experience violence at rates that are significantly statistically higher than non-Indigenous people. The ongoing impacts of residential schools forced assimilation, and discriminatory policies have created conditions where Indigenous people are more vulnerable to violence, trafficking, and exploitation, as well as addictions, mental health struggles, and increased rates of suicide. Tragedies are far too common, and we must fight for justice. We need to advocate for people who are unsafe, and we need to fix the root problems that create these conditions. Each time a life is lost to a tragedy, the whole community suffers. Just recently, Elsipogtog First Nation in New Brunswick lost Leona Newkinga Simon, a talented artist, beloved soul, and advocate for Indigenous-led mental health services and facilities. We extend our sympathies to her Nation, and we must lean together to offer protection and strength to prevent tragedies such as this that stem from systemic issues left unsolved.

There was a National Inquiry into MMIWG2S, which saw its final report released in 2019. This report issued 231 Calls for Justice aimed at addressing the root causes of violence, including calls for improved policing, justice reform, and the implementation of culturally relevant support services. Lack of adequate response from law enforcement and government systems exacerbate the problems that threaten those that are vulnerable, and many cases of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls remain unsolved or poorly investigated, leaving families without closure. We must add our voices to those who aim to apply pressure for change. On October 4th, communities across the country hold vigils, ceremonies, and marches. As well as honouring and remembering, these events help spread the awareness that is needed to bring about action.

The fight for justice is ongoing. Our province has responded by forming the Provincial Indigenous Women’s Steering Committee, and successfully implemented their proposal for The Provincial Indigenous Women’s Reconciliation Council. The work of this collective of Indigenous women from all over Newfoundland and Labrador is a response to the Calls to Action. Along with the Assembly of First Nations Women’s Council, whose mandate ensures that women’s perspectives inform the work of the AFN, we see that steps are being taken in the right direction. We still have a great deal of work to do, but by listening to the voices of Indigenous survivors, families, and communities, we can seek solutions that are rooted in respect, healing, and empowerment.

We must protect each other and provide a safe path forward for our youth. Together we can ensure there are no more stolen sisters.

Relevant Links:
GoFundMe “In Love of Leona NewKinga Simon”:

Provincial Indigenous Women’s Reconciliation Council to be Established to Support Efforts Related to Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and 2SLGBTQQIA+ People: Provincial Indigenous Women’s Reconciliation Council to be Established to Support Efforts Related to Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and 2SLGBTQQIA+ People – News Releases (

Government of Canada, Missing and Murdered Indigenous women, girls and 2SLGBTQI+ people:

Sept 27 (1)

Message from the Chief – September 27, 2024

The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation is September 30th. This day is new to our calendars—implemented in recent years in response to the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action intended to honour survivors of residential schools and the children who never returned home, and to commemorate the grief and challenges experienced by their families and communities.

We understand the importance of raising awareness, and this is why this day is necessary, but it is also important to be mindful when considering what ‘Truth and Reconciliation’ really means. We must acknowledge hard truths, and we must reconcile the horrible history that was buried for so many years before we can truly move forward. The truth is, the Canadian government did not value Indigenous people, and indeed stripped generations of their languages, their cultures, and their identities. Acts of genocide were meant to destroy and replace Indigeneity—the perpetrators were extremely effective but did not fully succeed. We are still here. True Reconciliation needs to run deeper than making Land Acknowledgements, and we need more than a single calendar day to reflect on traumas of the past. The pain of so many has not passed and is not in the past. It still exists every day.

There has been some progress, and it is a direct result of our own resilience, our determination and the collaboration of Indigenous and non-indigenous people that have been champions for justice; those that have stood together to right the wrongs of a country built on stolen land and unmarked graves.

Our way forward should be one of self-determination and unity with our cousins from all over Turtle Island. Our partnerships and common goals will be the key to real reconciliation. We must work together to become less reliant on those that have been managing our affairs for far too long.

On September 30th, and indeed every day, be proud of who you are and where you came from. Consider our ancestors, the things that have been lost, and everything we are fighting to preserve. Consider your role in where we can go, united together. This is our home on NATIVE land. Let us come together to solemnly commemorate Truth and Reconciliation Day with pride. We cannot change the past, but we can create a future we can all be proud of.


Important Links:

Understanding the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation:

National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation:

Election 2024-2 (2)

Are you considering running in the Qalipu First Nation Band Council Election?

Nominations have opened for the 2024 Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation Band (QMFNB) Election of Chief and Council as of Monday, September 23, 2024, at 8:30am. Nominations close on Tuesday, October 2 at 12:00pm.

For anyone considering running for a position on the Qalipu First Nation Band Council, here is information on some frequently asked questions from membership regarding roles and responsibilities on the various positions of the QMFNB Chief & Council.

What does it mean to be an elected member of the QMFNB Council?

All members of the Band Council are expected to:

  • always consider the best interests and needs of the membership.
  • carry out the business of the nation in a fair, responsible and ethical manner
  • show respect for the traditions and values of the nation
  • act in good faith, putting the interests of the nation ahead of all other groups
  • be accountable to the membership, acting in their role as leaders
  • respect and support the final decisions resolved by the council
  • be prepared to serve the 4 year term, 2024-2028
  • participate in 6 regularly scheduled meetings per fiscal year
  • attend special meetings as called on by the Chief
  • adhere to the Council Code of Conduct
  • abide by the Council Conflict of Interest By-Law and Policy
  • respect the clear separation of the roles of Council and staff
  • participate in ongoing Council orientation and annual governance training

What does it mean to be elected as Chief?

The Chief:

  • represents all members of the Nation and is the spokesperson for Council
  • oversees and protects the integrity and interests of the band and ensures those interests are protected
  • acts on behalf of the council between regular council meetings
  • works with the staff through the Band Manager to ensure that plans and policies are implemented as approved by the Council
  • acts as the chairperson for all council meetings
  • sets the agenda for all council meetings
  • is a member of standing committees and Chairs the executive committee
  • represents the Band on all matters of interest to the Band

What does it mean to be Vice- Chief? (Western or Central)

A Vice-Chief:

  • in the Chief’s absence, is responsible for the Chief’s duties
  • is a members of the Executive Committee
  • has a cooperative relationship with the Chief and the Band Manager.
  • attends public meetings on behalf of the band
    • attends Ward meetings in their respective region; Central Region: Exploits, Gander Bay, Glenwood and for Western Region: Port au Port, Flat Bay, Stephenville, St. George’s, Benoit’s Cove, Corner Brook
  • works with the Chief to help ensure that the integrity and interests of the Band are protected.

What does it mean to be elected as a Ward Councilor?

Ward Councilors are expected to:

  • hold at least 2 ward meetings per fiscal year for members in their respective ward
  • be prepared to serve as Chair or council member of one of the QFN standing committees
  • represent the interests of members from their respective wards
  • help provide the vision, leadership, and direction for the overall governance of the Band
  • help set the long-term goals and objectives for the Band
  • review documents and be fully prepared for meetings of council

Suggested links related to QMFNB Chief & Council Roles and Responsibilities on

Governance Policy

By Laws

Do you have further questions on accessing, submitting, or sending your Nomination Papers?

Reach Electoral Officer:
Reisha Knott

logo contest web banner

Third Annual Logo Contest for the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation

To recognize the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, Qalipu First Nation will once again host a logo contest. This contest is open to both Indigenous and non-Indigenous children in Grades K-12 within Canada.

The logo contest winner will receive a cheque for $250 and items including swag, books and cultural supplies. In addition, the winner’s school will be presented with a donation of $500 towards their school breakfast program.

Contest entries and the accompanying media release form signed by a parent/guardian, must be received by October 9th, 2024 at 4:00pm NST. All entries and media release forms must be scanned and emailed to or mailed to:

Attn: Kellie Clark
Qalipu First Nation
3 Church Street
Corner Brook, NL A2H 2Z4

Click on the link for full contest details:
Media Release Form (PDF)
Full Contest Details (PDF)