Council Meeting Report March 2024-1-Feb15

Council Meeting Report – February 15, 2025

Meeting of Chief and Council

The first official meeting of the newly elected Qalipu First Nation Chief and Council was held virtually on Saturday, February 15th, 2025.

Beothuk Repatriation Committee Appointment

During the last council term, Central Vice-Chief Andy Barker was the QFN representative on the Final Resting Place Committee with the Rooms NL. A motion was put forward to council to reappoint Andy Barker to this committee.

All were in favor and the motion was carried.

Committee Appointments

The first meeting of the newly elected Chief and Council involves the appointment of the Chief and councilors to external committees.

Frank Skeard, Glenwood Ward Councilor will continue his work on the NMCA South Coast Fjords committee. Calvin Francis, Gander Bay Ward Councilor and Ivan White Sr, Flat Bay Ward Councilor were appointed to the MAMKA external committee while Miranda Osmond, Stephenville Ward Councilor was appointed to the Summer Games external committee. The external committee for Off-Shore Wind will be filled by the St. George’s Ward Councilor.

Chief Jenny Brake will sit on several committees within the Assembly of First Nations; the National Fisheries Committee, Economic Development Committee, Chief’s Committee on Charter Renewal and is proxy on the Women’s Committee. Chief Brake is also on the Atlantic Policy Congress Special Working Group, the RCMP Commanding Officers Advisory Committee, and the Provincial Indigenous Women’s Steering Committee with Proxy Vice-Chief Colleen Paul. She is a Canadian Seals and Sealing Network Ambassador and sits on the Atlantic Seal Advisory Committee.

All were in favor and the motion was carried.

Band Council Procedures

The Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation Band Council Procedures has been updated for approval of council.

The updates to this document are to ensure that meetings are conducted in an efficient and respectful manner, ensuring that this new council understands their roles, responsibilities and expectations.

All were in favor and this motion was carried.

Code of Conduct and Ethics

The updated Code of Conduct and Ethics was reviewed by councilors prior to the meeting.

Councilors commented that as elected officials the Code of Conduct and Ethics is holding each other accountable, and they are being respectful of one another, our employees and our members when representing the Nation.

All were in favor and the motion was carried.

By-Election Date for the St. George’s Ward Councilor

During the 2024 election of Chief and Council there was no candidate for position of St. George’s Ward Councilor. All were in favor of the motion to proceed with a by-election for this position.

The call for nominations will be on February 24 at 9:00am until March 4 at 2:00pm.

An election will be called if there is more then one candidate running for the position. Voting will be set to open on March 12 at 8:00am until March 26 at 8:00pm.

We strongly suggest members ensure their mailing and email addresses is correct on their KINU membership profile. If members have any issues or need assistance in updating their information, please contact a QFN office and staff will assist you.

Canada Pension Plan Application

A motion was put forward to council to approve the ‘Application to Cover the Employment of an Indian under the Canda Pension Plan whose Income is Exempt under the Income Tax Act’ which is to ensure that all employees within Qalipu First Nation have the option to take Canada Pension Plan upon retirement.

All were in favor and the motion was carried.

Band Managers Report

The Band Manager provided an update on the 2023-2024 financial statements. The delay in these financials have been due to the implementation of a new accounting software that has caused several challenges, these issues are not uncommon during this process. The new software is now working correctly with additional monitoring tools in place going forward.

Next Meeting of Council

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held in Corner Brook on March 22nd, 2025.

Qalipu - Star - Pink T-Shirt Tag - Business Cards Size - Proof (v2)

Get Your Pink Shirt While Supplies Last

A limited supply of T-shirts featuring this design will be available for sale at our Corner Brook office starting February 17.  The shirts cost $15 each and all proceeds from the sale will be donated to the Janeway Children’s Hospital.


Pink Shirt Day happens annually on the last Wednesday in February, this year on February 26. It began in 2007 when a student in Nova Scotia was bullied for wearing a pink shirt to school. It has since been recognized annually worldwide as a day to stand against bullying.
Pink Shirt Day happens annually on the last Wednesday in February, this year on February 26. It began in 2007 when a student in Nova Scotia was bullied for wearing a pink shirt to school. It has since been recognized annually worldwide as a day to stand against bullying.


Please feel free to download and print this colouring sheet for your kids (or kids at heart!)
Please feel free to download and print this colouring sheet for your kids (or kids at heart!)
scholarship (1)

New Scholarship with FactR Limited

Qalipu First Nation has collaborated with FactR Limited ( to establish a scholarship for students pursuing post-secondary studies in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). This scholarship will be awarded to two member students, each valued at $500.

In addition to the scholarship, the recipients will have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in AI/ML software solutions development and delivery through a potential work placement at FactR.

Applications for this scholarship is open to Qalipu First Nation high school students that have been accepted into a STEM program at a recognized post-secondary institution.  Preference will be given to students accepted into IT and Software Engineering programs.

The deadline for applications is May 30th, 2025. Scholarships will be awarded by a selection committee, considering the merit of each application taking into consideration grades, career goals and volunteer activities.

Qalipu First Nation would like to send a sincere thank you to the team at FactR Limited for their generous support of this scholarship. Thank you for making a difference to the lives and the future of our Indigenous students.

Click here to complete the application

FactR Scholarship 2025

Feb 10

Message from Chief Jenny – February 10, 2025

As we ease into the second week of February and winter really settles in, we see an uprise in cases of the cold and flu. After a global pandemic, we have all adjusted to new ways of self-care during this time of year, some of us still wear masks, get our flu shots, take extra vitamins and sanitize our hands, but no matter how hard we try to protect ourselves, sometimes we can’t escape it.

Like many, last week I had the displeasure of contracting a nasty flu virus.  That’s why my message is coming to you on a Monday instead of Friday.

I recently heard on CBC radio that the third Monday of January is known as Blue Monday. Apparently back in 2005, a U.K. Travel company, initiated this to boost travel sales. Regardless of the origin, the reality of how January affects some of us coming off the expense of Christmas, having less daylight and enduring our cold temperatures can keep some of us inside, isolated and feeling less like ourselves.

This January was difficult for me and those around me, there was loss of loved ones and sickness, making the term Blue Monday really resonate.

My intention of writing these messages comes from my desire to stay connected, not only share information, but to be open about things that affect us all.

I believe that to be strong as a community, we must take care of each other, to be empathetic and kind. This means checking in on a friend, sharing a meal, and being good medicine for one another.

When we speak of our youth, we often say, “It takes a village”, well, we all need that sense of community to feel supported and valued. Our drum groups, workshops and various gatherings allow us opportunities to come together and thrive in our culture. Our common thirst for belonging and knowledge is what binds us.

I wish you all the physical, mental and emotional strength to be healthy through our coldest season and beyond and thank you for your contributions to “our village”. If you are struggling, we are here for you. If you or someone you know is in need of mental health services, please reach out to our Health and Wellness team. A simple phone call can make all the difference.

Take care,

Chief Jenny

Meeting of Chief and Council

Meeting of Chief and Council

A new date has been set for the first official meeting of the Chief and Council. The meeting will take place on February 15, 2025 at 9:30am in the Qalipu Community Room, 1 Church Street, Corner Brook.

Members are invited to attend the meeting and must register in advance. The deadline to register is Wednesday, February 12th at 4:00pm.
Registration can be completed by contacting Natasha or Allyson:
Natasha – 709-634-6895, email:
Allyson – 709-634-5111, email:

The meeting will be livestreamed for members on KINU. View the livestream by logging into your KINU membership profile:

2024 Recipients

Congratulations to the recipients of the 2024 AllRock Consulting Ltd. STEM Scholarships

The AllRock Consulting Ltd. STEM scholarship was established to support Qalipu First Nation students pursuing a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) program at the post-secondary level. Throughout the duration of this scholarship, three scholarships worth one thousand dollars will be awarded each year.

Congratulations to Ethan Way, Rebecca Fewer and Ethan Edmonds who are the 2024 scholarship recipients. These recipients are all studying engineering and are known for their excellent work ethic and the passion they have to learn & succeed.

The Education and Training department of Qalipu First Nation would like to send a sincere thank you to Scott Allen and the entire team at AllRock Consulting Ltd. for their generous support of this scholarship. Your contribution has provided deserving students with financial assistance as they pursue their academic goals. Your commitment to education and dedication to empowering Indigenous students – our future leaders – will have a lasting and meaningful impact.  Thank you for making a difference!

Message from Chief Jenny – January 17, 2025

With the recent news of many public officials resigning from their positions, we are all left wondering what our futures look like as Indigenous people in Canada.

The role of a public servant is certainly not for the faint of heart, it comes with the impossible task of pleasing everyone.  Over the years our Nations has benefited and struggled from the efforts of government officials.  When considering the difficult choices that lie ahead when choosing new representation in our colonial government, it is important to recognize not only the challenges of the past, but also the successes.

Social media has allowed us to voice our concerns and share ideas about political topics, but it has also sadly opened dialogue for disrespectful commentary toward those that work hard on our behalf.  Although we all share frustrations about the state of the world, I would challenge us all to consider the good in our lives because of those that have stepped forward to represent us. I am not in any way excusing the inexcusable wrongs of our governments, but I am hopeful as we are seeing more and more Indigenous people taking seats in Ottawa, helping to change the political landscape, making space for our voices to be heard.

We all play a role in our society’s success, whether we stay at home or throw our hats into the political ring. Our future relies on solid leadership, and we must consider our own actions so we can inspire our youth to take on these important roles. We cannot do this if we are creating spaces for hate. Let us do our part by making informed decisions, providing respectful feedback regarding our concerns and contributing to positive dialogue that actions meaningful change.

Regardless of the party, it is ultimately the progress that matters, and progress takes time. If I have learned anything in my role, it’s that Canada still has a lot to learn about how to respectfully work with Indigenous people. Let us keep hope for a future government that genuinely  understands the importance of Indigenous voices in this country and strives for actions that reflect sincere Truth and Reconciliation.

On behalf of Qalipu First Nation, I would like to express my gratitude to everyone in our communities that work hard every day to better our lives, past present and future.