This year’s recipient of the Bernie Hanlon Memorial Scholarship is Julianna Brinston. Julianna is a third-year Biochemistry Nutrition Student at Memorial University in St. John’s. She plans to study Medicine at Memorial once she completes her current program. Her desire to remove inequalities in the Healthcare system have been a driving force in her educational journey.
In Julianna’s application essay she wrote, “As an Indigenous woman in STEM, I hope to break boundaries and become an advocate for the Indigenous community, a group that is all-too often the victims of stereotyping and abuse in the Medical system.”
Julianna’s previous volunteer experience includes House Council Mental Health Representative, First Light Friendship Center, and Ronald McDonald House. She is currently volunteering at Planned Parenthood, is serving as Third-Year Representative of the Biochemistry Society and secretary of Women in Science and Engineering society (WISE).
Julianna says of receiving the award “The Bernie Hanlon Memorial Scholarship is one of the greatest honours I have received in my academic career. It demonstrates that I have achieved one of my lifelong goals to improve my community.”
Bernadette “Bernie” Hanlon dedicated her life to supporting and encouraging the Indigenous people of Newfoundland both culturally and in working with them to meet their educational dreams. Bernie always went above and beyond for her students and tried to help in any way possible through her many years with the Federation of Newfoundland Indians and later with the Qalipu First Nation. Bernie worked tirelessly to help those around her develop personally as well by supporting and encouraging cultural and spiritual growth. The Bernie Hanlon Memorial Scholarship was created to help a client of The Education and Training Department attending college or completing an undergraduate degree to continue to pursue those dreams.