This past week, we gathered in ceremony to start the term of our newly sworn-in Council.
Joined by our Elders, Chiefs, and friends and family, we were honored to be sworn in by Grand Chief Norman Sylliboy of the Mi’kmaq Grand Council. Our new council came together first for a sacred pipe ceremony led by Elder Mutchie Bennett, grounding us in our shared culture and responsibilities. Our wonderful drummers and dancers graciously lifted our prayers and our spirits, inspiring us and reminding us of the importance of our roles. Members of council were gifted with handcrafted caribou medallions that were beaded by talented artists from all corners of our beautiful island as symbols of the creativity and strength that defines our people.
Our new Council began work right away, spending the next two days in orientation meetings that were dedicated to familiarizing ourselves with each other, our policies, and the work that lies ahead. This time was invaluable for building connections, setting intentions and priorities, and establishing shared goals for the next four years. Among the top priorities are enhancing our visibility and connection to members, improving the efficiency of our meetings, and ensuring we make the best use of our time to deliver meaningful outcomes.
We are excited to support our incredible staff and work together with community partners, government allies, and most importantly, you, our members, to advance the interests of our Nation. Together, we will honor our traditions, we will work to strengthen our communities, and we will continue working tirelessly toward a bright future for Qalipu First Nation.

L-R: Miranda Osmond, Stephenville Ward Councilor; Frank Skeard, Glenwood Ward Councilor; Ivan White Sr., Flat Bay Ward Councilor; Calvin Francis, Gander Bay Ward Councilor; Colleen Paul, Central Region Vice-Chief; Chief Jennifer (Jenny) Brake; Charles White, Western Region Vice-Chief; Terri Greene, Benoit’s Cove Ward Councilor; Ernest Green, Corner Brook Ward Councilor; Lory Benoit-Jesso, Port au Port Ward Councilor; and Shianne Squires, Exploits Ward Councilor.