Notice to members: Opportunity to Provide Feedback


Update February 10, 2022
QFN Environment and Natural Resources Department has been notified the UNDERTAKINGS REGISTERED: Lewisporte Waste to Energy Project (Reg. 2181) has been REJECTED by Minister Davis on February 9, 2022. Link

Qalipu First Nation (QFN) Environment and Natural Resources Department have been notified of the


Lewisporte Waste to Energy Project (Reg. 2181)
Proponent: EnviroPower Renewable Development Inc.

This Notice is to Members to take this opportunity to provide their feedback as it relates to their communities.

**Deadline for public comment is February 16, 2022; and, the minister’s decision is due by February 24, 2022. Comments on documents are invited from the public, addressed in writing to the Minister, or by email to and are welcome prior to the deadline date.**