Qalipu Covid Relief Fund

Call for proposals feature image

In a recent meeting of Council, $75,000 were set aside for the providing support to community based Indigenous groups to better support members of the Qalipu First Nation during this difficult time.

The Qalipu COVID Relief Funds will provide Indigenous groups on the island of Newfoundland with a means to help Qalipu members with COVID-19 initiatives. The fund will allocate a maximum of $7,500 per organization for initiatives that will directly benefit the health and well being of vulnerable populations within our membership in this difficult time.

These funds provide a mechanism for grassroots Indigenous organizations on the ground in their communities to target and support vulnerable populations by aiding:

  1. mental health and wellness programs,
  2. personal protective equipment,
  3. personal hygiene products,
  4. food and
  5. vulnerable population essential transportation.

Qalipu First Nation is currently accepting proposals, from organizations interested in receiving up to $7,500 per funding year in grant funding from the Qalipu COVID Relief Fund for projects that are up to 6 months in duration. Funding is limited so interested groups are encouraged to apply early.

The proposal must be submitted by an eligible organization. To qualify your organization must be an established Indigenous organization on the island of Newfoundland, in good standing with the provincial Registry of Companies, and servicing the needs of the members of the Qalipu First Nation in their area.

Proposal Assessment
Proposals will be assessed on the following criteria to determine overall quality and merit.

1. Objectives
What is the purpose of the project? Organizations will need to clearly identify the goal of the project and provide a rationale as to how it will address the identified need highlighted above.

2. Vulnerable Populations
How will projects benefit seniors, youth, or other vulnerable populations in our communities?

3. Cost effectiveness
A budget outlining the project costs must accompany the proposal which supports the project activities and does not exceed the maximum allowed.

The proposal for funding must be received no later than Friday, August 21st, at 12:00 pm NST via mail or email.

Apply by email

Apply by Mail
Qalipu COVID Relief Fund
3 Church Street
Corner Brook, NL A2H 2Z4

Contact us
If you require any further information please feel free to contact Keith Goulding, Band Manager at or via telephone (709) 634-1147.