Qalipu First Nation to Host Virtual Town Hall Focused on Health August 3rd at 7:00 PM

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We are excited to invite you to our upcoming virtual town hall meeting focused on health and wellness in our communities. Your voice matters, and we want to hear your valuable input on the health-related issues that impact us all.

During this interactive event, we will discuss a wide range of topics, including healthcare access, mental health support, housing, food security, and any other concerns that are essential to our well-being. To ensure an inclusive and safe environment for sharing, we are providing an option for anonymous submissions, allowing everyone to participate freely without any reservations.

Your feedback and ideas will play a crucial role in shaping the future of our Health and Wellness Departments’ planning. Together, we can foster positive change and build healthier, happier communities.

Join us on Thursday, August 3rd via the Teams meeting link or Call-in options below.

See you there!

Ways to join the virtual meeting:
Call Toll-free in Canada: (833) 215-3238
Use Conference ID: 660 251 954#


Join from their computer or mobile device online:
Link: Join the QFN Health and Wellness Virtual Town Hall

If this link doesn’t automatically bring you into the meeting, please visit:

Enter meeting ID: 236 725 349 527
Enter meeting passcode: YKSJaB