Two Seats Saved for Indigenous Students, College of Law program at the University of Saskatchewan

NL Law Poster (Twitter)

In June 2018, the Department of Justice and Public Safety announced that the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador will partner with Indigenous governments and organizations in NL and the University of Saskatchewan to help send Indigenous students from this province to law school. The trilateral partnership will improve access to legal education and create new employment opportunities for members of Indigenous governments and organizations.

The University of Saskatchewan has committed to reserve two seats in the College of Law program annually for Indigenous students from Newfoundland and Labrador. The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador will allocate and fund two articling positions with the Department of Justice and Public Safety for those students upon graduation. Indigenous governments and organizations will encourage applicants to apply to law school and fund/identify funding opportunities for educational expenses.

In 2019, will we see the first two Indigenous students enter the program under this partnership?

Applications to the University of Saskatchewan’s law program are being accepted until February 1, 2019. Please click here for more information on admission requirements and deadlines.

Note: The last LSAT test date for applicants is January 2019!

Please help share the word so that Indigenous students have the chance to take advantage of this incredible opportunity.