Through the Education and Training Department, Qalipu First Nation will be launching a new
project: “Kiskajei wjit Espi-kina’muaqn – I am Ready for Higher Studies”. This project is aimed to increase awareness of the Canada Learning Bond (CLB) and Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) to assist our members plan and financially prepare for Post-Secondary.
The Canadian Learning Bond (CLB) is available for children of low-income families up to and including their 15th birthday. Additionally, students transitioning to Post-Secondary between the ages of 18-20 can open an RESP and apply for the Canada Learning Project on their own.
There is no cost associated with opening an RESP, and regular contributions are not necessary to receive the Canada Learning Bond. However, financial limitations apply.
As part of the project, we are pleased to announce that we have a limited number of $500.00 participation bonuses. The bonuses will be available to the first 1000 members of Qalipu First Nation who open an RESP within the program constraints and qualify for the CLB. The participation bonus will be deposited directly into the RESP.
The Project Coordinator will be identifying opportunities for outreach within the 9 Electoral Wards of QFN and focus on supporting families through the process of opening an RESP. Virtual outreach will be scheduled for members who live outside of the wards.
For more information regarding the eligibility requirements, visit:
Or reach out to our CLB Project Coordinator:
Miranda Targett