National Day of Truth and Reconciliation Logo Contest Winner

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Earlier this fall, Qalipu launched its second annual logo contest in commemoration of the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation.  Children in grades K-12 were invited to reflect on the lost children and survivors of residential schools and their families and design a logo that demonstrated their thoughts and feelings about this tragic part of our history as Canadians.

We’re pleased to share that Naoise White, a grade seven student from Corner Brook Intermediate, is the winner of this year’s logo contest.  Naoise will receive a prize of $250, along with cultural supplies and books and a $500 donation to her school breakfast program.  In addition, Naoise will have her winning design featured on orange t-shirts produced by the Band for sale in advance of the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation in 2024.

Naoise shared some details about her design.

“My drawing is about all Canadians being united and being committed to freedom, trust and healing.  The circle represents all Canadians, Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal, living in harmony together. They are strong and united. Their orange shirts show that every child matters whatever their background is. They care and respect the people who went to residential schools.


In the middle of the circle, there is an eagle feather. It is a powerful symbol of connection, freedom, trust and wisdom. Freedom for all Canadians, trust that their lives are equal and wisdom not to allow it to happen again. This is what the feather means for my drawing.


The background is a medicine wheel. It is about health and healing for everyone no matter what. The four parts of the wheel are, physical, mental, spiritual and emotional. This is what my truth and reconciliation drawing is about.”

Congratulations to Naoise and all the children who took the time to participate in this contest and grow their understanding of Truth and Reconciliation.