Healthy Lifestyles Elder and Youth Workshop


The Exploits Native Women’s Association (ENWA) in partnership with the Newfoundland Aboriginal Women’s Network (NAWN) are seeking participants in a six workshop project aimed at Aboriginal seniors in the Central NL area.

Seeking eight seniors (65+) and two youth between (16-20) . The aim of the workshops is to encourage our elders to become involved in our communities and maintain a healthy lifestyle on the four levels important to Aboriginal people: spiritual, physical, intellectual and emotional.

Youth are also sought to participate, in encouragement of that necessary connection between our past and our future.  The workshops are open to both female and male participants.

It is the intention of ENWA and NAWN that the participants have a great deal of involvement in deciding the direction of these workshops.  The first workshop is tentatively scheduled to start June 10, 2017, in Grand Falls-Windsor.

Seats are limited and should interest exceed the number allotted, a fair process will determine the participants.

If you are interested in attending please contact Pat Cameron email address or Marie Eastman email address  or by phone 290-0675. The deadline for submission of names will be June 1, 2017.