On June 20th, Qalipu First Nation and the Norpen Aboriginal Women’s Circle joined Parks Canada to provide a historically and culturally rich Learn-to Camp experience at Port au Choix’s Historic Site. Here, families gathered on grounds steeped in 6000 years of history, to share in a camping experience anchored in the same barren land and rugged coastline, sculpted by the wild and bountiful ocean, that has called people to this space from time immemorial.
As a family of caribou grazed in the distance, people of all ages found themselves immersed in the richness of nature and togetherness, sharing in art, storytelling, food, songs and ceremony. With the setting of the sun, campers gathered in a circle to celebrate new experiences, new friends, and shared moments in this magical place and the sounds of an incredible Learn-to Camp experience could be heard in the singing and drumming carried by the wind.
Parks Canada’s Lean-to Camp program is a nation-wide initiative to provide opportunity for Canadians to engage in a camping experience that connects them to natural and cultural heritage. This has been the first Indigenous focused Learn-to Camp event in the province.