Coin awards
(L-R) DFO Brent Watkins, DFO Area Chief; Paul Pike, Cultural Outreach Officer; Kellie Kerpan, Director of Culture Tourism and Community Development; Wayne Sullivan, DFO Conservation and Protection Supervisor and; Lloyd Slaney, DFO Director of Conservation and Protection

Members of the Qalipu Team Receive Awards, Recognition for their Work Advancing Reconciliation

The Department of Fisheries and Oceans held their annual meeting in Deer Lake this week and concluded the event with an awards ceremony that featured the presentation of the Indigenous Engagement Programs Reconciliation Challenge Coin.  Several members of the DFO team received the award along with Qalipu staff Paul Pike and Kellie Kerpan.

The Reconciliation Challenge Coin was designed as a gift to recognize individuals who have made significant contributions towards the department’s Reconciliation efforts: to be used as an achievement award and to express appreciation.

Kellie and Paul received their award for their work developing The Day of Discovery event which is held annually in partnership between the Qalipu First Nation and Department of Fisheries and Oceans.   The development of the event was led by Kellie Kerpan, Director of Culture Tourism and Community Development and supported by Paul Pike, Cultural Outreach Officer.  During the day-long event community members join DFO and Qalipu staff on the water for a day of learning and cultural sharing.

Congratulations to Kellie and Paul for receiving this award.


“Kiskajei wjit Espi-kina’muaqn” – I am Ready for Higher Studies

Through the Education and Training Department, Qalipu First Nation will be launching a new
project: “Kiskajei wjit Espi-kina’muaqn – I am Ready for Higher Studies”. This project is aimed to increase awareness of the Canada Learning Bond (CLB) and Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) to assist our members plan and financially prepare for Post-Secondary.

The Canadian Learning Bond (CLB) is available for children of low-income families up to and including their 15th birthday. Additionally, students transitioning to Post-Secondary between the ages of 18-20 can open an RESP and apply for the Canada Learning Project on their own.

There is no cost associated with opening an RESP, and regular contributions are not necessary to receive the Canada Learning Bond. However, financial limitations apply.

As part of the project, we are pleased to announce that we have a limited number of $500.00 participation bonuses.  The bonuses will be available to the first 1000 members of Qalipu First Nation who open an RESP within the program constraints and qualify for the CLB.  The participation bonus will be deposited directly into the RESP.

The Project Coordinator will be identifying opportunities for outreach within the 9 Electoral Wards of QFN and focus on supporting families through the process of opening an RESP.  Virtual outreach will be scheduled for members who live outside of the wards.

For more information regarding the eligibility requirements, visit:

Or reach out to our CLB Project Coordinator:

Miranda Targett


Press Release

Qalipu First Nation Welcomes New Band Manager, Charles Pender

CornerBrookCityCouncil20215-Qalipu First Nation is pleased to announce the selection of its new Band Manager, Charles Pender, who will begin working with the Band on Monday, February 27th, 2023. Reporting to Chief and Council, Charles will be responsible for oversight and management of Band business and programs, including the management of Qalipu staff at six office locations.

Band Chief Brendan Mitchell was pleased to see the search for a Band Manager conclude with the selection of a strong candidate.

“We had an independent party complete the initial applicant screening process and preliminary interviews before making their recommendations to the Executive Council. Following this process, I’m pleased that Charles Pender was the chosen candidate. Charles is a lifelong resident of Corner Brook and a strong presence in the community. He has been a leader in the field of education, an active volunteer and twice served terms as the Mayor of the City of Corner Brook. I am confident in his ability to lead our Band in a positive direction.”

Charles graduated from Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUN) with a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Education and from Laval University with a Master’s in Education. He taught at schools around the province before becoming a Director at Grenfell Campus, MUN. Charles has also been a public administrator since 1997. He was twice elected as Mayor of the City of Corner Brook and has served three additional terms on Council.

Charles’ education, work experience and volunteer service have led to strong skills in the areas of change management, project development, negotiation, budgeting, human resources, funding proposals, and social media. He is excited to share his skills working on behalf of band members.

“As a proud member of the Qalipu First Nation, I’m very pleased to accept the position of Band Manager. I am looking forward to working with the Chief, Council, and staff on behalf of all band members.”


Do you Need to Update your Address with Indigenous Services Canada?

Does Indigenous Services Canada have your correct mailing address? As a call-out to those impacted by the Service Members Agreement, some 18,000 letters will be mailed out to the address currently associated with your file. If you’ve moved or changed your address and did not receive your letter, contact Indigenous Services Canada at 1-800-561-2266 to provide your new address and request your letter be resent to the new address.

For more information about the Service Members Agreement please visit

Pink Shirt Day free colouring sheet-1

Download our Free Pink Shirt Design Colouring Sheet!

Please feel free to download and print this colouring sheet for your kids (or kids at heart!)

Pink Shirt Day happens annually on the last Wednesday in February, this year on February 22. It began in 2007 when a student in Nova Scotia was bullied for wearing a pink shirt to school. It has since been recognized annually worldwide as a day to stand against bullying.

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Land Camp March 2023-1

Youth Land-Based Camp

This land-based camp will take place March 3-5 at Max Simms Camp.

Youth will have the opportunity to rediscover what being Mi’kmaw means for them as well as earn the ceremonies and their cultural importance. Youth can also participate in sustainable land-based practices.

Registration for youth aged 12-16 is now open and can be accessed by contacting Paul Pike or Terri Humphries.

Paul Pike

Terri Humphries

ILMI cash draw-1

Indigenous Labour Market Survey

The Indigenous Labour Market Information (ILMI) project began in 2018 and is scheduled to continue through 2023. Currently, the ILMI project is being carried out in First Nation communities across Canada, including Qalipu First Nation. The project is funded by Employment & Service Development Canada (ESDC) and is maintained and supported by Aboriginal Employment Services Inc. (AES).

The purpose of the ILMI Survey Project is to provide a snapshot of the current labour force in our communities to assist with planning, program development, and identifying issues that need to be addressed. Through Qalipu First Nation, the Education and Training department is attempting to fill this gap by collecting this vital information, with an overall goal of matching community members to meaningful jobs.

Please see below for a link to the survey, the survey is open to all registered Qalipu First Nation members, 15 years and older, regardless of their current employment status or location.

All registered members of Qalipu First Nation aged fifteen and older who complete this survey will receive a $25.00 gift card.

To complete the ILMI Survey, click here: