BIRD Construction scholarship wionner

Bird Heavy Civil Ltd. Indigenous Scholarship Winner

Our Education and Training department Congratulates James Adey, scholarship winner of Bird Heavy Civil Ltd. Indigenous Scholarship!   Client Service Officer, Ashley Young and Manager of Post-Secondary Education, Kristina Duffy present James with his winnings. The department also extends a thank you to BIRD Construction for their continuous support by offering this scholarship.

Click here to view more Scholarships & Bursaries!

gfw AGA

Annual General Assembly – Central Region – October 3, 2021

Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation Band will hold its Central Region Annual General Assembly (AGA) to discuss the activities of the Band for the fiscal year of 2020-2021. The AGA will be held on October 3, 2021, at 1:00pm in Grand Falls-Windsor, NL at the Mount Peyton Hotel.

Members of the Band are invited to pre-register for the meeting if attending in person. Please be advised that attendance is limited due to COVID-19 restrictions that are currently in place. To pre-register, please call (709) 634-5163 or email

Members are encouraged to tune in to a live stream of the meeting which is accessible through the ginu membership database. If you need help accessing your profile or have questions about how to view the live stream, please contact our Indian Registration Administrator at 709-634-4010 or toll free (Newfoundland only) at 1-855-263-6440.

The Annual Report will be published on our website including our 2020-2021 audited financial statements, copies will be available at the meeting and presented. Annual Reports will also be available at all Qalipu office locations at that time.


Identifying Housing Needs

Qalipu First Nation is committed to identifying and initiating programs and services in support of members current and future housing and accommodations needs. Housing for our People is about our People, placing an importance on our youth, our families, and our seniors to strengthen our community, continue the growth of our culture, and keep us connected to who we are.

Members are encouraged to reach out to:

Housing Development Officer
Travis Hulan
(709) 634-3176

Housing Program Development Youth Intern
Jason Park

Here you can leave you feedback surrounding your current and future housing and accommodation needs. We remind members that when sending an email or a voicemail to ensure you leave your phone number so we can reach back out to you!


Annual General Assembly – Western Region – September 26, 2021

Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation Band will hold its Annual General Assembly (AGA) to discuss the activities of the Band for the fiscal year of 2020-2021. The AGA will be held on September 26, 2021, at 1:00pm in Corner Brook, NL at the Greenwood Inn and Suites. The Central Region AGA being hosted in Grand Falls-Windsor will have its event space, date and time announced at a later date.

Members of the Band are invited to pre-register for the meeting if attending in person.  Please be advised that attendance is limited due to COVID-19 restrictions that are currently in place. To pre-register, please call (709) 634-5163 or email

Members are encouraged to tune in to a live stream of the meeting which is accessible through the ginu membership database.  If you need help accessing your profile or have questions about how to view the live stream, please contact our Indian Registration Administrator at 709-634-4010 or toll free (Newfoundland only) at 1-855-263-6440.

The Annual Report will be published on our website including our 2020-2021 audited financial statements, copies will be available at the meeting and presented. Annual Reports will also be available at all Qalipu office locations at that time.


Message from the Chief – September 2, 2021


I look forward to meeting with our membership during our Annual General Assembly (AGA) scheduled for Sunday, September 26, 2021, to be held at the Greenwood Inn in Corner Brook, NL. This Assembly is an opportunity to provide to our members a review of the activities of the past year and present our year-end financials. The AGA also provides an opportunity for our Council to hear directly from our members. Again, our AGA is being live streamed to enable involvement by members who can’t attend the meeting in person. Separate AGA events are planned in Western and Central Regions.

I wish to take this opportunity to thank our Council members and staff for their support and commitment to Qalipu First Nation (QFN) and our members during the past year and particularly, for their efforts in dealing with the impacts Covid-19 on operations. During 2021, Covid-19 continued to interfere with carrying out normal activities, however, we managed to provide an acceptable service level to our people. We must continue to take the necessary precautions to protect our staff and our members. We will continue to take this Covid reality seriously by following prescribed measures. We must be vigilant given the new Covid variants that are appearing in our Province.

In addressing the impacts of Covid-19, QFN has been able to secure to date, Federal funding in excess of $4.3 Million to support our members. We will continue to lobby Government for additional funds to support current and future needs.

We now approach the end of Council’s three-year term and prepare for a Council election on October 22, 2021. For those Councillors leaving Council and not seeking re-election, I thank you for your service to our people during your term in office and wish you well in your future endeavours.

QFN continues to be an active member of the Assembly of First Nations (AFN). The AFN election this summer established Roseanne Archibald as the new National Chief. I look forward to working with Chief Archibald and our ongoing positive relationship with the AFN both as an AFN member Chief and as the Newfoundland representative on the AFN Chief’s Committee on Emergency Management.

We continue to build on our relationship with the Atlantic Policy Congress Chiefs Secretariat and the Mi’kmaq Grand Council. In the Fall of 2020, Qalipu obtained a seat at the Atlantic Health Partnership for the first time. These are significant milestones in advancing our relationship with other First Nations and associated organizations.

Despite the impediments created by Covid-19, Qalipu has accomplished several new initiatives during the past year. These include the introduction of a Mi’kmaw Language program, construction and official opening of Mikwite’tm Garden to honor Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls and their families, the permanent flying of the Mi’kmaq Grand Council Flag at City Hall and Grenfell Campus in Corner Brook, collaboration with AFN Regional Chief PJ Prosper and Chief Mi’sel Joe of Miawpukek First Nation to create a representative office of the AFN in Newfoundland and support for repatriating Beothuk remains to Newfoundland from the Museum of Scotland. Also, during the past year, Qalipu Council approved a 10-Year Strategic Plan based on input from our membership.

Further to new initiatives, as promised by Qalipu Council in 2018, Qalipu submitted an application to the Federal Fisheries Minister for fishing access for Qalipu members. This application is awaiting approval by the Minister. Additionally, QFN Housing Committee has been working diligently to develop a housing program which can benefit Qalipu Members.

In addition to these initiatives, ongoing Qalipu programs provide $12 million annually for needed health benefits to members and a further $8 million annually in education support for those pursuing post-secondary education and other types of training.

Enrolment in Qalipu continues to be an area of concern for Council. We’ve witnessed too many Founding members and their families impacted negatively with loss of status and former FNI members not having gained the recognition they deserve.

Our conversations with the Government of Canada have led to a potential Agreement which will be put forward and ratified by our membership, pertaining to military personnel, RCMP and veterans of both gaining Founding Membership. We continue to press Government to resume exploratory discussions related to former FNI members as identified in the November 2018 announcement by the Minister of Crown Indigenous Relations.

The urban reserve file is still active and an alternative to establishing an arrangement under the Indian Act is being pursued.

On September 22, 2021, we will celebrate our 10th Anniversary as a First Nation. We’ve accomplished much during our short journey. I thank those who came before us and laid the groundwork and persevered to create the foundation of what QFN is today. We can look forward with optimism about our future.

The next three-year term for Council is expected to see the successful conclusion of outstanding initiatives and will be a period of solid growth. I encourage all of us to work in peace and harmony as we move Qalipu forward together on behalf of our Nation.



Chief Brendan Mitchell

submit your feedback photo

Seeking Comments on Bay du Nord Development Project – Draft EA Report and Potential Conditions

The draft EA Report includes information that sets out proposed mitigation measures for potential effects on Indigenous communities. Your feedback is encouraged – contact our Manager of Environment and Natural Resources at or call (709) 634-1500 – the deadline for comments is September 8, 2021.

You can access the electronic copy of the draft EA Report and the potential conditions on the Canadian Impact Assessment Registry web site. If you wish to leave your comments directly, they can also be submitted here:

The links to the relevant documents:

Draft EA Report



Potential Conditions



Public Notice



Project Page



Bay du Nord_Project Location_Sept 1, 2021

cctd hiring

Our Culture, Tourism, and Community Development Department is Hiring

Qalipu First Nation is seeking a Community Development Officer (Business Development Officer) and an Experience Development Officer (Tourism Development Officer)! Both job postings are for Full Time, Permanent work and office location will be determined based on the geographical region of the successful applicant. APPLY BEFORE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10TH, 2021, AT 12:30 PM. at  QALIPU CAREERS!

Community Development Officer

Experience Development Officer