The word NEWS written in vintage wooden letterpress type in a wooden type drawer.

Qalipu Enrolment Process Update

Reassessment Based on Disability

  • The Government of Canada and Federation of Newfoundland Indians are implementing an initiative to accommodate people:
    whose application for founding membership was denied based on the group acceptance criterion (point system);
  • who had a disability that significantly restricted or prohibited travel for a substantial portion of the period from 2006 and September 22, 2011
  • who were unable, based on their disability to meet the requirements of the point system because of that travel restriction.
    The people affected by this situation received a letter on July 31, 2021, explaining steps to follow to request a reassessment as well as how the enrolment committee will reassess files.


The reassessment is based on the following scenarios:

  • Scenario A: Your disability significantly restricted or prohibited from travel for much of the period from 2006 to September 22, 2011.
  • Scenario B: Your disability required you to move from in or around one of the 67 geographic locations of the Mi’kmaq Group of Indians on the island of Newfoundland to accommodate your disability within the period from 2006 to September 22, 2011.
  • Scenario C: Your disability required you to move from elsewhere on the island of Newfoundland to accommodate your disability within the period from 2006 to September 22, 2011.

If one of the above scenarios applies to you and you would like a reassessment, please send us the Disability Declaration form completed by a medical provider and all documentation supporting your request. For details on what documents are required as well as the list of acceptable communities, please visit the instructions page of the Disability Declaration form.

In order for your application to be reassessed, your application must be sent and postmarked no later than September 14, 2021. Any request for reassessment received after the deadline will not be considered by the enrolment committee.

If you have any questions, please call the Government of Canada’s Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation toll-free line (1-800-561-2266; TTY: 1-800-465-7735).

Quick link to print the Disability Declaration form:

Quick link to print the instructions for the Disability Declaration form:

tourism zoom session

Tourism, Arts and Crafts Development for Indigenous Communities Throughout Mi’kmaw Territory

Join the Conversation Live on Zoom!

Would you like to join in a lively conversation on the subject of art, craft and tourism development in our territory?

If so, please join us on August 16th at 10:00 am to participate in a 1-hour virtual sharing session over Zoom.

Join the Zoom meeting here:

The questions linked below will form the session’s structure; however, all additional thoughts, ideas, and insights are welcomed.

If you are unable to join, please consider answering the questions attached and emailing them back to Qalipu’s Manager of Tourism and Community Development, Angela Brockway at


Questions for: Discussion on Zoom Call

tourism survey

Experience Qalipu Launches Tourism Survey

Experience Qalipu is creating a Strategy to provide direction for growing Indigenous tourism, arts, and crafts development. We would like to hear your thoughts, ideas, and insights to create engaging and meaningful plans to grow together.

Sharing our culture with the world has the potential to strengthen our cultural knowledge and traditions while bringing social and economic benefits to the communities across Mi’kmaw territory.

Please Complete a 10-minute online survey to have your voice heard!


Election Dates Set, Plans Made at Recent Meeting of Council

Qalipu Chief and Council met on July 29th. One item on the agenda was planning for the upcoming Band Council Election which takes place every three years. More detailed news including how and where to file nomination papers, the appointment of the Electoral Officer, and information regarding a helpdesk to support voters who may need assistance with online and telephone voting, will be issued in the coming weeks. For now, here are the highlights:

  • The nomination process, or “Call for Nominations”, will commence on August 30th at 8:30 am and end on September 10th at 12:00 noon.
  • Election Day has been set for October 22, 2021. Voters are reminded that voting, however, takes place over the course of a window of time and votes can be cast between October 14-22 online or over the phone. All votes will be counted and the election will end on October 22.
  • Your voter package will be sent to you in the mail. Please make sure your current mailing address is listed on your ginu membership profile. Click here to submit a form to ensure this is done.
  • Along with voting for your elected representatives, there will also be a referendum vote to ask members if they are in favour of moving from a three-year term in office to a four-year term in office for elected Council. If this is passed with a majority “yes” vote, the changes would not come into effect until following the next election in 2024.
  • All the latest Election related information will be posted to Qalipu’s Voter Information Hub. Find it here:

Your Feedback is Important – Five Year Forest Management Plans – EngageNL and Corner Brook Pulp & Paper

The Minister of Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture is seeking input on the planning, development and use of the forest resources of the province located in planning Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 3, Zone 7 and Forest Management Districts 21 and 22. To submit your direct feedback go to: Five-Year Forest Management Public Consultations | EngageNL

Specifically, for Zone 7 (Districts 9 & 16) surrounding White Bay, extending from Deer Lake in the west to Cat Arm in the north and includes all the Baie Verte Peninsula – see link below or contact our Manager of Environment & Natural Resources at or 709-634-1500. CBPP Zone 7 (Districts 9 and 16) Five-Year Operating Plan (2022-2026) – Environment and Climate Change


Offices Closed August 2nd, 2021

Corner Brook, Glenwood, St. Georges, & Stephenville Qalipu Offices will be closed for the Civic Holiday on Monday, August 2nd, 2021. Grand Falls – Windsor will be open for regular business hours


Lieutenant Governor Judy Foote Visits Mikwite’tm Garden

215304816_523894948824363_5918956762434044540_nIt was a great pleasure to welcome Her Honour The Honourable Judy May Foote Lieutenant Governor of Newfoundland and Labrador for her first official visit to Mikwite’tm Garden. The morning of Friday, July 23rd at 10:30am Qalipu First Nation (QFN) hosted Her Honour Judy Foote and His Honour Howard Foote to the recently opened memorial garden honouring Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, Children, and Two-Spirted.

Many others joined QFN in welcoming the honoured guests including Qalipu councilors, staff, elders, community members, the Mi’kmaq Drumming and Cultural Circle Inc. together with Corner Brook Aboriginal Women’s Association who provided ceremonial prayer, drumming, and a smudge. Respects during the garden visitation shown by attendance also included the Mayor of Corner Brook Jim Parsons, MP Gudie Hutchings, Grenfell University Vice-President Dr. Ian Sutherland, MHA Scott Reid, Minister of Environment and Climate Change Honourable Bernard Davis, Miss Newfoundland and Labrador Claire Hulan-Beck, and Bishop Bart van Roijen.

chief and lgChief Brendan Mitchell was honoured to have Her Honour Lieutenant Governor reach out to make this special request to come visit Mikwite’tm Garden. “Her tremendous compassion for women and children in this province is shown through her many years of involvement and interest. It was an appropriate visit to the garden, and it is a special place for all of us,” Chief Mitchell stated. He further commented that he will be looking forward to their next visit to Qalipu First Nation.

As the gathering to Mikwite’tm Garden came to an end it was evident the connection and understanding of the gardens message shows through to the community and across our province. Reflection in memory, honour, and respect for those Women, Girls, Children, and Two-Spirited lost and the work still left to be done to bring Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples toward reconciliation was a strong message. Bringing all peoples together, Mikwite’tm Garden is a sacred place to seek whatever it is your mind needs – reflection, solitude, remembrance, hope – all are welcome.

PSE Engagement Session August 2021

Have Your Voice Heard for Your Post-Secondary Education with Qalipu

The Department of Education and Training will be conducting a virtual Post-Secondary Engagement Session with Qalipu First Nation (QFN) Post-Secondary Students on Wednesday, August 11th from 6:30p.m. to 8:30p.m.

This session will include engagement around ways to work with post-secondary students to ensure that their concerns and aspirations for Post-Secondary Education Programming are directly reflected in the alternatives developed for the future.

Students will also be joined by guest Carol Spicer, owner of Spicer Facilitation and Learning, who will facilitate the virtual engagement session and to gather feedback.

The virtual engagement session will also provide students with:

  • A brief overview of the current program which will outline items such as eligibility requirements.
  • Intake dates, and how the reimbursement process is conducted.
  • All in attendance will by divided into small break-out rooms to better address what should start, stop and continue happening with the Post-Secondary Student Support Program (PSSSP).
  • A facilitated discussion will be held to identify resources needed to support post-secondary student success within the community

To register for the Post-Secondary Education Engagement Session, follow the link below: (Link to the Teams Meeting will be sent via email five days prior to the event)

Students who attend the event will be entered for a draw to win a prize of a $50 Amazon gift card. Your attendance and interest in this event are much appreciated. Hope to (virtually) see you there!

man having presentation at seminar

Council Meeting – July 29th, 2021

The next regular meeting of Council will be held at 11am on Thursday, July 29th, 2021.

Due to Covid restrictions, the Community Room at 1 Church remains closed to members of the public at this time.

The meeting will be live-streamed for members and can be accessed by logging into GINU at: Ginu login:

Ask Chief and Council a question at the upcoming meeting: