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Community Leaders: Darlene Sexton

Darlene Sexton is a long-standing leader within the Indigenous community of St. George’s and Bay St. George.  She has volunteered in many capacities over the years and has been an invaluable friend and mentor to young people who want to learn about their culture and traditions. 
Marlene Farrell, Chief of the St. George’s Indian Band is one of Darlene’s dearest friends.  She shared some of Darlene’s volunteer history and community involvement. 
“Darlene is the Secretary of the St. George’s Indian Band”, Marlene said, “she helps organize events that we put together including Indigenous Peoples Day activities and the Elders Christmas Dinner.  She leads our group in Medicine Wheel teachings too.” 
Marlene noted that more than that, Darlene is a trusted friend.  They have long been seen side by side through countless moments in their lives as teachers and community leaders. 
Recently, the Indian Cove Women’s Circle held an election and voted in an all new Executive, in part to give women who had been running the group for years a break, and to provide a chance for current leaders to pass on leadership roles and teachings.  
Lori Fillatre, the new Secretary for the Circle commented on Darlene’s leadership.  “She is a past president and secretary and has been involved with the group for years.  Coming into the Circle, into this new role, Darlene made all the difference in inviting us to her home to talk about our new roles and responsibilities.  We all felt so welcome and supported.” 
Lori also noted that Darlene has been mentoring her in learning the Moon Ceremony.  She said, “Darlene was welcoming when I expressed an interest in learning more about the Moon Ceremony teachings.  She responded with willingness and warmth.  She is always available to answer any questions I might have, and she continues to offer encouragement and support.” 
Darlene continues to be an active member of the Indian Cove Women’s Circle while also supporting the Indigenous Education Committee with Qalipu First Nation, volunteering to bring Mi’kmaq cultural education into the classroom with Qalipu’s Education Outreach Program, she’s an Elder with the Elders and Youth Breaking the Silence on Mental Health Project, and she’s a member of the Feather Carrier’s group as well. 
The Feather Carriers are a group of strong community people who have received mental health and cultural support training to promote life by encouraging others to be well and seek support in difficult times.  Darlene certainly carries herself in a way that lets others know she is here for them.  She has a big heart and a kind way with others. 
Darlene taught Mi’kmaw Studies at Appalachia High School in St. George’s, an addition to school programming that was only possible if someone with extensive knowledge was available to teach the content, such as Darlene who gladly did so.  In a school with such a high percentage of children with Indigenous roots, her years spent teaching this program were much appreciated by students, parents and faculty alike. 
Bayview Academy Principal Wally Childs recalls time spent in the school with Darlene.  He said, “She was the inspiration for our powwows that we held.  She was insistent on getting it up and running and poured a great deal of time and effort into organizing them.” 
Childs also noted that Darlene promoted the Mi’kmaq culture every chance she got and pushed for the inclusion of Mi’kmaq in the social studies curriculum. 
He said, “She was a leader who saw the benefits of connecting the school with the community. 
Darlene is married, has two daughters and three grandchildren.  Spending time with family is important to Darlene, as is being an active member of her community. 
Thank your Darlene for your leadership, keep up the great work! 

Community Leader - Bob

Community Leaders: Bob Young

If you’ve ever attended an event with drumming in central it is likely you have seen Bob Young of Grand Falls-Windsor. Bob is an active member of the Exploits Valley Community Group where he served as Vice-President for four years and is now the Director. I have had the pleasure of getting to know him through his association with the group. One thing you will notice immediately about Bob is his kind nature and his passion for his culture.

Bob was born and raised in Grand Falls-Windsor, growing up his family had no idea that his mother was Mi’kmaq. “It was surprising when we all found out,” he said. This realization that a part of his life had been missing set him down a different path. “To learn about my culture meant everything to me,” Bob said.

The Mawio’mi in Central is an event dear to him, Bob was co-chair of the first and second annual Mawio’mi in Grand Falls-Windsor. He said it was an honor to work with Elders from Western who shared their knowledge during this time. Bob played a large part in constructing the first sweat lodge in Grand Falls-Windsor where he took part in some of the very first sweats and learned traditional knowledge from traditional sweat lodge keepers.

To learn all the different aspects of the culture he spends his time learning about medicines, songs, dances, languages, and stories. Through his culture Bob has found a creative outlet for himself, in his spare time you can find him making moose antler necklaces, medicine bags, painting wall plaques, and smudge boxes. I’ve mentioned his kind nature, Bob is also incredibly generous as he gifts a lot of his crafts to his friends and family.

Involving youth in culture is something Bob feels strongly about and works hard towards. He shares with youth any opportunity he can at libraries and schools, I’ve never known Bob to say no to sharing his culture with anyone. With the Exploits Valley Community Group, he shares songs, drumming, language, and other knowledge. He says the reason he likes to share with the youth is “to make sure they have a source to learn their culture for the future of our Mi’Kmaq culture is in their hands.” He wants to see youth work with their Elders from different communities and give their input on community problems as well.

When asked about his vision for the future of Qalipu Bob said, “I hope to see the coming together of the different Mi’Kmaq communities in central to carry on the Mawio’mi”. He would also like to see a new approach to the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal seniors in central.

Bob’s dedication to the rejuvenation of Mi’Kmaq culture in central is commendable, he is a community leader in so many ways. Pride in his Mi’kmaq roots shines through in the things he does for his community.

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Medicine Bag Making Workshop

Medicine Bag Making Workshop for National Indigenous Peoples Day!

The Qalipu Cultural Foundation will provide kits for a medicine bag making workshop to take place on National Indigenous Peoples Day. There are 100 spots available, its free of charge, materials to be mailed out in advance. Follow the link to register by Monday, June 8 !


*Materials will be mailed to participants prior to the event

Pat Cameron

Community Leaders: Pat Cameron

Pat Cameron is originally from Grand Falls-Windsor and currently resides in Point of Bay. Connecting with family members and other Mi’kmaq people keeps her grounded and involved in cultural activities. Pat is involved in her community and brings together people from all over central Newfoundland as president of the Exploits Valley Aboriginal Community Group (EVACG). For Pat being able to freely express her Mi’kmaq culture is not something she takes for granted as she noted that this was not something her grandparents nor parents had the privilege to do.

Aside from being president of the EVACG she is also a member of Newfoundland Aboriginal Women’s Network and Eastern Door, and Past President of Exploits Native Women’s Association and has facilitated Senior’s Workshops, Violence Prevention, and Lateral Violence workshops in the Exploits Valley region.

I had the pleasure of meeting Pat through the EVACG when I started helping with the youth group called Bernie’s Puktew. Involving children in cultural activities is something that Pat strives to do by including them in all the presentations she facilitates and creating new opportunities specifically for youth. Through the EVACG they offer cultural presentations at libraries, schools, multi-cultural events, childcare centers, and senior care homes.

“These sharing sessions are a great learning opportunity for the young’ aboriginal and non-aboriginal students, with the awareness and knowledge they gain, we hope that they will share it with their families and peers,” she explained.

For Pat personally, staying connected to her Mi’kmaq culture means being aware of her surroundings. “I am very interested in vegetation, especially edible and medicinal plants and trees,” she said. In her free time, she collects plants to use in teas and canning. Berry picking is one of her many passions, she also does a number of other aboriginal crafts including, beading, making rattles, sealskin and leather jewelry, she is also a talented painter. Her talents and passion for her culture truly have no end because Pat is also a very talented drummer and singer and she shares this gift throughout the communities in Exploits Valley.

Whenever asked Pat can gather together a few drummers and really showcase beautiful Mi’kmaq music.

The restrictions put in place due to Covid-19 have not slowed her down any; since they have come into play, Pat has been following many tutorials and knowledge sharing videos that she shares with members of EVACG. It was also her idea to share daily gratitude with the group members to maintain a sense of togetherness and positivity through these dark times.

When asked what her vision for the future of Qalipu includes Pat said, “I would like to see Qalipu more visually represented in the public in central. I am looking forward to having larger presence events such as a Mawio’mi or even a pow wow. I would like to see a healing center in central and on the west coast to address all social and health needs for Qalipu members, such as doctors, mental health, legal support, addictions, domestic violence, dental, culturally based programs for all members.”

Pat is the embodiment of what it means to be a community leader. The work she does for Qalipu and her community does not go unnoticed or unappreciated.

Coronavirus COVID-19 - 2019 Cronavirus Disease

COVID-19 Additional Safety Measures Added at Qalipu First Nation

March 16, 2020, Corner Brook—Further to a press release issued on March 13, Qalipu First Nation wishes to advise its membership and other stakeholders that we have added additional safety measures to help prevent unnecessary contact or potential spread of COVID-19 in our communities.  As previously noted, all events, workshops and other gatherings have been postponed, and staff travel has been restricted.

At this time, we wish to advise that our offices will not be open to walk-in traffic or appointments in St. George’s, Stephenville, Corner Brook, Glenwood, and Grand Falls-Windsor.  We will continue to provide a high level of service and encourage our members to contact us by phone or email.  A full list of staff contact and Council information can be found on our website: https://qalipu.ca/about/office-and-e-mail-addresses/

The Council meeting scheduled for March 21 in Corner Brook will proceed as planned however, this meeting will not be open for the attendance of membership.

Additionally, until further notice, our community rooms in Grand Falls-Windsor and Corner Brook will be closed.  If you have reserved this space, you will be contacted regarding this change.

We will continue to monitor updates and update our emergency preparedness plans as needed.  We will advise of all changes impacting our members and the services that we provide.

A newspaper on a wooden desk - Press Release

COVID-19 Precautionary Safety Measures at Qalipu First Nation

Qalipu First Nation wishes to inform its membership and other stakeholders that we will be postponing several scheduled events and restricting out of province travel for our staff until further notice to avoid unnecessary contact or possible spread of COVID-19.

Band Manager Keith Goulding noted that the Band is taking measures to raise awareness and maintain a high quality of service. He said, “We are taking this seriously and we want people to feel safe. To minimize any potential impact on member services, we are reviewing our emergency preparedness plan, as well as increasing awareness among staff about safe practices.”

Qalipu First Nation calls on community members to support our efforts by ensuring they take the safety protocols and COVID-19 recommendations seriously as well. More information, including updates, travel advice, preparedness and prevention, can be found here: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/coronavirus-disease-covid-19.html (https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/coronavirus-disease-covid-19.html)

Please be advised, the following events will be postponed until a later date:

  • Community Engagement: Post Secondary Education Funding, St. John’s Memorial University, Monday March 16
  • Community Engagement: Post Secondary Education Funding, St. John’s Sheraton Hotel Newfoundland, Monday March 16
  • Community Engagement: Post-Secondary Education Funding, St. John’s College of the North Atlantic, Wednesday March 18
  • CCP Community Engagement, Bishop’s Falls Lion’s Club, Thursday March 19
  • CCP Community Engagement, Meadows Town Hall, Tuesday March 24
  • CCP Community Engagement, Lark Harbour Town Hall, Wednesday March 25


Snowshoe donation

QCF Cultural Support Grants – Helping Communities from Workshop to Classroom to Forest

Kikmanaq (our family; our friends) Indigenous Cultural Revival Association (KIRA) received a Cultural Support Grant from the Qalipu Cultural Foundation for a snowshoe building workshop.

Six pairs of the snowshoes that were built at the workshop were donated by the group to Mme. Laite’s Kindergarten classroom at Gander Academy. The snowshoes may also be used around the community as needed. Glenwood Ward Councilor Frank Skeard was on hand to provide some Mi’kmaq language/french/English resources and storybooks to Mme. Laite’s class as well!

Pictured above is Mme. Laite and her kindergarten classroom at Gander Academy along with KIRA representative Jordan Pottle and her daughter Norah.

The snowshoes were put to good use on March 1, 2020 (Indigenous Cultural Day) at Thomas Howe Demonstration forest. To deliver the event, which consisted of a craft demonstration and sale, a guided nature walk, and a campfire, KIRA partnered with the local Women’s Center and with WelcomeNL.

The Mi’kmaq Cultural Heritage Program is an annual grant intended to support Indigenous organizations and groups pass on traditional knowledge or host celebrations that promote Indigenous pride and identity. To learn more, please click here (http://qalipuculturalfoundation.ca/cultural-support-program/)

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Youth Summer Employment Program

Apply for Your Summer Student Today!

Are you a small business owner that could benefit from a little extra help this summer? Qalipu is pleased to offer support by paying student wages in exchange for valuable work experiences for Indigenous students.

Over the years, the Youth Summer Employment Program has been successful in improving the employability skills of hundreds of Indigenous youth.  Skills gained on summer placements help students enter the workplace with the confidence that comes with experience.

Join the growing list of employers who are supporting Indigenous students on their journey.  Business owners and organizations are invited to apply for a summer student by noon on April 3, 2020.

Click here to apply for the Youth Student Employment Program

For more information please contact Employment Coordinator Yvonne MacDonald at ymacdonald@qalipu.ca or call 709-647-3514