
Clarification on Instructions for Returning Mail-in Ballot

It has come to our attention that some members are confused about the process for completing their mail-in ballot.  Please see below for a copy of the instructions that were sent out, with additional information added in red.  We hope this helps! Please let us know if you have any other issues.

20.5 (1)          On receipt of the mail in ballot, the Elector shall mark the ballot with a pen or pencil or any color within the space on the mail in ballot containing the name of the candidate for whom he or she intends to vote.

(2)       After marking the mail in ballot, the Elector shall

(a)   place the marked ballot in an envelope marked “BALLOT”;

(b)    seal the envelope marked “BALLOT”;

(c)   place the envelope marked “BALLOT” in an envelope marked “DECLARATION ENVELOPE”   and containing the following words on the face of the envelope:

I, _________________________________________, hereby declare that this envelope contains a mail in ballot that I have marked.



(d)   Complete all sections on face of envelope marked “DECLARATION ENVELOPE”. (print your name, sign your name, fill in your band registration number (the ten-digit number, starting with 034, found on your Secure Certificate of Indian Status) and your Ward)

(e)   seal the envelope marked “DECLARATION ENVELOPE” and place it in the return envelope; and

(f)   seal the envelope and mail or deliver it to the Electoral Officer.

20.6    All mail in ballots must be received by the Electoral Officer no later than 4:00 p.m. on the day preceding the day before the polling day or otherwise will not be counted.   This means the Electoral Officer must have your ballot received by 4:00 pm on Sunday, October 21st, 2018.

20.7       Your mail-in ballot package includes the Amendment Vote question “Do you agree with the changes to the Custom Rules Governing Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation Band Elections?” and you are asked to mark Yes or No.  For more information on what this means, please visit our website (  Under the tab marked “Election 2018” you will see “Amendment Vote” which contains a complete copy of the amended custom rules, and a summary and Q & A of what the changes mean.

Ballot Initials

Ballot Declaration


Closeup of a pile of mail on doormat

The Deadline to Request Mail-in Ballots is Fast Approaching!

If you intend to vote by mail-in ballot in the upcoming election, request your ballot now!

The latest date by which you can request the ballot is October 9, and you must have your ballot mailed back and received by the Electoral Officer by 4:00 PM on October 21 in order to have your vote counted.

We have made it easier than ever to request your mail-in ballot. Simply click this link to access the application, complete all the required fields and then click send. Your mail-in ballot will then arrive in the mail at the address you have provided.

For more on the Qalipu Election 2018, including details on the Amendment Vote, Polling Locations and Candidates, please visit our website and explore the menu item called “Election 2018”.

vote yes

The Choice is Yours: Members asked to Vote Yes or No on Amendment Vote 2018

Amended Custom Rules Governing Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation Band Elections Now Online

The amended Custom Rules Governing Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation Band Elections are now available on our website. Members will be asked to vote Yes or No to accept these changes via Mail-in Ballots, at the polls October 23 and at the Advance Poll on October 16. Please click here to view the amended Custom Rules.

To view a summary of what this Amendment Vote means, please check out the Amendment Vote Q & A by clicking here.

Mi'kmaq Matters Logo

Mi’kmaq Matters to Host Debate, Electoral Candidates for Chief of the Qalipu First Nation

Mi’kmaq Matters hosts a debate of the three candidates for chief of the Qalipu First Nation this Thursday (October 4) at 6 pm in the main floor lecture room of the College of the North Atlantic on O’Connell Drive in Corner Brook.

Brendan Mitchell, Clyde Russell and Hayward Young will take questions from Mi’kmaq Matters host Glenn Wheeler and from a live audience.

Media plug-ins will be available.

Glenn Wheeler can be reached at 647-280-7968.

Submitted by Richard Collier

Mi’kmaw veteran’s hunger strike to protest removal of his Indian status in its 4th week

“I’m extremely concerned about the situation for veterans and others who have lost their status.  Particularly, I’m concerned about the health of veteran Richard Collier who is currently on day 26 of his hunger strike at his home in Pictou Landing, NS.  This represents a serious situation both for Richard and other veterans who may be considering similar action in support of their cause.

On August 30 I met with Veterans Affairs Minister, Seamus O’Regan, together with three veterans and the provinces’ Deputy Minister of Indigenous Affairs.  This meeting was extremely emotional and heartfelt with a commitment from the Minister to address this issue at the highest levels of government.  However, to this day we still await a response from the Minister regarding our request to have veterans reinstated as members of Qalipu First Nation.

I call on all members of our communities to pray with me for Richard and his cause on behalf of veterans and all those that have lost status.”

-Chief Brendan Mitchell


CBC News, September 26, 2018

Mi’kmaw veteran’s hunger strike to protest removal of his Indian status in its 4th week

Filing folder featuring health benefits tab

Notice: Please Sign up For Electronic Fund Transfer Before New Year

All Medical Transportation Reimbursements are being converted from paper cheques to Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) on January 1, 2019.  All Band members are asked to get ready for this change, and avoid any delay in payment, by completing the  following form:

Please return your completed form to the Band office:

By e-mail to:


Mail to:

Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation Band
ATTN: NIHB Intake Clerk
3 Church St. Corner Brook, NL
A2H 2Z4

For more information about your Non-Insured Health Benefits, please visit our website and follow us on Facebook for information, tips and upcoming events.

Hello I Am a Candidate nametag or sticker announcing you are an applicant for a new job or running for elected office in a voting election

Candidates for the Qalipu 2018 Election

Qalipu First Nation Band Election 2018
Position Candidates
Chief Mitchell, Brendan
Russell, Clyde Thomas
Young, Hayward George
Vice-Chief (Western) Cormier, Keith
Ford, Blain
Greene, Gary
Jesseau, Ron
Miller, Edith
Tobin, Andrew (Andy)
Vice-Chief (Central) Bouzanne, Joe
Drover, Randolph (Randy)
Benoit’s Cove Ward Councilor Greene, Darren
White, Bernard
Corner Brook Ward Councilor Dicks, Brian
McDonald, Bob
Soper, Jeff
Sparkes, Geoffrey
Exploits Ward Councilor Barker, Andrew (Andy)
Bennett, Rod (Blackie)
Flat Bay Ward Councilor


White, Ivan
Gander Bay Ward Councilor


Francis, Calvin
Glenwood Ward Councilor


Skeard, Francis (Frank)
Port au Port Ward Councilor Alexander, Michael Gordon
Benwah, Jasen
Stephenville Ward Councilor Pike (nee Muise), Odelle Marie
White, Gerald (Joe)
Young, Stefan Brennan
St. George’s Ward Councilor Lee, Kenneth
White, Ivan
Social network interface businessman touch button.

Updated Electors’ List with Wards now Online

Please be advised that we have now published an updated version of the Elector’s List to include Electoral Wards.

Please check the list and ensure that you are listed in the correct Electoral Ward as this determines at which polling station you will be eligible to cast your vote, and the candidates for which you will be eligible to vote.

To request a change to the Electors List, please contact Electoral Officer Carol Lahey at or call 709-634-7823.

Remember, you may be listed in an incorrect Ward because you have moved and have not updated your mailing address. To update your mailing address, please contact our Indian Registration Administrator Charmaine Bath at or call 709-679-2142 or toll free (NL only) at 1-855-263-6440.

Please click here to view the Electors’ List

A newspaper with the headline Important announcement

Important Notice Regarding Category Amendments

2,742 individuals who were notified they were not eligible for Founding Membership have maintained registration via an automatic category amendment if they were card holders with a parent on the updated Founding Members list. The letter dated August 31, 2018 confirms you have retained your registered Indian Status under a different category of the Indian Act, you remain eligible for services and benefits and your SCIS card remains valid.

If this situation applies to you, but you did not receive an automatic category amendment, and your card was deactivated, please contact the INAC Qalipu phone line at 1-800-561-2266 and notify the call centre agent of the situation. The agent will create a call back ticket for the Winnipeg Processing Unit and your file will be reviewed.

Please note, this notice does not apply to children of the 5,096 new Founding Members. While children of new Founding Members are eligible for Indian Status under their parent, they will have to apply to INAC in order to be registered.

Mi'kmaq Matters Logo

Mi’kmaq Matters to Host Live Debate of Candidates for Qalipu Western Vice-Chief

Mi’kmaq Matters will host a public debate of candidates for Western Vice-Chief this Thursday (September 13) in the Hutchings Room at Corner Brook City Hall from 6 to 7 pm.

Host Glenn Wheeler will quiz the candidates on their policies, positions and vision for the second largest First Nation in Canada. This free, public event will be aired live on Facebook.

Mi’kmaq Matters is an independent weekly podcast and radio program about the Mi’kmaq people and the Qalipu First Nation.

Glenn Wheeler can be reached at 647-280-7968.