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Qalipu takes on issue of violence and bullying with cultural approach

July 15, 2016, Corner Brook—Dancer of the New Dawn – A Cultural Approach to Violence and Bullying Prevention is a new and unique program being offered by the Qalipu First Nation that has been funded through the Women’s Policy Office. There is still time to register for the two- day program which is set to begin on Friday, July 29.

Brendan Mitchell, Chief of the Qalipu First Nation, acknowledged the importance of working together with partners on this program including the Community Mental Health Initiative, Corner Brook Status of Women’s Council, RCMP, RNC, Western Regional Coalition to End Violence, and Western Health.

He said, “It is through community partnerships and collaboration that we do our best work. When we can all get together behind an important subject, like preventing violence and bullying and educating our youth on what to do if they experience it in their lives, we are better able to accomplish great things.”

Educational sessions to be included in the program will focus on topics such as types of violence, cyberbullying, signs and indicators of unhealthy relationships, the impacts of bullying, safety planning, and building empowerment for young girls. Elders and cultural leaders will also offer Aboriginal teachings which will focus on dance, smudging, talking circles, and more.

Renée Dyer, Manager of Health at Qalipu, added, “Through this program, we hope to empower and educate our youth about violence and bullying, particularly among Aboriginal women and girls. These young girls will learn not only ways to prevent bullying and violence, and about resources available to them, but also get in touch with their Aboriginal history and culture, all while forming new friendships.”

The program will take place over two days: Friday, July 29 and Saturday, July 30 from 9:00am to 4:00pm in the Qalipu Community Room located at 1 Church Street, Corner Brook, NL. The program is open to girls between the ages of 11 and 15 years old (although consideration may be given to interested youth outside of this age group), with priority being given to Qalipu First Nation members who apply.

For more information about the program and to RSVP, please contact Tyler Gallant, Program Coordinator at (709) 634-0996 ext. 244 or by email at


Calling All Young Entrepreneurs

Are you between the ages of 12-29 and interested in turning your hobby or passion into a business venture?  Or maybe you have already started your business. Whether it’s selling traditional art, playing music or providing lawn care, sometimes all you need is support to help your business grow and succeed.

Youth Ventures Newfoundland and Labrador may be the perfect fit for you!

The Humber Youth Ventures program, coordinated this summer by Allison Pittman, Youth Ventures Coordinator, is an opportunity for young entrepreneurs to gain access to free marketing material, mentorship, receive help with business ideas, business planning and fun events.   We are hoping to see our members take part in this wonderful initiative- which will help our next generation prepare for a stronger and better tomorrow!

At the programs conclusion, awards are given to select successful participants of the program and the Qalipu First Nation will partner with Youth Ventures to co-host a Summers-End celebration on Corner Brook’s Majestic Lawn.  Details to be announced on our events calendar on

If you would like more information about Youth Ventures and how to get involved, please contact Allison Pittman by email at or by telephone at 709-639-7755.

More information and the application form for the program can be found on the Youth Ventures website:



Chief Mitchell Receives Eagle Staff at 10th Annual Flat Bay Powwow

Chief Brendan Mitchell was honoured with the presentation of an eagle staff, and ceremonial acceptance of the staff, at this year’s Flat Bay Powwow.  An eagle staff is a symbol of respect and responsibility to the people that is carried by many Chiefs in Canada, including No’kmaq Village (Flat Bay Band Inc.) Chief Liz LaSaga who made the presentation along with Victor Muise, Chairperson of the Powwow Committee.  Chief Mitchell, representing some 24, 000 members, is the first Chief of the Qalipu First Nation to carry such an honour, and also the first to walk alongside other eagle staff carriers in the Grand Entry of any powwow.

In her opening remarks, Chief LaSaga noted that it was a proud moment to have a Qalipu Chief in his rightful place at the Grand Entry, and commented on her pleasure in working with the new Chief.

She said, “I’m so proud that this presentation could be made at the tenth anniversary of our powwow.  The relationship between our community and the Qalipu First Nation since Chief Mitchell took office has been wonderful. We feel very blessed that he is representing our people.  I don’t know if he will ever take on a spirit name but, if he does, I imagine the words wind, peace, ease or breath will be part of that name.  Since he became Chief we have experienced such ease.  He is so good to work with.  He is our friend.”

Part of the presentation included carrying the staff around the arbor and raising it in prayer to each of the four directions, a common theme in Mi’kmaq ceremony.  Chief LaSaga said this was to bless and initiate the staff.  “Until then, it’s just a piece of wood,” she said.

Chief Mi’sel Joe of the Miawpukek First Nation, Victor Muise, Chairperson of the Powwow Committee, Flat Bay Elder Calvin White, Chief Liz LaSaga and Vice Chief Joanne Miles of the No’kmaq Village (Flat Bay Band Inc.) were all on hand to walk around the arbor with Chief Mitchell and raise the staff with him.  Following this ceremony, Chief Mitchell was presented with the staff and he joined other eagle staff carriers at the front line of the Grand Entry.

The staff was provided for by the Powwow Committee and was crafted by local artist Scott Butt.

“I am truly touched and humbled by this honour”, Chief Mitchell remarked following the presentation.  “I will carry this staff with great pride and respect and always remember what it symbolizes, the responsibility to do my best to serve the people that I represent.”

Scholarship Application on a table and dollars.

Scholarship Opportunity for Indigenous Women, July 15 Deadline, Apply Now!

The Helen Bassett Commemorative Student Award is an annual $1000 prize awarded to four young Indigenous women, each of whom is from the four traditional directions (North, East, South, and West) and is currently pursuing post-secondary studies, preferably in law or justice related field. Applicants must also demonstrate a commitment to improving the situation of Indigenous women and youth in Canada politically, culturally, economically, or otherwise.


Click here to view the application form and guidelines

Breaking news

Possible Canada Post Service Disruption

In March, Canada and the Federation of Newfoundland Indians (FNI) announced they will give individuals the opportunity to correct and provide additional documentation in support of their application for review by the Enrolment Committee.

This decision is a result of collaborative efforts between Canada and the FNI to give a broad application to the Foster and Howse court decisions and provide applicants a fair opportunity to demonstrate they should be founding members of the First Nation.

These applicants have received a letter detailing steps they must take for their applications to be reviewed for membership.

Applicants previously deemed invalid who received this letter and are responding to the steps outlined, with a deadline to respond, may be impacted by a potential strike by Canada Post.  Please see below for more information on this subject:

“Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) and the Federation of Newfoundland Indians recognize that a Canada Post strike will have an impact on the July 12, 2016 deadline for applicants whose applications were previously determined to be invalid in the enrolment process. If necessary, we will adjust the deadline. To learn more call INAC Public Enquiries at 1-800-567-9604.” – This message can be viewed at its original location here

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Bernie Hanlon Memorial Scholarship – Apply Now!

Bernie Hanlon Memorial Scholarship

Work Force Qalipu is now accepting applications for the Bernie Hanlon Memorial Scholarship.

Bernadette “Bernie” Hanlon dedicated her life to supporting and encouraging the aboriginal people of Newfoundland both culturally and in working with them to meet their educational dreams. Bernie always went above and beyond for her many students and tried to help in any way possible through her many years with the Federation of Newfoundland Indians and later with the Qalipu First Nation. Bernie worked tirelessly to help those around her develop personally as well by supporting and encouraging cultural and spiritual growth. The Bernie Hanlon Memorial Scholarship was created to help a client of Work Force Qalipu attending college or completing an undergraduate degree to continue to pursue those dreams.

The scholarship is valued at $1,000.00 and will be awarded to the applicant that best embodies Bernie’s passion for our culture and a commitment to academics as well as to their community.

To qualify, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Currently be in receipt of support under the PSSSP
  • Currently enrolled a college diploma or undergraduate degree program and planning to return to school in the fall.
  • Achieve a grade average of B or higher in their program of studies

And answer the following essay question in 500 words or less:

“Using the information provided above, demonstrate how you embody the spirit of Bernie Hanlon.”

Please submit applications to Yvonne MacDonald via email ( by Friday, Aug 5, 2016. Note: all essays must be submitted in PDF format.

businessman working on Desk office business financial accounting calculate, Graph analysis

2015-2016 Audited Financial Statements

Qalipu First Nation recently completed our annual review for the 2015-2016 fiscal year. Chartered Accountants Bonnell Cole Janes have audited our financial operations and provided a report on their findings.

You can access the report here: 2015-2016 Audited Financial Statements

The details of the audited report, along with an overview of all QFN activities for the year, will be presented in full at Qalipu’s upcoming Annual General Assembly (AGA). The AGA will take place on June 25th at the Mount Peyton Hotel in Grand Falls-Windsor, 1:30-4:00.  The auditor will be on hand to answer any questions that you may have.

For members who have questions about the Financial Statements but are not able to attend the AGA, please feel free to contact Jodie Wells, Finance Manager, by email at


2015-2016 Annual Report

The Qalipu First Nation is pleased to share its Annual Report for the 2015-2016 fiscal year.  This report contains the audited financial statement, gives an overview of all activities from the three Departments of Qalipu, as well as provides insight into our Strategic Plan, and the 2015 Election.  It also includes messages from the Chief and CEO, a report from the Federation of Newfoundland Indians, and the Qalipu Business Trust.

The content of this report, and more, will be presented at the upcoming Annual General Assembly.  This meeting, open to all members of the Band, will take place on June 25th, 2016, 1:30-4:00 at the Mount Peyton in Grand Falls-Windsor.  Copies of the report will be available at the meeting.  Members are reminded to bring their Secure Card of Indian Status to register upon arrival.

Click Here to view the 2015-2016 Annual Report


Are you Interested in being a Professional Hunting/Fishing Guide?

Qalipu First Nation, in partnership with Arluk Outfitters, is currently seeking 3 members to participate in a Qalipu/Arluk Guide Initiative.   Up to three individuals who have a keen interest in pursuing careers as professional hunting and fishing guides will be hired.  These individuals will serve as assistant guides and will work under the direct supervision and mentoring of experienced Arluk guides.  We anticipate the work period to extend from mid to late June to mid to late October, 2016 with a minimum of 12 worked weeks.  The normal work week will be Monday-Saturday, 8 hours per day.  During periods when clients are at the lodge, guiding may require more than 8 hours per day.  Rate of pay is $1,000 per week.  Apply by May 11.

Click here for full details


Understanding the Recent Enrolment Update

Excerpt from the Indian and Northern Affairs Canada website regarding the recent update to the Qalipu Enrolment process

“Applications determined to be invalid: In April 2016, the Government of Canada and the Federation of Newfoundland Indians (FNI) announced:

  • Applicants with an application determined to be invalid have an opportunity to correct their applications for review by the Enrolment Committee.
  • The Enrolment Committee will add four members (two from the Government of Canada and two from FNI).
  • The deadline for the Enrolment Committee to review applications has been extended to no later than January 31, 2017. The deadline for the completion of the appeals process is now September 30, 2017.

If you have applied for membership and your address has changed since September 2011, please update your contact information.”

Click here to read more of this information Bulletin which addresses any questions you may have.

For assistance from Qalipu, please contact:

Charmaine Bath (Glenwood Office)
(709) 679-2142
Toll free 1-855-263-6440

Nancy O’Connell (Corner Brook Office)
(709) 634-4010