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Mawita’jik Maljewe’jk 2019

July 25, 2019 Corner Brook—The Qalipu First Nation is pleased to affirm its commitment to honoring the youth voice within our communities through the establishment of a youth seat at the Qalipu Council table.  To facilitate an election for the youth to choose their representative, the inaugural Mawita’jik Maljewe’jk (youth gathering) will be held September 13-15 at West Haven in Pasadena.  This gathering will see three youth, age 16-28, from each Ward brought together to hold an election.

Randy Drover, Central Vice Chief for the Band and Chairperson of the Mawita’jik Maljewe’jk Planning Committee said that one of the Bands core values is respect for the input of all members.  “Empowering our young people to lead and learn important knowledge from their elders is a pillar of success for our First Nation.  It is through listening to all our people that Council can effect positive change.”

This gathering will also focus on connecting youth with elders through cultural teachings; hearing the issues and concerns of youth delegates and; guiding youth to form resolutions to impact change.  The event will include traditional ceremony, teachings, roundtables focused on learning and leadership, drumming, singing and plenty of opportunity to network and enjoy time outside around the campfire.

To register, Click Here


Banded Killifish 2019

The Banded Killifish (Fundulus diaphanous) is a small fish that are generally between the size of a stickleback (a.k.a. pinfish) and a brook trout. They have an olive like color with alternating lighter and darker stripes on their sides stretching from their back to their stomach.  Although banded killifish are found throughout Atlantic Canada and into Manitoba, there are only seven documented locations in Newfoundland and Labrador. Of the seven sites, six are in coastal southwestern Newfoundland, and the other is northeastern Newfoundland.

The lack of information about where the banded killifish are found has presented an opportunity for us to do more research on developing a better understanding of other locations and the habitat preference for the Newfoundland population. During the 2016 field season, Qalipu Natural Resources (QNR) staff discovered banded killifish in a remote, high elevation pond in the Bay of Islands region. This discovery led to an expansion in sampling effort throughout the Bay of Islands region for the 2017 season. The 2018 sampling season went well with the continued survey and monitoring of Banded Killifish in the pond in which they were discovered in 2016. Although our sample size was small, we were still able to learn more about this interesting species. As we observed last year, adjusting our trapping times helped with our trapping success. In addition to this, we also learned about bait preference of banded killifish. After talking with other banded killifish researchers, we learned that banded killifish prefer Ritz crackers over No Name soda crackers.

We are happy with our repeated findings in the Bay of Islands this year and are already making plans for the upcoming season. With the knowledge we have gained from last season, we hope that this upcoming season will be our most successful yet. This year we are planning to continue monitoring where we find banded killifish within the pond, throughout the year. Stay tuned for our next killifish update.

This is an Environment and Climate Change Canada funded project. For More information about Banded Killifish, please visit

Breaking news

Important Notice Regarding Fake Employment Listings with Qalipu First Nation

It has come to our attention that unauthorized persons have listed one or more fake employment opportunities using the Qalipu Band name and logo.

These false listings may be an attempt by malicious parties to collect private information.

To recognize an authentic job posting with Qalipu, look for the apply to address, which we use for all job postings. You can also check our website career page Here. If it’s not on our website, it isn’t our job posting.

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NL Indigenous Tourism Working Group Strategic Planning Session

The NL Indigenous Tourism Working Group has set out to create a 5-Year Indigenous Tourism Strategy in order to mobilize a Provincial Indigenous Tourism Association that will strengthen and support the development and growth of the Indigenous tourism industry in Newfoundland and Labrador.

On June 18, 2019, the Working Group met in Goose Bay, Labrador rolling up their sleeves to plan out the critical elements in establishing Newfoundland and Labrador’s Indigenous Tourism Association (NLITA). The team covered everything from governance and operational aspirations to people, process and budget. It was an intense day with outstanding results, all produced and powered by the group’s knowledge of their communities and passion for preserving culture through tourism.  One of the motivating factors for the team throughout the day was the commitment to champion grassroots tourism, where communities and people will be at the heart and forefront of tourism development in the province. The day concluded with a clear and concise plan on how to mobilize NLITA.

In support of establishing NLITA’s 5-Year Strategy, we want to hear the voices of all Indigenous tourism stakeholders throughout the province, including Indigenous community members, operators and partners. Be part of NLITA’s grassroots movement and have your voice heard by sharing your thoughts with a 15-minute phone interview and/or by taking our 10-minute survey, which could give you a chance to win a $250 prepaid Visa gift card!

Complete our 10-min online survey: Click Here

Sign up for a one-on-one phone interview: Click Here


Council Meeting – July 18, 2019

The next meeting of Council will be held at 10 am on Thursday, July 18, 2019 in the Qalipu Community Room at 1 Church Street, Corner Brook.

To register, please contact Tina Diamond at 634-5111 or email with your Full Name and Band Reg #.

A newspaper on a wooden desk - Press Release

Federation of Newfoundland Indians and Qalipu First Nation Protect the Right to Solicitor-Client Privilege

July 8, 2019 Corner Brook— It is fundamental to the effective operation of the Federation of Newfoundland Indians (FNI) and Qalipu First Nation (QFN) that we receive the best possible legal advice available in order to move forward to achieve the goals of our people and organizations. A recent decision by the Newfoundland and Labrador Supreme Court in Benoit v. Federation of Newfoundland Indians and Her Majesty the Queen of Canada determined that legal advice from our lawyers published on the internet, illegally and without permission, by persons unknown was no longer covered by the blanket of solicitor- client privilege. This issue is of concern to Qalipu First Nation and the Federation of Newfoundland Indians. The Financial Management By-Laws of the Qalipu First Nation Band clearly state in Exceptions to Disclosure, Section 54, that the General Manager, must refuse to disclose information; (b) legal opinions which are subject to solicitor-client privilege.

Such privilege is fundamental protection for individuals and businesses to comfortably seek legal advice outside the public domain. It means that conversations, phone calls, e mails, documents and discussions regarding confidential matters are private between a client and their lawyer. Solicitor-client privilege is an important legal concept that allows clients to trust their lawyers with private information. The Supreme Court of Canada has called it, “a principal of fundamental justice and civil right of supreme importance in Canadian law.” Such privilege is that of the client.

In deciding to appeal the decision of Justice Marshall, FNI/QFN are seeking to preserve a fundamental right necessary to the effective operation of our Band Council. QFN and the FNI must continue to have full and frank discussions with its legal advisors without fear that the information or advice might somehow become available to persons who might not share our stated goals. The appeal of Justice Marshall’s recent decision is limited to this single issue, and that issue only. While the Benoit case, in its initial intent, continues with our cooperation and respect, we are appealing the decision of Justice Marshall regarding our right to maintain the principle of solicitor-client privilege.

As many of you may know, in a previous Benoit decision Newfoundland Supreme Court Justice Jillian Butler required the FNI to communicate to the Minister that individuals named in Benoit remain on the Founding Members List created under the Settlement Agreement. We did as directed by carrying out Justice Butler’s Declaratory Order which required that a letter be written to the Minister demanding that the Plaintiffs in the Benoit Case be maintained as Founding Members. In the letter to the Minister we went further than consideration for the six plaintiffs stating that they were representative of a larger group who lost status and requested that all who lost status be reinstated. We received no reply from the Minister in response to demands. Neither the FNI nor QFM appealed Judge Butler’s decision on the Benoit case. Further, regarding earlier court decisions rendered in favor of the plaintiffs including Foster, House, Wells and Wells and Kennedy, neither the FNI nor QFN appealed the court decisions made in favor of those represented by these court cases and encouraged the Government of Canada to do likewise.

Protecting the principle of solicitor-client privilege, which is the only issue in response to the recent decision by Judge Marshall, is our fundamental right. It appears that at least one group calling themselves “Friends of Qalipu Applicants” is presenting our concern for protection of our solicitor-client privilege in a different and misleading context.

The Band Council of the QFN will continue to move forward to achieve the stated goals of our people and organization and will stand by the collective view that the preservation of the Band’s legal rights is essential to achieving this objective.



From August 6-9 2019, The Royal Newfoundland Constabulary and Qalipu Cultural Foundation are partnering to host the Junior Police Academy at Killdevil Camp.   This camp is designed to create stronger relationships with youth (ages 10-12 years old) and police as well as with other community partners.

Participants will have an opportunity to take part in this fun filled and educational camping experience, where the RNC and partner organizations will foster stronger and healthier relationships between the participants and the police by breaking down historical barriers.  The Junior Police Academy will enhance participant learning on a variety of topics by providing a healthy, active and unplugged environment where they will be educated on the benefits of healthy, responsible decision making. Youth at the camp will receive education on a variety of topics including (but not limited to) healthy eating, decision making and lifestyle choices, bicycle safety, fire safety, environmental sustainability, police investigative techniques and Mi’kmaq cultural awareness.

For youth who attend the camp, transportation will be provided from Corner Brook to Killdevil and return (transportation to and from Corner Brook is the participants responsibility). Transportation can be arranged for pickup and drop off in Deer Lake for those youth and volunteers that are east of Deer Lake (transportation to and from Deer Lake is the participants responsibility).  While at the camp, all accommodations and meals will be provided. Participants will be asked to bring their own sleeping bag, or bedding, and their own clothing.

To facilitate this event, we are currently seeking volunteer chaperons. Volunteers will be responsible for general supervision of youth during the camp. All accommodations and meals will be provided to volunteers while at the camp. Volunteers will be asked to bring their own sleeping bag or bedding and their own clothing.

If you are interested in being a volunteer or are seeking additional information, please contact Nicole Travers.

Youth participant click here for the RNC Junior Police Academy 2019 application

Volunteer Chaperons click here for Volunteer Application

Deadline to apply is July 15, 2019

All participant and volunteer application forms can be submitted to Mitch Blanchard, Resource Coordinator at 3 Church Street Corner Brook, NL or faxed to: 709-639-4706 or via email

Sponsored by:
United Way Newfoundland and Labrador
Communities Foundation of Canada – Canada 150

Male face and eye chart. Eyesight concept

Eye and Vision Care Benefit

Upcoming Changes to NIHB Eyewear Coverage

Did you know that you may be eligible for NIHB coverage for corrective eyewear (glasses and contact lenses)?  NIHB has made changes to the program. You will now have more choices/coverage with the purchase of any type of prescription eyewear.  These rates will be in effect for eyewear ordered on or after June 29, 2019:

Standard Coverage Amount $275 For prescriptions that are less than ±7.0 (minimum prescription strength will continue to apply). This is the most common rate.
High Index Coverage Amount $415 For prescriptions that are ±7.00 or higher.


How often is prescription eyewear covered?

  • How often you are covered for eyewear will not change.
    • Children 0-17 years are eligible once a year;
    • individuals 18 years and older are eligible once every two years;
  • individuals whose prescription changes a lot may be eligible for early replacement of the lenses. However, frequency periods will be changed to a calendar year basis.
  • no change to the policy on exceptions.

Individual in the Atlantic region can contact their regional office for information on applicable rates and about these changes.  Toll-free: 1-800-565-3294, or for more information please visit:

For full details on NIHB eye and vision care benefit please visit: