Please contact the Mental Wellness Navigator, Susan Bryan, at 709-679-2238 or to request a list of counsellors in your region who are registered for direct billing with Qalipu First Nation.

For the most up-to-date information on NIHB coverage and policies, we encourage you to visit the Indigenous Services Canada NIHB Information Page. Please, Click Here to View.

To call and discuss your benefits and services, please contact our NIHB Navigator at 1-855-675-5743 (toll free in Newfoundland and Labrador) 1-709-679-5743 or, please click here for Indigenous Services Canada’s contact information. For mental health navigation inquiries, please contact 709-679-2238

Mental Health Benefits (002)

Non-Insured Health Benefits Program

Health Canada provides eligible First Nations people and Inuit with a specified range of medically necessary health-related goods and services when they are not covered through private insurance plans or provincial/territorial health and social programs.

Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) include prescription drugs, over-the-counter medication, medical supplies and equipment, short-term crisis counselling, dental care, vision care, and medical transportation.


Eligible Recipients

An eligible recipient is someone who is entitled to receive benefits such as vision care, prescription drugs or other benefits or services from the NIHB Program.

An eligible recipient must be identified as a resident of Canada and one of the following:

  • A registered Indian according to the Indian Act;
  • An Inuk recognized by one of the Inuit Land Claim organizations; or
  • An infant less than one year of age, whose parent is an eligible recipient.

When recipients are eligible for benefits under a private health care plan, or public health or social program, claims must be submitted to these plans and programs first before submitting them to the Non-Insured Health Benefits Program.


“Nearest Provider”

As one of the principles of the Canada Health Act, individuals can access any appropriate Medicare service, regardless of the location of that service.    However, NIHB provides a finite range of benefits, and may assist with transportation costs for First Nation individuals to travel to the “nearest provider” of a medically necessary service, when that service is only available outside the person’s local home area.    NIHB does not cover transportation costs for individuals to travel to a service provider located within 35 km of their home.

This is an outline of what NIHB means by the “nearest provider”.    If your family physician or GP refers you to a specialist, NIHB considers the nearest provider to be the specialist who has an office closest geographically to your home, who is licensed in NL for that specialty.

As an example, if a GP refers an individual who lives in Deer Lake (52 km from Corner Brook) to a general surgeon, then the nearest provider is one of the 6 physicians who practise as licensed general surgeons in Corner Brook.   If the general surgeon in Corner Brook sees this individual and considers that they need to be assessed by another  more specialised general surgeon in St John’s, then that is considered by NIHB as a ‘tertiary referral’ and the transportation to St John’s would be covered.   However, if the GP refers the individual straight to a general surgeon in St John’s, then NIHB will only cover transportation costs for the individual to travel to see the nearest general surgeon in Corner Brook.  The same principle applies to all groups of specialists.

If a GP says that you need to see a specialist urgently, the ‘nearest provider’ principle still applies. The GP can communicate with the nearest specialist to explain the urgent clinical situation, since specialists arrange to see clients with urgent needs more quickly than those with less urgent medical needs.  However, an individual may always choose to travel further from their home, rather than see the nearest provider.

The same principle applies to tests, investigations and procedures, since not all hospitals and clinics perform the same range of tests, investigations and procedures.

PLEASE NOTE: Regular dental cleanings have to be performed in a Dental clinic with a dentist on staff. NIHB does not cover independent Hygienist ( Hygienist who have their own clinic). This does not Apply to members who live in Alberta.

FAQ'S Non Insured Health Benefits

Yes, they would cover the remaining expenses if the item is an eligible benefit under NIHB.

It is suggested that you keep your existing Insurance in case NIHB does not cover expenses that are covered by your existing insurance.

When you become a member of a band you are covered with NIHB the entire time of your membership as a Band Member as long as you are living in Canada and have provincial/territorial health coverage.

Insulin Pumps are an eligible benefit and requests for Insulin Pumps are reviewed on a case by case basis.

Only if they are custom made. Due to specific criteria that need to be met by the provider and the prescriber, NIHB should be contacted prior to purchasing custom orthotic shoes to ensure eligibility.

No, you are not eligible to receive benefits through the NIHB program if you are outside of Canada. However, the cost of private health insurance for approved students and seasonal migrant workers may be considered.

Yes if they are prescribed by a Medical Doctor/Nurse Practitioner and if the item is an eligible benefit.

No, not by Health Canada. You may want to contact Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) to see if this is covered through their program. Please contact AANDC at 1-800-567-9604.

Yes, NIHB is a National program across Canada. However, there may be differences in the rates paid due to the various agreements negotiated with the various provinces /territories.

No, coverage of hospital rooms is done through provincial insurance.

Yes, you submit to your private insurance first then submit the remainder amount to the NIHB. The request will be reviewed and eligible benefits may be reimbursed.

Jordan’s Principle Service Coordinator
Brigitte White

Parents can contact the National Call Centre at 1-855-JP-CHILD (1-855-572-4453 – open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week)

Online Resource:

Click here for the Jordan’s Principle Handbook