Message From the Chief – November 9, 2018



I greet you today humbled and thankful that you have chosen me to be your Chief for another term following our election on October 23.  I look forward to continuing to build on projects that were started in my first term including establishment of the Business Park, the pursuit of Indigenous hunting and fishing rights, partnerships, enhanced community engagement and cultural activity, and settling into our place among other First Nations in Canada with the Assembly of First Nations.

I would like to thank all those who were so supportive during election time.  Supporters, friends, and family, thank you for your faith in me and for your encouragement throughout the election and always.

I further offer thanks and congratulations to the newly elected Council: Randy Drover, Central Vice Chief; Keith Cormier, Western Vice Chief; Calvin Francis, Gander Bay; Frank Skeard, Glenwood; Andy Barker, Exploits; Bern White, Benoit’s Cove; Brian Dicks, Corner Brook; Jasen Benwah, Port au Port; Odelle Pike, Stephenville; Ivan J. White, St. George’s and; Ivan White, Flat Bay.  I look forward to working with the new Council in the years to come.

We begin our work together at 9:30 am, November 23, commencing with a Swearing in Ceremony at the Civic Centre in Corner Brook.

We are pleased to share that we will be joined by special guests Assembly of First Nations Regional Chief Morley Googoo, and Miawpukek First Nation Chief Mi’sel Joe.  All our community Chiefs, partners and government representatives have been invited to join us, and an invitation is extended to all of you! We hope to see many of you there as we mark a new beginning, a new chapter for the Qalipu First Nation.

Thank you and blessings for those who have moved on from Council, and to those who put themselves out there as candidates in the recent election.   I hope that you will all stay active in your communities and continue to share your gifts.

I am honoured to have the opportunity to serve our membership as Chief of Qalipu First Nation for the next three years.  I truly hope that our people can be united in the spirit of healing and reconciliation as we go forward to build a better tomorrow together, for our people and communities.


Chief Brendan Mitchell