2021 Qalipu Election – Appointment of Electoral Officer


Qalipu Chief and Council would like to announce to its members that the position of Electoral Officer has been appointed to Carol Lahey. In this role, Carol will administer the upcoming Band Election for Fall 2021 in accordance with the Custom Rules Governing the Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation Band Elections.

Carol Lahey was a Deputy Electoral Officer in both 2012 and 2015 elections and was then appointed Electoral Officer during the last election in 2018. She has become very proficient in her understanding of the Qalipu election process, rules, and procedures. Lahey also brings with her experience working in both provincial and federal elections.

We look forward to another successful election in 2021.

To reach Carol, please email clahey@qalipu.ca or call 709-630-7678

Find a copy of the Election Code here: Election Code

Voters will receive an information package in the mail containing a secure PIN that they will use to vote either online or over the phone:

Question: What can I do to make sure I receive my voter information package in the mail?

Answer: We need your correct mailing address. Please register your current information by completing the Voter Registration Form or by updating your Ginu membership profile on your own