The People of the Dawn Indigenous Friendship Center is currently looking for volunteers to work with seniors in and around our communities for the Helping Hands Program!
They are seeking volunteers to help seniors with things such as: Shovelling snow (once the snow falls), duties around the house, or just come in to the seniors home to spend some time with them, play cards, etc.
The Friendship Centre is also looking for seniors who would be interested in having a volunteer come in to their home and help, or simply spend time with them.
The Centre also hopes to have something at either the Stephenville office or the St. George’s center where seniors can come in, play cards, chat, have some coffee, and volunteers can assist with anything they may need/want there.
Volunteers are required to have a criminal conduct check completed, however, the center will cover the cost of this application for the approved volunteers.
Please click here for the volunteer application form.
For more information, please contact the People of the Dawn Friendship Centre at 709-643-3902 or email