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Membership Information Guide 2nd Edition

An overview of the programs and services available to Band members
Click here to view the Guide

We’re pleased to share that we have updated the Membership Information Guide, originally published in 2018, to reflect the many changes that have occurred within our First Nation since that time.

So, What’s New? A Few Highlights:

We’ve added two new office locations (pg.3) with a presence now in Gander and Stephenville among the six locations that span the territory.  We’re also in Grand Falls-Windsor, Glenwood, Corner Brook (2) and St. George’s.

We’ve changed the way we conduct elections (pg. 4).  In 2018 we held a referendum vote to adopt a new way of voting.  Instead of polling stations and mail-in ballots, online and telephone voting.  The new method would make voting more accessible, less time-consuming, and more cost-efficient.  Over 75% of voters said yes to this change.  In 2021, we held our first online/telephone election with almost double the voter turnout of any previous election!

See page 4 for information on listing an email and mailing address with us to receive your voter PIN for elections and referendums.

We’ve enhanced communications (pg. 6) the Maw-pemita’jik Qalipu’k newsletter has moved to weekly email distribution with a top-news round-up that anyone can sign up to receive.  We’ve increased the frequency of communications with our seniors with regular monthly mailouts, and we’ve added a new program, “Monday Mornings Live”.  This weekly video series is streamed live from our Facebook page sharing news, cultural teachings, language, and history about our people.

We’ve added a Housing Division (pg. 7).  The band recognizes housing as a social determinant of health and wellness.  Lack of housing or poor-quality housing can negatively affect an individual’s physical and mental well-being.  Our overall mission is to increase access to affordable housing and increase overall housing capacity.

We’ve enhanced our focus on Mi’kmaw Language (pg. 10) with the establishment of a language program L’nui-kina’masulti’kw (we are learning to speak Mi’kmaw) and a full-time language facilitator position.

We’ve added to the Health and Wellness Department (pg. 12).  The addition of a Mental Wellness Navigator, Indigenous Patient Navigator and Jordan’s Principle Coordinator are among the staff changes to this group.

Find out more and become familiar with the programs and services available to you as a member of our First Nation by checking out the new Membership Information Guide.

Click here to view the Membership Information Guide

The word NEWS written in vintage wooden letterpress type in a wooden type drawer.

Let’s Talk About Our Housing Needs


Every participant will receive a $20 gift card

We’ve partnered with the Rural Development Network to offer engagement sessions later this month and we would love to see our Band members there! We’ll be set up for several hours at each location but there is no obligation for you to stay the whole time.  Please feel free to drop by for a little while, or a long while.

The purpose of these sessions is to gather information about the housing needs and concerns of our membership.  The information we gather will be used to compile statistics and data that will guide us in program creation and assist in accessing much-needed funds.

Drop by:

August 19th, 11:00 am – 3:00 pm in Gander at the Quality Hotel and Suites
August 20th, 11:00 am – 3:00 pm in Corner Brook at the Glynmill Inn
August 21st, 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm in Corner Brook at the Glynmill Inn
August 22nd, 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm in Stephenville at the Days Inn

Grand Chief visit 2023

Grand Chief Norman Syilliboy to Visit Newoundland, Attend Elmastukwek Mawio’mi

Qalipu First Nation is pleased to share that Grand Chief Norman Sylliboy will visit Newfoundland this summer at the Elmastukwek Mawio’mi at the Blow Me Down Cross Country Ski Club Cross Country Ski Club on August 12th, 2023.  Chief Sylliboy will provide the opening prayer at the Sunrise Ceremony and speak with guests during the morning’s sharing and learning sessions.   This is the Grand Chief’s second visit to the island following an inaugural visit by the Grand Council in 2019.

Sherry Dean, one of the lead event organizers and Qalipu Ward Councilor for Corner Brook is buzzing with excitement about the confirmed visit which came about following an invitation from the Qalipu Chief and Council.

“I just can’t believe we will have the Grand Chief with us for this very special day.  We’re so excited! I’m grateful that Chief Brendan had the courage and the foresight to bring the Grand Chief down for this.    He brought the idea to Council, to invite the Grand Chief and cover the costs.”

Sherry noted that there are many other special guests who will be attending the Mawio’mi as well including Elder Roger Augustine, Elder George Paul, Don Barnaby, Elder Tulley Paul and some of our local Elders as well.

“Dr. Elder Calvin White and Dr. Elder Odelle Pike will be there.  They have both been so supportive since the conception stages of this event a few years ago and they continue to be supportive.  We’re blessed to have such strong Indigenous people in our community who are so supportive and willing to give guidance.”

The morning portion of the day, which includes the Sunrise Ceremony at 6:00 am followed by a free community breakfast, will be largely centered around sharing and learning with special guests, then in the afternoon, there will be a Grand Entry, music, vendors, and dancing.

“This will be our chance to socialize, enjoy our connection to the land and each other.  We will be joined by the Spirit Bay Drummers, The Conne River Youth Drum, and Paul Pike on the flute and we’ll play some recorded music as well.”

Sherry noted that while the Mawio’mi itself is a one-day event, the planning committee has partnered with Grenfell to offer additional events the day before, on Friday, August 11th including talks, workshops, and smudge teachings.  One of the events will be the film screening of the award-winning documentary, You Can Call Me Roger.  The film is based on the life story and lived experience of Elder Roger Augustine who will attend the screening.

Find more details about the Elmastukwek Mawio’mi, and partner events at Grenfell, by visiting their Facebook group.

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A Conversation with Marcus Gosse

Marcus Gosse
Marcus Gosse

Mi’kmaw artist Marcus Gosse has had his artwork featured on the Canadian Mint’s newest limited-edition coin.  The one-ounce pure silver coin which portrays the Mi’kmaq Creation Story, was released today.  Alison Muise, Communications Manager for the Band, reached out to Marcus today to talk about the project.

AM: Well, congratulations to you today! How are you feeling?

MG: I’m pretty happy it was released and it’s out.  CBC just came to my house to do a story, NTV did a story, and I’m going live with Martin Jones on CBC radio at 3:00.  It’s a big day.

AM: And now your First Nation is calling you to talk about it too. (laughter)

MG: Yes, that’s right.

AM: How did you end up with your artwork featured on a coin, Marcus? How did all of this come about?

MG: I was at the Stephenville Mall having a look around when the Canadian Mint contacted me and said Marcus, we were wondering if you’d be interested in designing a coin for us around the Mi’kmaw Creation Story.

AM: They just called you up?

MG: Yes, they said they found me on LinkedIn! They called and said they were looking for a Mi’kmaw artist to depict the Mi’kmaq Creation Story.  They basically said we looked at your art, we found your website and looked at the galleries and the art that represents you.  We’ve seen all your stuff.  We like your style and use of design… they mentioned that they really liked my depiction of the Mi’kmaw star… and then they said, we want you to design this coin.

I was so honoured.  There are a lot of Mi’kmaq artists out there.  To represent Mi’kmaq with a design on this coin, I’m honoured and humbled.  I can’t believe they contacted me.  This is my highest achievement to date.  When they approached me, it was like a lottery ticket.  Of course I said yes.

AM: so you just accepted it on the spot hey? Incredible.  After you got off the phone, did you reach out to anyone? Was there an Elder that you contacted to guide you with this project?

MG: Oh yes, an Elder was very involved in the coins’ design and the way everything was explained with the release of the coin itself.  The Mint consulted Elder Stephen Augustine.  He was I guess the Elder advisor and reviewer. The artistic design is based on his version of the Mi’kmaq Creation Story.

AM: That’s amazing.  What a perfect person to have involved.

MG: Yes, he reviewed and made suggestions throughout the design process.  Once we got to the finalization stages of the project, he joined the team on video calls to actually talk about it.  I shared my interpretation of the Mi’kmaq Creation Story with him and how I came to my design.  He understood where I was coming from and made suggestions to bring more focus to the heart of the story.

AM: Wonderful.  I wish I could talk to him and see what he has to say about it!

MG: There’s a quote from him on the website.  He’s proud of the coin and sharing the story.

Stephen Augustine is Hereditary Chief on the Mi’kmaq Grand Council and Executive Director, Donald Marshall Institute At Cape Breton University.  Here’s what he had to say,


“The minting of a coin honouring the Mi’kmaq Creation Story is truly a recognition of one of Canada’s First Nations’ oral history and oral tradition of storytelling explaining the creation of our Mi’kmaq world. The Mi’kmaq Creation Story has been passed down through the family of Hereditary Chief Stephen J. Augustine whose ancestor, Chief Michael Augustine of the Richibucto Tribe, signed a Treaty of Peace and Friendship on March 10, 1760 in Halifax. The principles and ethical protocols in the Mi’kmaq Creation Story are integral to the peace and friendship treaty-making process as well as Mi’kmaq spiritual ceremonies.”

AM: Other than the media, who have you been hearing from? The Mi’kmaq community must be very excited about this.

MG: Galleries that represent me and carry my artwork have all reached out… Everyone is congratulating me.  I’m proud to give back to the community, be a part of visual storytelling, trying to understand the art and share the beauty of it as opposed to just selling art.  It’s good to show my community and cultural connection.

AM: I know you aren’t the first Indigenous artist to have their artwork featured on a coin, but are you the first Mi’kmaw person?

MG: I’m the first Mi’kmaw person from Newfoundland.  I know Allan Syliboy and Gerald Gloade from Millbrook First Nation have done coins as well and there could be others. But I’m the first from Newfoundland.

AM: Well congratulations once again Marcus.  I’ll share a story on this and the link for folks to buy the coin.  Do you think it will sell out fast?

MG: There are only 5500 of these coins.  The Mint said they are expecting a very fast sell-out of this coin.  Indigenous coins don’t come along very often.  I think they mentioned the last one selling out in a week.

AM: Well, you can bet Qalipu First Nation will have some in our shopping cart before this day is done.  Thank you for taking the time to chat with me today, Marcus.  I’m looking forward to seeing the coin in person.

MG: Thank you and thanks for all the support in the newsletter and the website and everything.  I really appreciate it.

AM: We’re proud of you.  I’m happy to share.  Take care.

MG: N’multes.

Don’t miss your chance to purchase this beautiful new coin! Click here for details: https://www.mint.ca/en/shop/coins/2023/1-oz-pure-silver-coin-generations-mikmaq-creation-story


Marcus' finished artwork before it became a coin
Marcus’ finished artwork before it became a coin
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What We Heard – Community Feedback on the First Round of Engagement for Health Focus Ward Meetings

Ward meeting summary page

  • Mitch Blanchard, Director of Health and Wellness, leads the conversation at the Benoit's Cove Meeting
  • Glenwood Meeting
  • Grand Falls-Windsor Meeting
  • L-R Anne Strowbridge, Ivan J. White, Cora Butt and Mitch Blanchard at the St. George's Meeting. Cora was the winner of the -100 door prize
  • Members of staff were on hand to share resources and answer questions. Pictured here is Susan Bryan, Mental Wellness Navigator
  • St. George's Meeting
  • Stephenville Meeting
  • Stephenville Ward Councilor Hayward Young greets guests at the Stephenville Meeting
virtual health focus meeting-1

Qalipu First Nation to Host Virtual Town Hall Focused on Health August 3rd at 7:00 PM

We are excited to invite you to our upcoming virtual town hall meeting focused on health and wellness in our communities. Your voice matters, and we want to hear your valuable input on the health-related issues that impact us all.

During this interactive event, we will discuss a wide range of topics, including healthcare access, mental health support, housing, food security, and any other concerns that are essential to our well-being. To ensure an inclusive and safe environment for sharing, we are providing an option for anonymous submissions, allowing everyone to participate freely without any reservations.

Your feedback and ideas will play a crucial role in shaping the future of our Health and Wellness Departments’ planning. Together, we can foster positive change and build healthier, happier communities.

Join us on Thursday, August 3rd via the Teams meeting link or Call-in options below.

See you there!

Ways to join the virtual meeting:
Call Toll-free in Canada: (833) 215-3238
Use Conference ID: 660 251 954#


Join from their computer or mobile device online:
Link: Join the QFN Health and Wellness Virtual Town Hall

If this link doesn’t automatically bring you into the meeting, please visit:

Enter meeting ID: 236 725 349 527
Enter meeting passcode: YKSJaB

NAIG 2023

Qalipu First Nation Announces Donation to North American Indigenous Games Athletes

Qalipu First Nation is pleased to announce a commitment of $ 15,000.00 in support of Team NL and the participants from our membership who will participate in the North American Indigenous Games 2023.

Chief Brendan Mitchell noted, “We are very proud of all our athletes, coaches and mission staff who have been preparing for these games.   We wish the youth courage and success as they participate alongside some 5000 other Indigenous athletes representing 26 regions across Turtle Island.   This is the stuff that memories are made of, and it all starts tomorrow right here in Mi’kma’ki!”

The Aboriginal Sports and Recreation Circle NL is thankful for the donation.

“We would like to thank the Chief and Council for supporting sport and recreation opportunities for their Youth. We are looking forward to working with you and all Indigenous peoples in our Province after NAIG in further consultation to a needs assessment we began in 2020. We are your voice and will bring those findings to the governments locally, provincially and federally.  Again, we thank you (Wela’lioq)”

The North American Indigenous Games are the largest Sporting and Culturally significant event that is provided to the Indigenous youth from across North America on the scale of a Pan-Am Games. There are 26 regions that take part, 13 from Canada and 13 from the United States with over 5000 indigenous participants representing all of Turtle Island and its Indigenous people. Team NL represents athletes and coaches from all Nations in NL, Innu, Inuit and Mi’kmaq.

The 10th North American Indigenous Games will host competitions in 16 sports within 21 venues across Kjipuktuk (Halifax), Dartmouth, Millbrook First Nation and Sipekne’katik.  The Games will run from July 15-23 and can be viewed live using this online link: www.youtube.com/@NAIG2023

Meeting of Chief and Council

Council Meeting – July 23, 2023

The next regular meeting of Chief and Council will take place on Sunday, July 23 at the Community Room in Corner Brook.

Members who would like to attend this meeting in person can register by contacting Suzanne at 709-634-5111.

To watch the meeting online, please sign in to your ginu membership account where the meeting will be broadcast in real time.