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Employers: Wage Subsidies Available for Indigenous Summer Students

Qalipu First Nation is seeking applications from organizations that are interested in our Youth Summer Employment Program (YSEP).

This program has been successful in improving the employability skills of Indigenous youth which will assist them to succeed in the workforce. Additionally, students are provided with tools that will help them advance their education.

Please apply as soon as possible but no later than 12:00 P.M. on April 7, 2023. To apply, you must fill out the YSEP Employer Application. You must also include a letter about how a summer student would be beneficial to your organization and the community.

Please note that funds are limited. Employers are encouraged to seek other avenues for student hiring this summer as well.

For more information and the application, click here: https://qalipu.ca/youth-programs/

Qalipu - Star - Pink T-Shirt Tag - Business Cards Size - Proof (v2)

Get Your Pink Shirt While Supplies Last

A limited supply of T-shirts featuring this design will be available for sale at our Corner Brook office starting today!  The shirts cost $12 each and all proceeds from the sale to be donated to the Janeway Children’s Hospital.

For individuals outside the Corner Brook area, please call 634-0996 to place your order and arrange email money transfer.  T-shirts will then be delivered to one of our participating satellite offices at St. George’s, Grand Falls-Windsor, and Gander.  This option is available from February 2nd-10th only.


Pink Shirt Day happens annually on the last Wednesday in February, this year on February 22.  It began in 2007 when a student in Nova Scotia was bullied for wearing a pink shirt to school. It has since been recognized annually worldwide as a day to stand against bullying.

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Message from the Chief – February 1, 2023


It is my pleasure to be the first to share with you our new T-shirt design for Pink Shirt Day, coming up later this month.

The design I’m wearing was inspired by traditional Mi’kmaw art.  The stylized patterns connect like a hug to form the universal symbol for love – the heart.  The eight-sided star points to life, light and bright days ahead.

I invite you all to participate in this annual event and consider what you can do to bring more kindness and compassion into the world, not just on Pink Shirt Day, but every day.


Chief Brendan

Pink Shirt Day happens annually on the last Wednesday in February, this year on February 22.  It began in 2007 when a student in Nova Scotia was bullied for wearing a pink shirt to school. It has since been recognized annually worldwide as a day to stand against bullying.


Get Your Own Pink Shirt

A limited supply of this T-shirt will be available for sale at our Corner Brook office starting on February 2.  The shirts cost $12 each with all proceeds from the sale to be donated to the Janeway Children’s Hospital.

For individuals outside the Corner Brook area, please call 634-0996 to place your order and arrange email money transfer.  T-shirts will then be delivered to one of our participating satellite offices at St. George’s, Grand Falls-Windsor, and Gander.  This option is available from February 2nd-10th only.

-Update- Service Members Agreement

Update: Service Members Agreement

Read on for all the details as shared on the Indigenous Services Canada website.


Former and current members of the Canadian Armed Forces and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police


A service members agreement was developed by the Government of Canada, Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation and the Federation of Newfoundland Indians to establish criteria for accepting former and current members of the CAF and the RCMP as Qalipu founding members based on the special place of honour they hold in the Mi’kmaw culture due to their service as protectors of Canada and their communities. The agreement applies to persons who were part of the enrolment process between 2008 and 2012 but were denied founding membership based on the group acceptance criterion.


The agreement applies to persons who had founding membership under the 2008 agreement and who, on September 22, 2011, were or had been:

  • officers or non-commissioned members of the CAF serving in the Regular Force or the Primary Reserve after completing basic training, including those honourably released


  • serving in the Canadian Rangers, including those honourably released


  • police officers of the RCMP, including special constables and reservists appointed pursuant to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act, excluding those dismissed with cause


  • applicants for founding membership under the 2008 agreement

Those persons will now be eligible to submit documentation proving their service so as to meet the group acceptance criterion. Applicants will still need to meet the self-identification criterion, the connection to a pre-Confederation Mi’kmaq community criterion and the Canadian Indian ancestry criterion, as set out in the 2008 agreement and the supplemental agreement.


Persons denied under the group acceptance criterion can expect to get a letter in January 2023. They will have 45 days from the date of the letter to provide the required documents. The only documents accepted will be those proving service in one of the groups listed under Opportunity. Applicants may want to reach out to the CAF or the RCMP to obtain documents proving their service. The documents provided will be sent to the enrolment committee for assessment and decision. Decisions will be communicated in the summer of 2023 and will provide information on next steps.

Note that if an applicant’s Canadian Indian ancestry was not assessed previously, it will be reviewed from their original application package.

The word NEWS written in vintage wooden letterpress type in a wooden type drawer.

Virtual Mi’kmaw Language Classes

Language Class Poster

Hundreds of students have been making positive advances in reclaiming our Mi’kmaw language since Qalipu First Nation introduced its Mi’kmaw language training initiative L’nui-kina’masulti’kw (we are learning to speak Mi’kmaw). We’re so proud of everyone who has been working to learn the language and we’re pleased to share the next steps and upcoming classes! While our Mi’kmaw Language Facilitator, Dean Simon, is on leave we will continue our learning journey with Michael R. Denny who will be offering beginner and simple conversational lessons starting this week. Classes will begin on January 25, will run on Wednesday evenings online after work hours. New and returning students are welcome and intake will be ongoing until all spots have been filled. Please register here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/XZHLQQP

Please contact Allyson Robbins at arobbins@qalipu.ca if you have any questions.

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Council Meeting – February 11, 2023

The next regular meeting of the Chief and Council will take place on February 11 in Corner Brook in the Community Room at 1 Church Street. The meeting will begin at 9:30 am. Band members are welcome to attend and can pre-register by contacting Suzanne at 634-5111.

This meeting will also be streamed from the ginu membership portal.

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Skills Parachute Program

The Skills Parachute Program is designed to increase the skills of the client and improve their chances of maintaining or gaining employment. The Skills Parachute Program is for short-term courses up to a maximum of 5 days in length and at a maximum cost of $1,500.

Recertification of expired courses may be eligible for support under this program in circumstances where the client is not currently attached to the labour force and requires recertification to increase employability. The Skills Parachute Program will not cover the cost of driver education or hunter education courses.

For courses longer in duration (longer than 5 days but shorter than 12 weeks) and at a maximum cost of $5,000 we also have funding available through a program called “Short-Term Courses Funding Program”

Please note: You must apply for this funding before taking the course, this is not a reimbursement program for courses you have taken without applying for this program.

For more information, please click here https://qalipu.ca/education-and-training/short-term-course-funding-program/ or contact Yvonne at ymacdonald@qalipu.ca