Summer camps- new

Education & Training Summer Camp 2022 For Kids (St. George’s)

Registration for the Education & Training Summer Camps is now open for Grand Falls-Windsor and St. George’s locations! Please note that space is very limited. Approvals will be made on a first come, first serve basis and preference will be given to Qalipu First Nation members. Those who are successful will be contacted in the coming weeks via email.

If interested, please complete the application in its entirety in order to be considered.

All slots for the Grand Falls-Windsor camps are filled and applicants will be waitlisted.

Application can be found here: Qalipu Summer Camp – Qalipu

The word NEWS written in vintage wooden letterpress type in a wooden type drawer.

Request for Proposals – Enterprise Resource Planning System

Through this Request for Proposals (RFP), The Qalipu First Nation (QFN) invites interested and qualified consultants to submit a proposal for the development and supply of an accounting and ERP system.

Proposals should be submitted by Wednesday, June 29, 2022 by 12:30 p.m.


Andrew Simmons
3 Church St.
Corner Brook, NL A2H 2Z4

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Copy of Program Closed

Covid-19 Residential Home Heat & Energy Rebate Program (CLOSED)

Update: June 2, 2022- The deadline to submit applications under the Covid-19 Residential Home Heat & Energy Rebate Program has been reached. Individuals whose applications were successful will be notified by our COVID Support Team.


Due to the overwhelming success of the first random draw in the Fall of 2021, QFN is pleased to offer the Residential Home Heat & Energy Rebate Program for a second time. As a direct result of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and multiple stay at home orders, Qalipu First Nation recognizes that its members have endured and continue to experience financial hardship due to the unexpected rise in the cost of heating and running their homes. To support its membership through these unprecedented times, Qalipu First Nation is pleased to host a random draw to disperse a one-time payment of up to $350 to each successful applicant toward their incurred Home Heat & Energy costs. While all applications will be accepted, priority will be given to those who were not selected during the first random draw in the Fall of 2021. Limited funds are available, the draw will extend until funds are exhausted.

Program Eligibility:

  • Applicant must be a registered member of Qalipu First Nation.
  • Applicants are required to be a resident of Canada for a minimum of (12) consecutive months prior to date of application.
  • Applicants are required to provide proof of Home Heat and/or Energy costs incurred in the form of receipts or invoices from a Registered Home Heat and/or Energy Provider displaying the following:
    • Applicant’s name and full address. Address on application must match service address listed on receipts/invoices provided.
    • The business # or HST # of registered business or show member’s account #.
    • Receipt/invoice(s) total must show a minimum of $350 in Home Heat or Energy charges.
    • Eligible receipt/invoices are required to be dated from the period of January 1st, 2022 – May 1st, 2022.

*Please Note: If the residential heat or energy account is in the name of a non-member spouse or partner, you may still submit your application with that document. However, it will be necessary to provide further documentation to support that you are a resident of that same household. Acceptable verification sources can include but are not limited to: property tax invoices, poll tax invoices, online shopping receipt or shipping confirmations, pay stubs etc. The secondary sources of proof must state the members/applicants name and an address that matches the home heat or energy receipt/invoice submitted. They must be from a registered business.

Application Process:

  • Online Submissions are Required. Click here for the application
  • If unable to access a computer or internet service, QFN encourages members to have a family member or friend apply on their behalf. Phone support will be provided at 709-634-4577 or 709-393-6777.
  • Online application collection will be open for four (4) weeks: May 4th– June 1st, 2022 @ 4:00 pm.
  • Limit of one application per member. Duplicate applications will be removed from draw. In the event duplicate applications are received, QFN will consider the first application received as the valid submission.
  • All applications will require: Name, Accurate Shipping/Mailing address, Street Address (if different from mailing address), Band #, Phone Number and/or email address. Incomplete applications will be removed from draw.
  • While all member applications will be accepted, only one successful applicant per household is permitted. If additional applications are subsequently drawn from the same household, they will be considered ineligible.
  • Direct deposit is the quickest method of reimbursement. Please upload accurate banking information with your application if possible. A mailed cheque is an option but may cause additional delays.

Draw Date & Successful Applicant Contact Process

  • A Random Draw will take place on: June 6th, 2022.
  • Priority will be given to QFN members who were not selected from the previous random draw.
  • Due to privacy concerns a list of winners will not be posted and only successful applicants will be contacted.
  • Reimbursements will be processed after all eligibility requirements have been met.
  • Please allow up to 8 weeks from draw date to receive your reimbursement.
  • It is the responsibility of the successful applicant to report any benefits received under this program to Canada Revenue Agency. Please refer any tax related questions to CRA.

For inquiries contact the COVID support team by telephone:
Melissa – 709-393-6777
George – 709-634-4577
Or by email:

Click here for the FAQ

Click here for the online application

HASP Program Closed

Home Accessibility Support Program (CLOSED)

Update: June 1, 2022- The deadline to submit applications under the Home Accessibility Support Program has been reached. Individuals whose applications were successful will be notified by our Housing Development Team.

Qalipu First Nation (QFN) Housing Division is pleased to launch the Home Accessibility Support Program Monday, April 4, 2022. The Home Accessibility Support Program (HASP) serves to provide financial support opportunities for QFN band members who reside in Newfoundland and Labrador and living with disabilities. While funding for HASP is limited at this time, the collection of data and need for similar programs will be thoroughly assessed during this first launch.

HASP is intended to provide such financial supports toward housing retrofits and modifications to increase accessibility, functionality, sustainability, and longevity, that will ensure a safe and sound standard of living specific to the members needs . Applicants must submit all required documentation by May 31, 2022 and successful applicants that may be eligible to receive up to a maximum of $2,500.00 in assistance will be notified before June 30, 2022.

For full details, applications, and assistance for QFN Home Accessibility Support Program Click Here: Home Accessibility Support Program

The word NEWS written in vintage wooden letterpress type in a wooden type drawer.

Youth Summer Employment Program

The Education and Training Department with Qalipu First Nation has approved Employers to hire summer students under our Youth Summer Employment Program.

If you are a current student, returning to school in the fall and looking for summer employment, check out the list of Employers below.

Please email with any questions.

List of Employers


Seniors Essential Travel Benefit Now Open Graphic

Seniors Essential Travel Subsidy Program

Seniors Essential Travel Benefit Now Open Graphic

QFN Health & Wellness Division is Pleased to be Re-Launching the Senior’s Essential Travel Subsidy Program.

The Senior’s Essential Travel benefit is geared toward supporting Qalipu First Nation members aged 60+ who reside in Canada.  These band members are eligible to apply for a subsidy valued at $200/per household (includes $50/month for the months of January, February, March & April) to subsidize costs incurred while travelling to purchase groceries and other essential items during the pandemic.

Program Eligibility

  • Applicant must be a registered member of Qalipu First Nation.
  • Applicants must be aged 60 or older at the time of application.
  • Applicants are required to be a resident of Canada for a minimum of (12) consecutive months prior to date of application.

Application Process

  • Online Submissions are REQUIRED.
  • If you are unable to access a computer or internet service, QFN encourages members to have a family member or friend apply on their behalf. Phone support will be available at 709-634-4577 or 709-393-6777. We will return your call as soon as possible.
  • Only one application will be required to apply for the 4-month period of January, February, March & April which includes $50/month = $200 combined value (per household).
  • Online applications will be accepted for six (6) weeks: May 24th – July 5th, 2022 @ 4:00pm OR until funding has been exhausted, whichever comes first.
  • Limit of one application per household. Duplicate applications will be removed. QFN will consider the first complete application submitted as the valid submission.
  • All applications will require: Name, Mailing address, Street Address (if different from mailing address), Band #, Phone number and/or email address. Incomplete applications will be deemed ineligible.

Reimbursement Process

  • Direct deposit is the quickest method of reimbursement. QFN encourages all applicants to upload accurate banking information with their applications if possible.
  • Reimbursements will only be processed after all eligibility requirements have been met.
  • Please allow up to 8 weeks from application closure date to receive your reimbursement.
  • It is the responsibility of the successful applicant to report any benefits received under this program to CRA. Please refer any taxation questions to CRA.

Click here for the online form
Click here for the FAQ

Expression of Interest Member-at-large

Expression of Interest Member at Large for Finance and Audit Committee

Qalipu First Nation is currently seeking a Member-at-Large to join the Finance and Audit Committee (FAC). This unique opportunity will give hands-on access and input into the financial operations of the Band and the activity of the Finance Department.

The ideal candidate is a Band member with a background in Finance, Accounting, or related fields of experience. If you are committed and want to contribute your knowledge as a volunteer on this committee, please see below for an Expression of Interest.

Application deadline for interest is Friday, June 3, 2022 at 12:00pm.

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Home Repair

Home Repair Program (CLOSED)

Update, July 22, 2022: Qalipu First Nation (QFN) Housing Division are committed to working our members to achieve their housing goals, including repair and maintenance for homeowners. At this time, we would like to thank everyone who applied to the “Housing Repair Program”. Unfortunately, due to limited funding available under this program and a high volume of received applications, not all applicants will be supported. With this in mind, only those successful will be notified by the end of the day Friday, July 22nd, 2022. With over 350 applications received and $200,000.00 in available funding, approximately 15% of those applications received funding support.
If you have any questions, please reach out to our Housing Division team. Any additional housing support programs that come available in the near future will be posted on our website and Facebook page.


Update, June 24th, 2022: The deadline to submit applications under the Home Repair Program has now been reached. Successful applicants will be notified by our Housing Support Team.

Qalipu First Nation (QFN) Housing Division is pleased to announce the launch of the Home Repair Program Monday April 25th, 2022. The Home Repair Program (HRP) serves to provide financial assistance up to $5,000.00 for QFN band members who reside in Newfoundland & Labrador. While funding is limited, the collection of data and need for similar programs will be thoroughly assessed during this launch.

HRP is intended to provide such financial assistance towards housing repairs to increase the functionality, sustainability, and longevity that will ensure a safe and sound standard of living specific to members needs. Applicants must submit all required documentation by June 24th, 2022. It is strongly encouraged that applicants and/or co-applicants review the application in its entirety to ensure all required documentation is included before mailing it back to QFN Housing Division. Applicants and/or co-applicants with questions surrounding the application process can reach out to 709-634-3176 or 709-634-0411.

Program Eligibility:

  • Applicant must be a registered member of Qalipu First Nation
  • Applicant and/or Co-Applicant are required to be a resident of Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Applicant is required to provide proof of combined annual income, proof of home ownership, and sales quotes for materials, supplies, and labour
  • Requirement of combined household income must be below $34,866.00, based on Government definition of “Low Income Taxable Reduction – LITR”
  • Additional supporting documents such as, letter of support, letter from service NL, and/or photographs may be requested

A co-applicant can be the homeowner who is a not a member of the band, and is applying for their live-in dependent, who is a registered band member. Additionally, a co-applicant can be a member of the band applying for a dependent, who is not a registered member of the band.

Please Note: If housing ownership is in the name of a non-member spouse or partner (co-applicant), it will be necessary to provide further documentation to support that you are a resident of the same household.

Here are some quick points to be brought to the attention of band members when filling out your application:

  • Combined annual household NET income must be below $34,866.00, this is based on the Government’s definition of “Low Income Taxable Reduction – LITR”
  • Copy of 2021 Tax Assessment MUST be included with application as a supporting document
  • Applicants have until June 24th, 2022, to submit their application. This program is not based on first come first serve. Applications WILL not be reviewed until after June 24th, 2022.
  • ALL supporting documentation MUST be included with each application. If application is deemed incomplete, then the application may not be reviewed or processed.
  • Proof of homeownership can be proven in a few different ways including:
    • Property tax
    • Copy of mortgage or deed
    • Proof of purchase and/or sale

If you have any questions or require further support regarding your application, please email: or OR call (709) 634-0411 or (709) 634-3176