Council Meeting Minutes – September 25, 2021

Canadian Conservation Corps Youth Program Information Session
Please join Mr. Dan Frawley from the Nipissing First Nation to learn more about the Canadian
Conservation Corps Youth Program offered by the Canadian Wildlife Federation.
The CCC seeks to first connect youth of all backgrounds aged 18 – 30 to the natural spaces in Canada
through a two–week expedition in the outdoors and then to build upon that passion by placing them
with the conservation groups doing essential work to protect, rehabilitate, and educate about important
conservation issues across the country. Finally, our participants bring their experience back home to
deliver a service project in their own communities, making a direct impact and educating others about
local causes and issues.
We’re also a barrier–free program accepting participants from a wide variety of backgrounds where pairs
of our participants complete a 3–month placement at a conservation organization, working full–time to
learn from and help with their goals. The CCC ensures that these passionate participants have all
necessary gear, accommodations, and anything else they need to be successful at their placements and
our goal is that each pair of participants provide a valuable contribution to their placement organization
during their time there while themselves gaining new perspectives, working to address environmental
issues, and the experience to begin or build a career in conservation.
The next group begins this May in Newfoundland. This group will be sea–kayaking in or near the Bay of
Exploits, dates as follows:
Stage 1: May 10th – June 2nd
Stage 2: June 12th – Sept. 3rd
Innovation Lab: Sept. 3rd – Sept. 6th
The final group in Atlantic Canada this year is in late August in Nova Scotia. This group will be sea–
kayaking amongst the LaHave Islands, dates as follows:
Stage 1: Aug. 19th – Sept. 11th
Stage 2: Sept. 18th – Dec. 10th
Innovation Lab: Dec. 10th – 13th
Information session will be held at 1 Church Street in Corner Brook on Aprill 28th, 2022 from 1:00 pm–
3:00 pm. Please email ymacdonald@qalipu.ca to register.

Benoit’s Cove Ward Meetings with Councilor Terri Greene
Update April 4, 2022 – Additional Meeting Date Added
An additional in-person meeting for Members of the Benoit’s Cove Ward will take place at 6:00pm NDT on Wednesday, April 20, 2022 at the Benoit’s Cove Town Hall. Members are not required to register for this meeting and can show at the hall anytime beginning at 6:00pm.
The ward’s virtual meeting will still take place Tuesday, April 5th at 7:00pm – email tgreene@qalipu.ca to acquire the Microsoft Team Meeting Link to join. Thank you.
Members of Qalipu First nation Benoit’s Cove Ward will have the opportunity to meet in-person and/or virtually in the coming weeks with their Ward Councilor Terri Greene!
In-Person Ward Meeting
Thursday, March 31, 2022
Lark Harbour Town Hall at 7:00pm NDT
Virtual Meeting
Tuesday, April 5, 2022 at 7:00PM NDT
Email tgreene@qalipu.ca to register for Virtual Meeting and receive the Microsoft Teams Meeting Link!
Facebook Page of ‘Terri Greene Benoit’s Cove Ward Councilor‘
Main Facebook Page of Qalipu first Nation

Central Region AGA (2020-2021) Date Rescheduled
Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation Band will hold its Central Region Annual General Assembly (AGA) to discuss the activities of the Band for the fiscal year of 2020-2021. The Central Region AGA was previously postponed in Fall 2021 due to provincial alert level changes and pre-cautions surrounding Covid-19 pandemic.
The AGA has now been re-scheduled and will take place Tuesday, April 12, 2022 at 7:00pm in Grand Falls-Windsor, NL at the Corduroy Brook Nature Centre (2 Conservation Place).
Members of the Band are invited to pre-register for the meeting if attending in person. To pre-register, please call (709) 634-5111 or email communications@qalipu.ca. Be sure to provide your contact number if you go to voicemail.
The Annual Report is published on our website including our 2020-2021 audited financial statements, copies will be available at the meeting and presented. https://qalipu.ca/qalipu/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/AGA-2020-2021.pdf

Stephenville Ward Members – Qalipu Food Relief Fund Applications Still Open
Local Service Group, Indian Head First Nation listed under the location of Stephenville Ward for the Qalipu Food & Essential Supplies Relief Fund would like to notify:
Food Cost Relief Applications are still open and being accepted. Qalipu members of the Stephenville Ward living in Newfoundland can access the form here (page 2 only requirement): https://qalipu.ca/qalipu/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/foodprogramupdated.pdf
Or for further questions you can email hyoung@qalipu.ca.

Qalipu First Nation Presents – Monday Morning Live
Join us at 9:00am NDT on March 21, 2022 for our First Facebook Stream of ‘Monday Mornings Live’ hosted by one of our Cultural Outreach Officers, Paul Pike! The livestream will include music, culture, language, special guests, discuss news items from our Qalipu First Nation (QFN) Friday Newsletter MAW-PEMITA’JIK QALIPU’K, and other community highlights across the Island!
Tune in every Monday Morning on our Main Facebook page here: www.facebook.com/QalipuFirstNation
Have a news item to add to the Weekly Newsletter, MAW-PEMITA’JIK QALIPU’K: Email communications@qalipu.ca
Looking to subscribe to the Weekly Newsletter, MAW-PEMITA’JIK QALIPU’K Click Here: https://qalipu.ca/maw-pemitajik-qalipuk/

Funds Exhausted for Elma’timk: To Go Home – Qalipu Emergency Housing Support
Update: February 16, 2022
All categories for Elma’timk [To Go Home] Emergency Housing Support Program have closed as of March 15, 2022 and surpassed funding capacity.
The need for this programming under its categories of Emergency Short Term Accommodations, Shelter Diversion and Prevention, and Emergency Housing Repair and Maintenance was evident and thoroughly recorded. The Housing Division under the department of Qalipu First Nation Health and Wellness will continue to seek additional funding for this program and similar related opportunities for our members.
For future Qalipu First Nation programming updates you can visit us at qalipu.ca or follow facebook.com/QalipuFirstNation or facebook.com/groups/QalipuHealthAndWellness. You can additionally stay up to date on Qalipu first nation News by subscribing to our Weekly e-Newsletter here: qalipu.ca/maw-pemitajik-qalipuk
Newfoundland & Labrador EMERGENCY HOUSING LINE. For anyone experiencing homelessness,. please call: 1-833-724-2444. Or visit nlhc.nl.ca/contact/contact-nlhc
Original Post: https://qalipu.ca/elmatimk/

Workplace Safety Training Initiative
In partnership with College of the North Atlantic (CNA), Qalipu First Nation is pleased to announce we will be conducting a Workplace Safety Training Initiative at CNA Grand Falls-Windsor Campus from over the month of April 18th through May 3rd. These training course opportunities are designed for Qalipu Members or self-identifying Indigenous individuals who are interested in completing workplace safety training courses.
The application form can be found here: Workplace Safety Training Initiative Application. Please read this application carefully.
Application Document Requirements are due April 4, 2022 at 4:00PM NST and can be submitted either via email to ymacdonald@qalipu.ca, or hand-delivered/mailed to:
Qalipu First Nation – St. George’s Office:
P.O. Box 460
St. George’s, NL
A0N 1Z0

Council Meeting Saturday, March 26, 2022
The next regular meeting of Council will be held at 10:00am NDT on Saturday, March 26, 2022.
This will be a virtual meeting and will be live-streamed for members. You can be access the live-stream by logging into your GINU Membership Profile at: Ginu login: qalipu.ca/login-options
Ask Chief and Council a question at the upcoming meeting: qalipu.ca/leave-a-message-for-chief-and-council