
Celebrating 10 Years Across Ktaqmkuk

All Qalipu First Nation five (5) satellite offices along with Benoit First Nation and No’kmaq Village joined in celebrations Wednesday, September 22, 2021! Crowds gathered for food, song, dance, and cultural teachings with highlights from entertainers such as Paul Pike, Spirit Bay Drummers, and the Corner Brook Aboriginal Women’s Drumming Association who led in a Sunrise Ceremony at Margaret Bowater Park. Local Mi’kmaw vendors also arrived at some of the satellite offices to showcase their craft and tell their stories with the community. Regional Chief PJ Prosper was also in attendance during the ceremony and continuing celebrations in Corner Brook in the afternoon. We would like to thank everyone that came out and helped make this day possible. We are grateful to have had the opportunity to come together as a Nation and with the communities to share, enjoy, and learn from one another. If you attended any of our celebrations and would like to share your pictures you can email them to communications@qalipu.ca. Wela’lioq!

coverphoto for AR and FS reports now online

Financial and Annual Reports Now Accessible Online!

As previously posted, Qalipu First Nation will hold its Annual General Assembly’s (AGA) to discuss the activities of the Band for the fiscal year of 2020-2021. The AGA’s will be held on September 26 at 1pm in Corner Brook at the Greenwood Inn and Suites and again on October 3 at 1pm in Grand Falls-Windsor at Mount Peyton Hotel.

Members of the Band are invited to pre-register for the meetings if attending in person. To pre-register, please call 709-634-5163 or email communications@qalipu.ca. ensure to provide your phone number and band number when pre-registering.

Members are encouraged to tune in to a live stream of the meeting which is accessible through the Ginu membership database.

The Financial and Annual Reports detailing activities over the past fiscal year is now online, see below. Printed copies of the Annual Report will be available at the meeting, and at our office locations for pickup following the AGA’s on October 4, 2021.

Annual Report
Financial Statement

Woman writing on her daily planner

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Join us on the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (Orange Shirt Day) on Thursday, September 30th across Ktaqmkuk. We invite everyone to gather and share in this day of reflection and honour. A Walk and Vigil will take place across our satellite offices: Grand Falls-Windsor Town Hall at 10:30am, Corner Brook Mikwite’tm Garden at 11:00am, St. George’s and Stephenville will join at the St. George’s Band Office for 11:00am, and Glenwood will commence at 1:00am at their Band Office. If you have additional questions, please call 709-634-5163.

A donation will also be made by Qalipu First Nation to the Indigenous Learning Centre. If members or communities are interested in learning more or supporting this important initiative, please head to their webpage at Walk/Run/Roll 5km in support of Truth & Reconciliation – Indigenous Learning Centre.

Limited T-shirts (2020 Logo creation by Dakoda Dicker in honor of her Grandparents who attend North West River, Labrador residential school) may be available at the Corner Brook Band Office beginning September 27, 2021. T-shirt requests will not be taken via Facebook, you may inquire beginning Monday, September 27th 9:00am by calling reception 709-634-0996 (extension zero) or 709-634-5163.

orange shirt day poster 2

The word NEWS written in vintage wooden letterpress type in a wooden type drawer.

Hunting and Trapping Guide Certification


In partnership with College of the North Atlantic, Qalipu First Nation is pleased to announce we will be conducting two Hunting and Trapping Guide Training courses in both Gander (October 17-21) and Stephenville (November 6-10). This opportunity is designed for Qalipu Members or self-identifying Indigenous individuals who are interested in becoming Hunting and Trapping Guides in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Upon course completion, students will be awarded a Certificate of Achievement in Hunting and Trapping Guide training and ultimately be prepared to apply to become certified licensed Hunting and Trapping Guides in Newfoundland and Labrador through the Wildlife Division.

Applications are due NLT October 1st, 2021 @ 4:00PM NDT and can be submitted either via email to ymacdonald@qalipu.ca, or hand-delivered/mailed to the St. George’s Office.

Application Form

Cover Photo 10Year

10 Year Celebration

Qalipu First Nation Invites All of You to Celebrate 10 years with us in Food, Song, Dance, and More across Ktaqmkuk on Wednesday, September 22, 2021! Times may vary by location beginning 11:00am and 12:00PM see invitations below. Please call (709) 634-5163 if you have any questions.


Corner Brook at Majestic Lawn
Glenwood at Band Office
St. George’s at Band Office
Grand Falls-Windsor at Band Office
Stephenville at Kin Square
No’kmaq Village at Powwow Grounds Updated: 11:30 am – 12:30pm
Penwaaq L’nu’k at Mi’kmaw Centre


Notice of Candidate Withdrawal – Gander Bay Ward

A notice has been put forward to the Qalipu Electoral Officer, Carol Lahey on Saturday, September 11, 2021 at approximately 10:30AM that Candidate Dean Gillingham who was nominated for the Gander Bay Ward has withdrawn his candidacy.  As required under Section 22 of the Custom Rules Governing Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation Band Elections Gillingham’s Letter of Withdrawal has been received by the Electoral Officer.

DGillingham Withdrawl


Random Draw Process for Residential Home Heat & Energy Rebate Ended

Following the closure of applications for the Residential Home Heat and Energy Rebate that was announced August 11, 2021 and ended on September 1, 2021 a total, near 1100 applications, were submitted by members.

Our Health and Wellness department would now like to let our members know that the Rebate Draw for the Program that occurred September 8th has neared the end of its process review. Successful applicants are beginning to be contacted and will continue throughout the upcoming week.

An extended thank you to all members who took the time to apply and we look forward to delivering further support programs to our members as they become available.