wrap up

Qalipu Mi’kmaw Language Revival Program 2021 Wrap up

One hundred and twenty people participated in this year’s Mi’kmaw program which was held for the first time virtually, taught by a Qalipu member and supervised by fluent speakers and writers from Unama’ki (Cape Breton).  The program officially ended June 30th. Mi’kmaw Language Facilitator Dean Simon, says he is very encouraged by the interest shown in language reclamation.  “After living in Unama’ki for about 2 years, I know this level of sustained interest is welcomed”.  103 beginners participated in 3 or more classes, along with 15 Novice students.

When the program resumes there will be 15 graduating up to intermediate, 65 beginners graduating up to Novice, 35 people are choosing to repeat beginners and they will be joined by more than 100 others who have expressed interest on our Facebook page. “When you have well over 200 people in a program, you know there is passion.”

There will also be a “Conversation Only” element to the next offering for those who do not wish to learn to read and write, and just want to know some greetings and small talk.  The previous program aimed to teach people to read and write proficiently so that they could maximize their own self-study using written resources that are available online and in print.  “When you finish the Beginner level you should be able to read a Mi’kmaw word well enough for a fluent speaker to understand AND you should be able to write down words that you hear, accurately enough to go back to them later and pronounce them properly.  We don’t have first language speakers here so we have to depend more heavily on reading a writing… to get us to the speaking level.”

By creating a large group of strong self-learners, these people will be able to ‘teach it forward’ and reach way more people in the long run than one teacher could ever hope to reach. This is just one of the valuable lessons Simon says he learned in a course he just finished from the University of Southern Maine (Passamaquoddy territory), called “Revitalization and Reclamation Methods”.  He has just finished compiling a study guide for participants which will be mailed out in the coming weeks, along with program tshirts, a Mi’kmaw book (or 2), and a couple of other small surprizes.

The program has also reached people through the first ever Language Week leading up to National Indigenous Peoples Day June 21st, a 12 week series on CBC Radio and numerous other media coverage.  “We are being approached by non-indigenous organizations and individuals on a regular basis and even got to do a 90 minute bilingual radio show with Bay of Islands Radio.” People interested in learning a little or a lot of Mi’kmaw are encouraged to visit the language Facebook group by searching for “We are learning to speak Mi’kmaw” or emailing dsimon@qalipu.ca.

Pulling Together promo

Pulling Together NL

Have you registered yet? Plan to paddle a water body near you July 16-19 and post your pictures to social media using the hashtag #pullingtogethernl to be part of this nationwide movement to raise awareness of Mental Health, Addiction and Reconciliation. Prizes to be Won! All registered participants will be entered into a prize draw.

First prize: Charcuterie board, T-shirt, camp chair, travel mug, tote bag, sunglasses, frisbee, plastic water bottle.
Second prize: Tote bag, frisbee, glass water bottle and sunglasses

Register here: surveymonkey.com/r/HCV7HY7

More information: qalipu.ca/paddles-up-pulling-together-to-hit-the-water-for-the-first-time-on-east-coast-of-canada

Pulling Together v3

Paddles Up! Pulling Together to Hit the Water for the First Time on East Coast of Canada

Qalipu to partner with DFO and RCMP on journey to improve awareness around mental health and addictions, and reconciliation between public service and Indigenous communities.

Qalipu is pleased to announce that it will take part in Pulling Together, a movement and annual event that started in British Columbia in 2001.  The event sees First Nation communities partner with public services agencies in canoeing outings aimed at improving awareness around mental health and addictions, and reconciliation between government agencies and Indigenous communities.

This year, for the first time since its inception, paddlers in Newfoundland will join in solidarity with participants from across Canada. Qalipu’s Department of Environment and Natural Resources will partner with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada and RCMP for a four-day event comprised of a launch event, morning paddle, an overnight campout and return paddle.  The event is set to take place July 16-19, 2021 and invites participation by individuals who can join in solidarity from any water body.

Qalipu First Nation’s lead organizer and Manager of Fisheries and Enforcement Stephen Rose noted that the Pulling Together movement on Canada’s west coast is an inspiration, something he has wanted to bring to the island for some time.

“We want to help spread a positive message of unity and reconciliation, which is at the heart of this movement,” noted Rose.  “Bringing Pulling Together to Newfoundland and Labrador has the potential of advancing reconciliation and raising awareness to mental health while encouraging a connection to nature and improving relationships with the public sector.  It’s also powerful to join with others in Canada who are doing the same thing; pulling together from coast to coast.”

To participate, individuals are invited to register and then share pictures of their paddle on social media using the hashtag #pullingtogetherNL.  There will also be a live stream of the launch event that is intended to include participants from various locations and the Band will join in the national opening and closing ceremonies.  Links for all events will be shared on our Facebook Page.

To register, click here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/HCV7HY7 and follow the Band’s Facebook Page for updates and event information.

Press Release

Canada, Federation of Newfoundland Indians and Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation to work toward a new agreement to reconsider veterans and active service members

News release

July 5, 2021 — Gatineau, Quebec — Indigenous Services Canada

The creation of the Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation is an important step forward for the Mi’kmaq people in Newfoundland.

The Honourable Marc Miller, Minister of Indigenous Services Canada, and Brendan Mitchell, Chief of Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation, have announced that they are ready to advance a new agreement that will allow for the reconsideration of applications for active service members of the Canadian Armed Forces, RCMP and veterans of these forces who were denied founding membership in the Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation.

Through the new agreement, those with applications already on file with proof of service prior to September 22, 2011 (the date the band was formed), will meet the group acceptance criterion on an honorary basis. They will still be required to meet the remaining assessment criteria—as set out in the original agreement—of ancestry and self-identification to gain founding membership. Individuals who may be affected by this new agreement will receive information on how to have their application reconsidered.

Although a decision has been reached to reconsider active service members and veterans of the Canadian Armed Forces and the RCMP, the Government of Canada has elected to pause discussions regarding members of the Federation of Newfoundland Indians and their affiliates, due to active litigation on enrolment.

The Government of Canada, the Federation of Newfoundland Indians and the Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation remain committed to working on the nation-to-nation relationship based on the recognition of rights, respect, cooperation and partnership.


“Indigenous Services Canada recognizes and deeply values the meaningful contributions of Indigenous Veterans to the development of Canada and honours the sacrifices they have made in the defence of freedom and the pursuit of world peace. I am pleased to announce that we are ready to move forward with a new agreement for those individuals who were denied founding membership in the Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation.”

The Honourable Marc Miller
Minister of Indigenous Services Canada

“I am pleased that the Government of Canada is now moving forward to reassess military personnel, RCMP and veterans of these groups for Founding Membership in Qalipu First Nation. Our protectors and veterans deserve this consideration. This announcement is a positive outcome from exploratory discussions between the Federation of Newfoundland Indians and the Government of Canada, which began in December 2018.”

Brendan Mitchell
President of the Federation of Newfoundland Indians and Chief of the Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation

“Progress leading to a new agreement for the reconsideration of founding membership for veterans and active service members in the Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation is the positive result of discussions dating back to 2018. I am pleased that all parties have been able to reach a draft agreement to proceed in good faith. This is an important step forward for those who did not reside in one of the Mi’kmaq communities because they were bravely serving Canada.”

Gudie Hutchings
Member of Parliament, Long Range Mountain

Quick facts

  • The Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation, a landless band, was officially formed by Recognition Order on September 22, 2011.
  • The Enrolment Committee (comprised of equal representation from Canada and the Federation of Newfoundland Indians) continued to review applications consistent with the terms of the 2008 agreement. By the application submission deadline of November 30, 2012, 101,000 applications were received.
  • All applicants were required to meet four criteria to become founding members: self-identification, group acceptance, being of Canadian Indian ancestry and connection to a pre-Confederation Mi’kmaq community on the island of Newfoundland.
  • An Implementation Committee comprised of officials from Canada and the Federation of Newfoundland Indians was formed to deal with matters relating to the implementation of the negotiated agreement(s).
  • In 2013, a Supplemental Agreement was signed by the parties to move forward with the assessment of the overwhelming number of applications and to address issues that arose during the implementation of the 2008 agreement.
  • In 2018, an updated Founding Members list was approved by the Governor in Council following the reassessment of applications, including those that had been assessed previously.
  • In April 2021, a subsequent update to the Founding Members list was approved by the Governor in Council, adding 302 individuals as a result of the implementation of a federal court decision, administrative reviews and the settlement of litigation.
  • Individuals who are recognized as Founding Members are subsequently registered as Status Indians under the Indian Act, thus becoming eligible to receive benefits such as those from the Non-Insured Health Benefits Program.

Associated links


For more information, media may contact:

Adrienne Vaupshas
Press Secretary
Office of the Honourable Marc Miller
Minister of Indigenous Services

Media Relations
Indigenous Services Canada

Stay connected

Join the conversation about Indigenous Peoples in Canada:

Twitter: @GCIndigenous
Facebook: @GCIndigenous
Instagram: @gcindigenous

Facebook: @GCIndigenousHealth

Twitter: @Min_IndServ

updated image

Mi’kmaw Language All Week!

Watch for registration links each morning on our Qalipu First Nation Facebook Page and on our Website

* Tuesday, June 15, 7:30 NST – “Tepaskman: You can do it” webinar with Barbara Sylvester and Dean Simon on Adult Language Acquisition (Link to be shared on day of event on Qalipu.ca and Facebook).
* Wednesday, June 16, 7:30 NST – “Mila’sultinej: Let’s play” language games webinar with Dean Simon. (Link to be shared on day of event on Qalipu.ca and Facebook).
* Thursday, June 17, 7:30 NST “Ki’kli’kwe’jk: Chicken Run” mi’kmaw language film screening webinar with Dean Simon. (Link to be shared on day of event on Qalipu.ca and Facebook).
* Friday, June 18, 7:30 NST “L’nutoql: Mi’kmaw Music”, Bay of Islands Radio.
* Saturday, June 19, “Mi’kwite’tm (I remember) Park Day”.

Virtual Arts and Crafts events daily as well (registration required).


Win an Unforgettable Trip!

Revitalize your mind, body and spirit by reconnecting with the land on a free trip for you and three friends!

Qalipu First Nation and Four Seasons Tours have partnered to offer members a chance to win a traditional experience for themselves and three individuals. The party of four will experience:

– Fishing from a traditional dory

· Explore the picturesque Bay of Islands.

· Learn local history.

· Taste traditional foods.

· Take pictures of mystic Bald Eagles.

Click here to enter the contest: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/JF7PGMR

Portait of a professional scientist with protective gear examining the marsh lands in Canada and taking sample reading on a digital tablet

Land Use Survey

Qalipu First Nation is conducting a land use survey in partnership with Matador Mining. The data from the survey will be used to prepare a report to help advise the Environmental Assessment process for the proposed goldmine near Cape Ray on the south-west coast. It will also help to identify any potential environmental impacts the project may have on the surrounding area and on the livelihood of the people who use the land. No data will be shared with Matador Mining, nor will the data be published.

More information on the Cape Ray Gold Project can be found on Matador Mining’s website:

To take the survey click here: https://trailmarkapp.com/tm/?client=qalipu&survey=b55d440804530faee2cefeca56293acd or copy and paste the url into your browser.

The survey is estimated to take just about 1 hour to complete.

If you have any comments, questions, or concerns about the survey please contact Ian Sullivan at isullivan@qalipu.ca or call (709) 634-0998

Child, Youth and Family contest ad

Child, Youth and Family Act

The Act is a comprehensive reform of child and family services affirming the right of First Nations to exercise jurisdiction in relation to child and family services, including legislative authority and the right to administer and enforce these laws. The purpose of the Act is to affirm the rights of Indigenous governments and organizations to exercise jurisdiction over First Nation, Inuit and Métis child and family services.

Take our survey to contribute your thoughts (and enter a prize draw) https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LLZSH6B

Learn More Here: https://qalipu.ca/child-youth-family/