Gros Morne Mountain, Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland, Canada

Gros Morne National Park – Spruce Budworm

The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador has asked Parks Canada to include Gros Morne National Park in an early intervention budworm control program starting Summer 2021. We would like to hear from members how they may be affected by this decision to allow, or not allow, spraying of the spruce budworm in the national park. Please contact or call 634-1500.

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Device giveaway

COVID-19 Device Support

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, our members have had to adapt to a new virtual world; gatherings, workshops and face-to-face is now often conducted online. To support our membership, the Band will host a random draw to give away 118 Lenovo Tab M10 FHD Plus (2nd Gen). These devices will enable our members to easily access such things as virtual mental health counselling, virtual cultural programming offered by the Band, online learning for students and youth, as well as provide the convenience of paying bills online.

Here are the details you will need to know to enter the draw for a tablet:

  • Program is open to members in Canada only.
  • Individuals under the age of 16, will require parental consent.
  • Successful applicants will be required to submit proof of residence.
    • Piece of ID with address, mail with name/address, etc.
  • Paper/Mail-in applications will need to be postmarked by May 10th, 2021. Paper/Mailed-in applications will not be accepted after May 17th, 2021.
  • Online application collection will be open for three weeks: April 19th – May 10th, 2021.
  • Limit of one application per member, duplicate applications will be removed or deleted. In event of duplicate applications received, QFN will consider the first application as the valid application all others will be removed or deleted from the draw.
  • All applications will require: Name, Accurate Shipping Address, Physical Address, Band Number, Date of Birth, Phone Number and/or email. Incomplete applications will be removed from the draw.
  • Limit of one device per household.
    • If additional applications are drawn from the same household, they will be ineligible.
  • Random draw will take place on May 21st, 2021.
  • The supplier will ship directly to the successful applicant and all successful applications will be required to sign for the device. In cases where success applicant is near the supplier, home delivery or curbside pick may be an option.
  • QFN is not responsible for any damage, lost, or misplaced devices.
  • Warranty is with the device manufacturer and not supplier or QFN.
  • Only the successful applicants will be contacted.

Complete one of the form options to apply

Click here to apply online or click here to download and print the application.

Wait Times covid-19 benefits

Update: Covid-19 Support Benefits Wait Times

We would like to thank community members for their continued support, patience, and understanding as we continue to provide funding through our Covid-19 support programs. The Seniors Essential Travel and Essential Worker Childcare Programs have seen a large volume of applicants and many people have received this valuable assistance.

We would like to remind individuals, families and community that the process time goal for COVID-19 payments is 6 to 8 weeks, however in some instances we are currently at more than 8 weeks.

Payments are continuously being issued and we are making every effort to keep the processing/payment time low.

For more information on FAQ please visit:  or contact your COVID-19 Teams at:

The word NEWS written in vintage wooden letterpress type in a wooden type drawer.

Notice Regarding Office Closure in Corner Brook

In order to assist Western Health as they try to understand the extent of possible community spread of the Covid-19 virus, and out of an abundance of caution, both Corner Brook office locations are closed effective immediately. Staff will continue to provide service from their home office locations and can best be reached by email found here: (

An update regarding office opening or continued closure will be provided on Friday.

Visitors are reminded that due to ongoing precautions with the Covid-19 pandemic, an appointment is required before coming into any office location of the Qalipu First Nation. Please call 634-0996 to make an appointment.

The word NEWS written in vintage wooden letterpress type in a wooden type drawer.


The meal allowance rate has been updated for NIHB eligible clients. Clients must have been approved for NIHB medical transportation benefits to access medically necessary health services that cannot be obtained in their community of residence. NIHB Clients are still required to submit the NIHB Medical Transportation Reimbursement Form.

The rates are in effect for the 2021 – 2022 fiscal year (April 1, 2021 – March 31, 2022) for clients served by all NIHB Regions are:

  Breakfast Lunch Dinner
Regular Rate (ages 4 to adult) S15.00 $15.00 $30.00
Infant/Toddler Rate (0-3, inclusive) $7.50 $7.50 15.00


There have been no changes made to the weekly meal allowance, it remains at $168 for a single traveller and $252 for a client and escort.   Private vehicle rates will remain the same at 0.215 cents a kilometer.

For the complete update on NIHB please visit:  ISC – NIHB Program Updates

Community Feedback

Socio-Economic Agreement with Marathon Gold: Consultations with Membership—What we Heard

In October 2019, Qalipu First Nation was approached by Marathon Gold, a gold resource development company focused on a gold reserve located in our territory in central Newfoundland. Representatives from the company expressed a desire to share plans and consult with our membership on project development.

To best serve our members interests – primarily to ensure environmental stewardship is a top priority for our Nation on all major development projects happening within our territory, and also to access economic opportunities (employment, education and training, procurement and contracting) for our members and communities—the Band put in place a committee to work with Marathon Gold on these topics and the development of a Socio-Economic Agreement (SEA).

In September 2020 and again in January 2021 the Band hosted virtual community engagement sessions in partnership with Marathon Gold to provide in depth project details, create an opportunity to ask questions, as well as to share the drafts of the SEA and invite feedback before moving forward.  An additional engagement session was also held in January 2021 with youth representatives to gather their unique perspectives, and written submissions were accepted to ensure those who could not attend virtual sessions could still contribute their feedback.

Following is a summary of what we heard.


September 17, 2020 Virtual Community Consultation

We had 20 participants including two staff from Marathon Gold and two Ward Councilors from QFN. The conversation was primarily focused on questions posed to the team from Marathon Gold related to the development. Question posed included questions related to:

  • Understanding the Environmental Impact Assessment process as it relates to current and future planned developments.
  • Reclamation including revegetation plans and how QFN can play a role.
  • Questions head waters and water sheds in the area.
  • Caribou migration and impacts
  • Questions also arose around the process to develop and roll out the SEA. There was some question as to the timing of the signing preceding the release of the Environmental Impact Study (EIS)..


January 11, 2021 Qalipu Youth Network

We had 12 participants in this session which was targeted towards members of the Qalipu Youth Network. In this session, the participants asked about the reclamation plans and expressed interest in ensuring that QFN us engaged and that the reclamation plan has long -term commitment to environmental monitoring beyond the reclamation stage. There were questions about the opportunities for employment and entrepreneurship and a desire to see Qalipu member-owned businesses given support in developing procurement opportunities. There were calls for aggressive targets for diversity / employment / procurement.


January 25, 2021, Virtual Community Consultation (part 2)

There were 28 participants present for this session including two Ward Councillors. The discussions focused on merits of the contents of the SEA. While it was generally agreed that the SEA was a good starting place for our negotiations with Marathon Gold, some felt that the SEA or subsequent agreements should have:

  • indigenous procurement
  • employment targets
  • community investment funds in the way of monies for cultural programming, scholarships, and other member-focused initiatives. This was discussed with Marathon Gold and added to the draft SEA.
  • Procurement procedures have key performance indicators which encourage suppliers and contractors to engage local, indigenous-owned small businesses.
  • Youth engagement to support training and mentorship opportunities.

The issue of caribou migration was brought up as a concern around the impacts of the project and the feedback was that while developing stewardship policies, the Environmental Stewardship Committee (ESC) should use the EIS documents to recommend and encourage best practices in relation to the environment.


Written Submissions

Feedback gathered through written submissions was predominantly SEA-specific in nature with recommendations that hard targets are set in procurement, employment, and the active engagement of the ESC. There were some concerns expressed that this SEA does not attach any financial obligations in Marathon Gold for the costs of engagement and environmental committees. There was also a call for the addition of a targeted Supplier development sessions with Indigenous suppliers as a means of supporting member-0wned businesses in looking for upcoming procurement opportunities and help in how to prepare bids.

One member taking a more wholistic, multi-generational view. While he stated that he “has not formulated an opinion on whether or not (he) support the mining project” and did recognize the positive economic impacts this project will have on Central Newfoundland, he was cautious to remind QFN of the long-term impacts of development in the Natural Resource Sector and the need to keep environmental stewardship and these lasting effects in front of us as we continue to talk to resource development proponents now and in the future.



The input from membership has been shared with Marathon Gold and there is agreement that as discussions proceeds around each aspect of this SEA that future agreements will set measurable goals, and targets for employment, training, procurement, and environmental stewardship.

YSEP Voter Reg

Qalipu First Nation Voter Registration Student Summer Employment Program (CLOSED)


Registration of voters for the upcoming Qalipu election.

Voter Registration Clerks will contact voting age members to collect and/or verify mailing addresses to ensure everyone has a chance to vote in the upcoming election via receipt of a voter information package in the mail.

Those with incorrect or unregistered mailing addresses will not receive the voter information package.


In 2018, voters ratified an amendment to the Election Code that changes the way we vote.  Instead of heading to the polls, voters will receive a voter information package and secure PIN in the mail.  To vote, voters will have to register a valid mailing address with us so that we can send them the necessary information.

Upon receipt of the package, voters will use their secure PIN to vote by phone or over the internet.

A Voter Registration Clerk summer student will be put in place in each of Qalipu’s nine Wards to contact members by phone, email or in person where known personal connections can be utilized.

The position will be 14 weeks in duration running from May 10, 2021 to August 13, 2021.


Voter Registration Clerks will use the ginu membership database to contact Band members by phone to update their contact and other information.  Duties include but are not limited to:

  • Follow a prepared script
  • Make phone calls to Band members
  • Send emails to Band members where phone numbers are not listed
  • Enter accurate information into the ginu membership database
  • Maintain confidentiality of membership information
  • Track daily calls/emails and database errors and updates using a tracking spreadsheet and/or administrator web updates
  • Endeavour to make community connections and share update information with Band members who do not have contact information listed in the database
  • Liaise with the Indian Registration Administrator to facilitate updates to the Indian Registrar
  • Other duties as required

Qualifications: The ideal student is comfortable speaking with new people and can effectively represent the Qalipu First Nation with a positive and friendly attitude.  Students must be able to stay motivated on task with minimal supervision, have knowledge of spreadsheets, databases and a proficiency in the operation of a computer.  Ability to work with a team toward a common goal.

Student must have access to own phone line and high speed internet access (reimbursements will be provided to offset costs)

Education: The candidate must be a post-secondary student who is returning to full-time studies in the fall.

Experience: No experience necessary, training will be provided.  Experience working in client service environment is an asset.

Working Conditions: This position is home based.  The duties can be met during various hours with possibility of evenings and weekends to make up the hours.


To be eligible for summer employment through the ISETP Youth Program, a student:

  • Must be planning to return to full-time studies in September of the current year
  • Must have been registered as a full-time student in the previous academic year; and
  • Be a member of the Qalipu First Nation or Self-Identified Indigenous Person (students are asked to indicate on their cover letter their Indigenous Ancestry)


Please apply by sending your resume to Employment Coordinator Yvonne MacDonald at

Deadline to apply

Please apply by April 16 at 4:00 PM

QFN Press Release

Canada Makes Unilateral Decision to Halt Exploratory Discussions

On March 29, 2021, after 27 months of discussions, Canada made the unilateral decision to pause further discussions with Qalipu First Nation and abandon joint efforts to address Band membership for former members of the Federation of Newfoundland Indians (FNI) and its affiliates.

In a letter to Band Chief Brendan Mitchell, the Director General of the Individual Affairs Branch notes that, “After much consideration, Canada has decided to pause further discussion of reconsideration options for Founding Membership for individuals who held a membership in the Federation of Newfoundland Indians and their affiliates due to the active litigation on the validity of the 2013 Supplemental Agreement.”

The litigation referred to in the letter dated March 29 was active in November 2018 when exploratory discussions were initiated by Minister Carolyn Bennett and in September 2019 when we received a letter from then MInister of Indigenous Services Seamus O’Regan reaffirming Canada’s commitment to ongoing exploratory discussions. In this context, the explanation provided by the Director General to pause discussions does not make sense.

The discussions, which began in December 2018, focused on addressing outstanding concerns regarding members of the Canadian Armed Forces, Veterans, RCMP and FNI members or members of other Mi’kmaq organizations who were named in the 2008 Agreement and denied Founding Membership.

“These were obvious issues that we could easily agree needed to be remedied” noted Band Chief Brendan Mitchell.  “People who were stationed away from home in service of their country had a hard time demonstrating the community connection for the Group Acceptance criterion.   We also had a glaring issue around members of the FNI.  These were the very people for whom the First Nation was created, the people who voted to ratify the Agreement with Canada that created the Qalipu First Nation.”

Chief Mitchell noted that the First Nation entered discussions in good faith, in the true spirit of Reconciliation, trusting the Government of Canada to follow through with its stated intention from 2018.  The promise was reaffirmed a year later in a letter from Minister Seamus O’Regan, who was then the Minister of Indigenous Services.  This unilateral decision by Canada to pause the discussion is contrary to the concept of our nation-to-nation relationship, that is based on cooperation and partnership which has been asserted by Canada since the outset of this process.

In its letter of response, the Qalipu First Nation strongly urges the Government of Canada to reconsider its decision in view of its inconsistency with past commitments Canada has given to continue discussions.

Band members and FNI and affiliated Mi’kmaq who were denied status, are encouraged to add their voice to the conversation by writing to their local Member of Parliament.

Template letter regarding QFN and Canada discussions re FNI members


Contact Information for Newfoundland and Labrador MP’s and Minister of Indigenous Services

MP Gudie Hutchings (Long Range Mountains)
MP Scott Simms (Coast of Bays—Central—Notre Dame)
MP Churence Rogers (Bonavista—Burin—Trinity)
MP Yvonne Jones (Labrador)
MP Seamus O’Regan (St. John’s South—Mount Pearl)
MP Ken McDonald (Avalon)
MP Marc Miller (Minister of Indigenous Services)


Voter Registration

Qalipu Election Voter Registration

An Election for Qalipu Chief and Council is coming up this Fall!

Did you know that voting will be done online or over the phone using a secure PIN that we will send to voters in the mail?

We will need your mailing address to send your voter information package and PIN. 


Not sure if you’ve got the correct mailing address and other information listed on your ginu membership profile and not sure how to check it?

Please feel free to use this online fillable form to send us your latest information and we’ll update your information for you!