Covid 2.5

Covid-19 Support Funding – More than 2.5 Million Dollars at Work in our Communities

The Band has received $2,565,171 in total funding for various purposes to support people and communities through the Covid-19 pandemic.  Following is a summary of past and ongoing initiatives put in place by the Band to support our membership.

Qalipu First Nation Covid-19 Relief Fund (first round) $52,975 received from Indigenous Services Canada topped up with an additional $22,625 supplied by Chief and Council on behalf of Qalipu First Nation.  These funds have been fully allocated to 14 Indigenous community groups with $5,400 each which were in turn distributed to individuals in the form of food hampers, sanitation supplies, personal protective equipment, and other needs in some 25 communities.  Click here to view the list of recipients of this fund.

Qalipu First Nation Covid-19 Relief Fund (second round) $51,484 received from Indigenous Services Canada.  These funds have been fully allocated to 11 Indigenous community groups with $5,100 each which were in turn distributed throughout their communities in the form of food hampers, sanitation supplies, personal protective equipment and other needs.  Click here to view the list of recipients of this fund.

Qalipu First Nation Covid-19 Relief Fund (third round) $51,484 received on January 27, 2021.  Details on the allocation of this fund will be released soon, please keep an eye on our website for information.

Qalipu First Nation Small Business Support Grant: $150,000 in funding provided by Indigenous Services Canada was distributed as non-repayable grants of up to $10,000 per eligible member-owned business.  In total, 23 small businesses were recipients of this grant money.  This fund has been fully allocated.

Community Emergency Response Fund for Urban and Off Reserve: $678,311 in funding received from Indigenous Services Canada for Qalipu’s proposal to develop and distribute vulnerable population kits, supply travel benefits for seniors, and provide childcare subsidies for essential workers.  This fund also provides for the employees needed to administer benefits.  To date, one Project Coordinator and three additional support staff have been hired to administer benefits, and applications are currently being accepted for a portion of this fund which is available to seniors aged 60+ and essential workers with childcare costs.  Please click here to access this benefit fund.

Post-Secondary Student Support Fund for Qalipu Students: $1,555,917 in student funding was used for summer student work placements and to sponsor students for Intercession/Summer Session and additional students for the Fall/Winter semesters.  Apply for funding with Qalipu here.

New Horizons for Seniors: $25,000 received from Employment and Social Development Canada has been dispersed buying iPad’s to be made available on loan to seniors participating in virtual workshops.

The Band will continue to work with its partners and various agencies to access funding to support our membership through this challenging time.  Please keep an eye on our website where all the latest news and developments are shared daily.

Language Revival registration

Registration for Mi’kmaw Language Classes Now Open, Ends on Sunday March 7

In January, Qalipu First Nation announced the launch of a new project focused on the revival of the Mi’kmaw language among our membership.  Registration for classes is now open.  Classes will take place via virtual workshops, are available to beginner, novice and intermediate levels and will aim to create opportunities for learners to speak with fluent speakers of the language.

Band Manager Keith Goulding noted, “This is an exciting project for the Band and a positive step forward in reviving our heritage. This language initiative gives us an opportunity to deepen our connection to culture and provide our members with meaningful learning opportunities.”

The language project will be coordinated by Project Coordinator Dean Simon who has just returned from a two-year Mi’kmaw immersion program in Eskasoni.

“The Mentor-Apprentice Mi’kmaw Program with Mi’kmaw Kinamatnewey has provided me with a solid understanding and comfort with the language and I’m so excited to share what I’ve learned.  Right now, to get an understanding of where people are with their level of learning, I am asking everyone who is interested to complete the pre-registration”, Simon said.

To register for Mi’kmaw class, click here:

hydro feedback

Proposed Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro Project

Please Provide your Feedback by March 4

Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro is proposing to construct and operate a new 40 km, 69 kV transmission line (TL271) in central Newfoundland, as well as complete upgrades to its Star Lake terminal station, to enable electricity supply to the proposed Valentine Gold Project.

Hydro is interested in hearing feedback from the Qalipu First Nation membership. Please submit your comments and questions to our Natural Resource Department for a consolidated response.

Feedback can be sent to

Please find below the Project Overview for TL271.

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QFN Press Release

Update Regarding COVID-19 Support Benefits for Seniors and Essential Workers, Now Available to All Eligible Members Regardless of Location

On February 17, the Band announced funding of $275,000 to support seniors aged 60+ and essential workers who incurred childcare costs during the pandemic. The benefits, payable at $50 monthly to seniors to subsidize the cost of travel for essential supplies, and up to $200 monthly per child for essential workers with childcare costs, were made possible through a federal fund whose criterion held that the Band member had to be living in Newfoundland to avail of the funding.

Qalipu First Nation is pleased to announce that following discussions with government, the criterion have been modified to make these benefits available to all eligible members, regardless of their location.

Mitch Blanchard is the Manager of Qalipu Health and heads up this benefit program. He noted that accessibility of the benefit for all eligible members was something he was pleased to be able to offer through working with partners.

“We knew there would be challenges with availability and that there were members living outside the region who needed this benefit just as much as those living on the island. We approached Indigenous Services Canada regarding our concerns around accessibility for all members and we are pleased to say our concerns were heard. The program has been changed to allow all eligible Qalipu Band members to apply, regardless of where they live.”

Band members living outside Newfoundland whose applications were previously rejected due to location will now be reassessed and will not have to apply again.

All eligible Band members are invited to apply for the Covid-19 support benefits which can be found here

Benefit Press Release

Qalipu First Nation Launches New COVID-19 Support Benefits for Seniors and Essential Workers

Seniors aged 60 + and essential workers who incurred childcare costs during the pandemic will be the recipients of a new benefit fund valued at $275,000 that will be administered by the Band effective today until all available funds have been fully allocated.

The Vulnerable Population Essential Travel benefit is geared toward seniors aged 60 +.  These Band members are eligible to apply for a monthly subsidy valued at $50 (per household) to support travel for purchase of groceries and other essential items during the pandemic.  Alternatively, seniors who require a taxi to travel may request travel arrangements be pre-paid in lieu of the $50 benefit.

The Essential Worker Childcare benefit is for Band members who were essential workers during the COVID-19 pandemic and incurred childcare costs.  These individuals are eligible to apply for up to $200 in monthly benefits per child.  This benefit can be paid retroactively starting in April 2020, will require a letter from the members’ employer verifying their status as an essential worker, along with childcare receipts.

Band Chief Brendan Mitchell noted, “In light of recent developments around the COVID-19 pandemic in our province, it is clear that our communities continue to need our support in whatever way we are able to give it.  I’m happy to be able to assist seniors and essential workers at this time and the Band will continue to advocate for programs and benefits for Band members impacted by this difficult situation.”

Health Manager Mitch Blanchard heads up the new program and has several staff in place to help make administration of these benefits as smooth as possible.

“We know that there are a lot of members in our Band who will be eligible for these benefits which will likely mean a high volume of applications.  Our staff are ready to help as many people as we can with the available funds.”

To access the online application form, please click the link below.  For more information, please email

Access information and online application:

Melissa Peter Paul2

A quillwork workshop with Melissa Peter Paul will take place on March 5, 2021 @ 2pm. Register online for a chance to take part! There are twenty seats available, selected registrants will be notified after registration closes on February 19.


Interested parties should register here: