Emily Critch

Artist Talk with Emily Critch

Emily Critch is an artist, curator, and writer of Mi’kmaq and settler ancestry from Elmastukwek, Ktaqmkuk Territory (Bay of Islands, Newfoundland). She received her BFA in Visual Arts from Grenfell Campus, Memorial University of Newfoundland (2018) and has just begun her MFA in Criticism and Curatorial Practice with OCAD University remotely this fall. Emily has exhibited her work with Grenfell Art Gallery, Eastern Edge Gallery, The Rooms, the Hafnarfjörður Centre of Culture and Fine Art (Iceland), and she is the 2020-2021 Don Wright Scholar at St. Michael’s Printshop. Print media and textiles are intimate and labour intensive processes she uses to transform and transfer L’nu stories. The foundation of her artistic and curatorial practice is to consider the political and creative ways Indigenous People’s care for their traditions, kinships, and sovereignties through different modes of storytelling and connecting with land.

Register for the talk here: www.surveymonkey.com/r/LXW9HGK

AGA Facebook Cover (5)

Annual General Assembly – Central Newfoundland

Qalipu First Nation will hold its second Annual General Assembly (AGA) to discuss the activities of the Band for the fiscal year of 2019-2020. The AGA will be held on Sunday, October 25, 2020 at 1:30 pm at the Albatross Hotel in Gander, NL

Members of the Band are invited to pre-register for the meeting if attending in person. Please be advised that attendance is limited due to COVID-19 restrictions that are currently in place. To pre-register, please call 634-5111 or email council@qalipu.ca. Pre-registration for the AGA will close at 12:00PM October 22.

The Annual Report detailing activities over the past fiscal year is online, see below. Printed copies will be available at the meeting, and at our office locations for pickup following the AGA.

View Annual Report

Melissa Peter-Paul

Artist Talk with Melissa Peter-Paul

Melissa Peter-Paul is an experienced quill artist from Abegweit First Nation in Epekwitk (Prince Edward Island). Her training in quillwork is grounded in traditional techniques and steeped in her upbringing as a Mi’kmaw woman surrounded by a family of basket makers.

Join Melissa for her artist talk this Thursday at 7:00 PM where she will speak about her business, family, harvesting and finding balance.

Register for this free event here: www.surveymonkey.com/r/LXW9HGK

Youth Gathering nov6-8

Mawita’jik Maljewe’jk (Youth Gathering)

The Qalipu First Nation is pleased to announce that our second annual youth gathering, Mawita’jik Maljewe’jk [ma-we-dah-jek mal-jawesk], has been scheduled for November 6-8 at Burry Heights. 

Last year, the Band affirmed its commitment to honoring the youth voice within our communities by establishing a youth seat on Council, and hosting a youth gathering where an election could be conducted by youth participants from the nine electoral Wards within the Band. 

Current Youth Representative Salome Barker noted that she is excited that it is possible for the gathering to go ahead despite many cancellations around COVID-19 and is seeking input from the youth network in designing content for the conference. 

“We’re so lucky to have secured this opportunity to get together.  It’s been a long time without many opportunities to see one another, and we are looking forward to this.  I encourage youth in the network, or who are hearing about this for the first time, to get in touch with me and let myself and the planning committee know what they would like to see at this gathering.” 

At the gathering, the youth will hold an election to renew the youth representative seat.  The event will include traditional ceremony, teachings, drumming, singing and plenty of opportunity to network and enjoy time outside around the campfire.  Travel, accommodations and meals will be provided for by the Band. 

To register, please click here  

To contact Salome please email sbarker@qalipu.ca or join @Qalipu Youth Network on Facebook.  

Post AGA 2020

Annual General Assembly Held in Corner Brook

On September 27, 2020, Qalipu First Nation held its Annual General Assembly (AGA) in Corner Brook.

At the meeting, Band leadership presented on the audited financial statements, and departmental activity throughout the previous fiscal year.

Some members of the Band were in attendance while many others tuned in to watch the live stream and pose their questions online through the ginu membership database and the new “Leave a Message for Chief and Council (https://qalipu.ca/leave-a-message-for-chief-and-council/) form”.

If you missed the meeting, the AGA stream is available for viewing within the ginu portal. Click here to login to ginu (https://qalipu.ca/login-options/) and access the video under the Communication Preferences tab, and find it under the heading “Member Live Stream”

If you require assistance accessing Ginu, please contact Evan at 634-7389.

Virtual Art & Craft Symposium Jenelle Duval

Virtual Indigenous Art & Craft Symposium

Thursday, October 1 at 7:00 PM Join Jenelle Duval who will talk about her journey as a musician, and explore themes of reclamation and territory through lyrics, narratives, songs and stories from her life as a musician. We heard she will also share a song or two!

This is the first of a month-long series of artist talks, professional development and other opportunities as part of the Experience Qalipu Virtual Indigenous Art & Craft Symposium. Find out more and register here: https://www.facebook.com/events/2606150556363105

artist working on new paint

Calling all Artists!

Qalipu Cultural Foundation seeking new logo for One Sky school project

The Qalipu Cultural Foundation (QCF) invites qualified individuals or artisans to submit a proposal for the development of a logo for the One Sky Program. One Sky is a new program designed to support the social an emotional wellbeing of school aged youth through cultural teachings and experiences. The program is aimed at ages 12-15 and will be facilitated within the school setting.

Please see below for the Expression of Interest and respond by 4:00 PM on October 30th.

Request for Expressions of Interest


A closeup shot of the head of a person in a traditional Native Indian-American festive hat with feathers

National Day of Remembrance – MMIWG Commemorative Ceremony in Corner Brook

Qalipu First Nation, in partnership with the Corner Brook Aboriginal Women’s Association and the Mi’kmaq Drumming and Cultural Circle, invites you to join in a commemorative ceremony for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.

The gathering will take place on Sunday, October 4 at 1:00 PM at the gazebo in front of the Qalipu offices at 3 Church Street, Corner Brook. Everyone is welcome.

Please feel free to wear your regalia, and bring your rattle or drum to join in song sharing.

Press Release

Qalipu First Nation Supports the Chiefs of Nova Scotia

Qalipu First Nation is part of the traditional Mi’kmaq Nation whose territory consists of Gaspé Peninsula of Quebec as well as the northeastern region of Maine, the Maritime Provinces and Newfoundland.

The Chief and Council of Qalipu have been following the events around the legal moderate livelihood Mi’kmaq fishery in Nova Scotia. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our neighbouring Chief’s for taking an important stand in defending the 1752 Peace and Friendship Treaty, and the subsequent Marshall Decision upholding that Treaty. Qalipu fully supports the position of the Mi’kmaq Chiefs in Nova Scotia and the Mi’kmaq Grand Council which maintains Mi’kmaq rights to hunt, fish and earn a moderate livelihood and we stand with our Mi’kmaq neighbours in Nova Scotia in support of the 1999 Supreme Court decision.

While dispute between Mi’kmaq fishers and non-indigenous fishers is unfortunate and the aggression, unnecessary, it has never been clearer that it is time for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, to step in and bring resolution to this situation immediately. The Government must also denounce the racism that has been inflicted upon the Mi’kmaq by the non-Indigenous community. It has been 21 years since the Marshall Decision and “moderate livelihood” must be defined, and the necessary policy must be finalized through constructive discussions between the Mi’kmaq Chiefs and Canada.

Qalipu First Nation further calls on all involved to work together in the spirit of cooperation and mutual respect so that a peaceful resolution can be reached which supports the rights of Mi’kmaq fishers.