Meeting of Chief and Council-1

Meeting of Chief and Council

The next meeting of Chief and Council is scheduled for Saturday, September 21 at 10:00am in the Qalipu Community Room, 1 Church Street.

Registration is required to attend the meeting. Deadline to register is Friday, September 13, 2024, at 12:30pm.

Members wishing to attend can contact Natasha or Allyson by telephone or email:
Natasha – 709-634-6895, email:
Allyson – 709-634-5111, email:

Members can view the meeting’s livestream by logging on to their KINU membership profile:

Message from the chief - August 30, 2024 (1)

Message from the Chief – August 30th, 2024

As summer comes to an end and we look forward to fall, we are reminded of our deep connection to the land and all it offers. With the change of each season, many of us are carrying on our traditional practices of farming, foraging, hunting, trapping, and fishing—practices that have sustained our ancestors for generations and continue to sustain us today.

For centuries, we have lived in harmony with the land, taking only what we need and giving thanks for the abundance it provides. Our ancestors were among the first entrepreneurs, engaging in trade across our island and the rest of Mi’kma’ki. Yet today, we sometimes face harmful labels like “poaching,” which misunderstand and misrepresent our ways. It is crucial that we stand firm in our identity and educate others about the values that guide our interactions with the land.

Our traditions are not just practices; they are a way of life, passed down through the generations by our elders. They are the keepers of our knowledge, the ones who teach us how to live in harmony with the earth. As we move through this season of change, I encourage all of us to strengthen the connection between our elders and our youth. Let us create opportunities for our young people to learn the traditional ways of knowing and doing. By doing so, we are not just preserving our heritage—we are ensuring that our culture remains vibrant and strong for the next seven generations.

It is up to us to maintain and protect our traditions, to respect the land and all it offers, and to pass on these values to those who will come after us. We must be proactive, not reactive. In doing so, we honor our ancestors and ensure that our way of life endures.

Home Repair Assistance

Accepting Applications for the Home Repair Assistance Program (CLOSED)

Qalipu First Nation (QFN) Housing Division is pleased to announce the launch of the Home Repair Assistance Program (HRAP). This program will provide financial assistance up to $5,000.00 for eligible applicants residing in Newfoundland & Labrador.

This program will support housing repairs to increase functionality, sustainability, and longevity of homes, that will ensure a safe and sound standard of living specific to members and their needs. While funding is limited, the collection of data and the need for similar programs will be thoroughly assessed during this process.

Applicants MUST submit all required documentation by September 30th, 2024.

It is strongly recommended that applicants and/or co-applicants review the application in its entirety to ensure that all required documentation is included prior to submission. Please note, if all required documentation is not provided, the application may not be reviewed or processed.

To be eligible for funding, the home repair MUST fall into one of the following categories:

  • Emergency repairs that, if not completed, will force the homeowner to leave their home
  • Roofing
  • Oil Tank Replacement
  • Windows and doors

Requirement of combined annual household net income must be below $49,039.00, based on Government definition of “Low Income Taxable Reduction – LITR”

Please note that program funding is limited, and applications will not be processed until the submission window has closed.  Due to the anticipated high volume of applications, not all applicants will be approved, and only those receiving funding will be contacted.

Find the application here: Application (pdf)


Housing Development Officer
Paul Brake

mftc august-23

Message from the Chief – August 23rd, 2024

Addiction is a disease that has deeply affected too many of our families, our culture, and our connection to the land. Sadly, countless people are struggling, which also impacts those around them. 


For generations, Indigenous communities have faced devastating hardships because of colonialism. We have experienced a loss of connection to traditional ways of living, to the land, to ceremony, to language. Navigating these traumas and their fallout have significantly contributed to the high numbers of addiction within our communities, leading to generations of pain and struggle and too many gone too soon. 


As we approach August 31st, the International Day of Overdose Awareness, it is important to talk about the profound impact that addiction has on us all.  There are so many factors that lead to addiction. Nobody is immune to this disease, as no one sets out to become an addict. 


We must commit to advocating for culturally appropriate addiction support and mental health services, as well as increased education and awareness for our youth. By doing this, we can gain a better understanding of the complex factors that contribute to substance use and support those in our communities that are in active addiction. 


We must stand together and be hopeful in knowing that healing is possible. By embracing our culture, working with Indigenous and non-indigenous partners, and providing support to those in need, we can create a future where addiction no longer claims the lives of our loved ones. Together, we will continue to stand strong, guided by our traditions and the enduring spirit of our people.

Message from the Chief

Message from the Chief – August 16th, 2024

This summer has been a remarkable time for Indigenous artists in our community, with a series of events that have beautifully showcased our rich cultural heritage. From Mawi’omis and Powwows, fashion shows to artist residencies and exhibits, within our province and beyond we have seen a powerful representation of the talent and creativity that exists within our nation.

Artistic expression enables us to tell stories, comprehend where we came from and where we are going, and allows us to bridge gaps in our knowledge and understanding. Art, seeking beauty and creating it, is deeply important and allows us to connect with each other and the world at large. For many artists, their careers are not simply spent creating; much of their time is spent seeking, applying for, and reporting on project funding.  This is a time-consuming process that can make or break an artist’s livelihood, as well as their chance at becoming recognized and financially stable. Funding from dedicated art support programs enables our artists to display their work, telling our stories to the rest of the world.

As we move through 2024, which has been designated The Year of the Arts in Newfoundland and Labrador, we have reason to celebrate. Opportunities are offered that will elevate the lives of artists and creative people who need it most, allowing them valuable time and space to showcase their talents. This is not a frivolous undertaking: artists and organisations that are successful in receiving funding are tasked with ensuring those funds are responsibly spent and accounted for. They must report on the impact of their participation in these programs and prove that the intent and outcomes align; when projects are subjective and creative, it is necessary to ensure that funds are used appropriately and respectfully to support meaningful projects. The available funding is often outweighed by demand, and accountability is necessary to ensure that intended outcomes are met so these opportunities can continue to exist for others.

We are incredibly proud of the contributions of our Indigenous artists and appreciate the opportunities that exist to support them. We need to do what we can to support our artists, writers, musicians and people who create. View, listen, read, share and recommend their work, purchase a piece, or attend an exhibition. Artistry deserves an audience, and it is incredibly satisfying to be moved by someone’s creation. Everybody benefits! Our lives need beauty and stories, so we will always lift up those who are creating.

We look forward to continuing sharing our stories, ideas, and exploration of our culture through the arts.

Check out the links below for more information:

Year of the Arts:

Arts NL: Home – ArtsNL | Newfoundland & Labrador Arts Council

Writers at Woody Point:

Fogo Island Arts:

Elder Calvin White, Book “One Man’s Journey”:  or One Man’s Journey: The Mi’kmaw Revival in Ktaqmkuk : White, Calvin: Books

Books at Flanker Press including “Poppa and his Drum” and “Poppa and the Sacred Kitpu” by Judy Doucette:

Incredible Artists including Paul Pike, Marcus Gosse (Facebook Group – Mi’kmaw Art By Marcus Gosse), Jerry Evans (Jerry Evans | Indigenous Artist | NL), Jordan Bennett (

Message from the chief - August 9, 2024

Message from the Chief – August 9th, 2024

Recently, statements made by Donald Trump regarding children with disabilities have surfaced, and they are deeply troubling. Such ideas serve only to marginalize and harm those who already face significant challenges. As leaders of Qalipu First Nation, we stand firmly against any form of discrimination or demeaning language directed at children with disabilities or their families.

At the heart of our values as a Nation lies the belief that every child deserves to be treated with respect, care, and fairness, regardless of their abilities or circumstances. Our unwavering commitment to the well-being, dignity, and rights of all our children, especially those living with disabilities is something we support through programs such as Jordan’s Principle.

Jordan’s Principle is a program that ensures First Nations children have equitable access to the services and supports they need without delay or discrimination. Named in honor of Jordan River Anderson, a young boy from Norway House Cree Nation who was denied necessary care due to jurisdictional disputes, Jordan’s Principle is a powerful reminder of our collective responsibility to protect the rights and lives of our most vulnerable.

First Nations children under the age of 19 are eligible for services under Jordan’s Principle. Services or supports that can assist and advance an Indigenous child’s quality of health and life may be covered, such as mental health care, special education, dental care, physical therapy, medical equipment, physiotherapy and more. Each situation is different, and all requests are evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Qalipu First Nation has a Jordan’s Principal Service Coordinator available to answer any questions or assist with the application process.

We urge our community members and allies to continue advocating for the rights and dignity of all children. Let us use our voices to uplift and support those who need us most, following the example set by Jordan’s Principle. Together, we must work to create a world where every child is seen, valued, and given the opportunities they deserve.

Resources & Additional Information:

Jordan’s Principle Service Coordinator – Brigitte White (Phone: 709-634-2234, Email:

Application Form:

Making a request through Jordan’s Principle and the Inuit Child First Initiative: Making a Request Through Jordan’s Principle (pdf)

Accessing Jordan’s Principle, Handbook by Assembly of First Nations: Jordan’s Principle Handbook 2019_en.pdf (

Council Meeting Report July-2024

Council Meeting Report – July 20, 2024

Meeting of Chief and Council

The Qalipu Chief and Council met in Corner Brook on Saturday, July 20 for their regular scheduled meeting.

All but 3 councillors that had been excused were in attendance for the meeting.

Change to Quorum

A briefing note was brought forward to Council to approve a motion which would make an amendment to section 7.0 of Qalipu Band Council Procedures. The recommendation in this briefing note was to change quorum from 7 members to 5 members.

A great deal of discussion evolved from this note and councillors decided that it is important to have a larger majority to make decisions. It was decided to maintain a quorum of 7 members.

All were opposed on this motion; it was not carried.

Referendum Question for September Vote

Staff of QFN worked with the legal council to recommend some revisions to the Custom Election Rules.  Main topic of these revisions was asking candidates to provide a Criminal Record Check or Vulnerable Sector Check when running for an election.

After considerable conversation on this topic, a motion was made to table the discussion until further clarification can be provided.

Consecutive Absences from Council

A briefing note was presented due to the issue of attendance for regular scheduled meetings of Chief and Council.

Currently Council does not have measures to hold an absent member accountable. Section 6.2 of the General By-Laws does not give clear direction on how to address the issue of 3 consecutive absences. The intention of the briefing note was to establish a mechanism to hold council members accountable.

This topic was also a provision brought to council in the referendum question, as this referendum vote extends the power to council with the ability to remove a Councillor if they do not attend 3 consecutive regular schedule meetings.

Amendments were made to the motion with conditions of communication for council members.

All were in favor of the motion with the amendments. Motion was carried.

Health & Wellness Strategic Plan

Council reviewed the 2024-2029 Health & Wellness Strategic Plan. All agreed that the plan was very well done, and they are proud of the hard work done by the health department regarding increasing opportunities and reducing wait times for claims within NIHB.

This strategic plan is a living document that will change over time, it can be amended as priorities change.

All were in favor of accepting the Health & Wellness Strategic Plan, motion was carried.

AGA Dates

There was discussion and dates proposed for the AGA.

A motion was made to bring this decision back to staff and executive. All were in favor.

Upcoming Election

Dates are set for the upcoming election.

The call for nominations opens on September 23 at 8:30am and closes on October 1 at 4:00pm.

Members can vote electronically or over the phone during the voting window with a secure code that will be provided to them by email or letter mail.

The voting window is from October 18-25 with results announced in the afternoon of October 25.

Next Meeting of Council

The next regularly scheduled meeting of Chief and Council is the last meeting before the end of term for current Chief and Councillors. This meeting will be held in Corner Brook on September 21st, 2024.

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Message from the Chief – August 2nd, 2024

During recent meetings in Nova Scotia, it was inspiring to witness the evident collaboration and cooperation between the provincial government and the First Nations communities in that province.

Reflecting on our own provincial history, it is important to acknowledge past challenges when considering how to best move forward, grow, and find true reconciliation. When Newfoundland joined Canada in 1949, the provincial government denied the existence of Indigenous peoples within our province to avoid being perceived as a “burden” to the crown. This denial occurred despite the courage of many individuals who declared their Indigenous identities on the 1945 census, doing so at great personal risk and with no tangible benefit—only facing discrimination and segregation as a result.

Decades after that pivotal census, we have achieved federal recognition, become members of the Atlantic Policy Congress, Assembly of First Nations and are supported by the Mi’kmaq Grand Council. This milestone is a testament to the resilience and determination of our communities. However, we are acutely aware that our work is far from complete. We continue to strive for equality, justice, and the recognition of our rights.

In this spirit of progress and optimism, we warmly welcome Scott Reid as our new Provincial Minister of Indigenous Affairs and Reconciliation. We also thank Minister Lisa Dempster for her efforts and wish her all the best in her new role as Minister of Environment and Climate Change. We are hopeful that with the support of all members of cabinet, we can further strengthen our relationship with the provincial government and make significant strides toward a brighter future for all Indigenous peoples in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Together, we have the power to achieve so much. Let us continue to work hand in hand, building a future where respect, understanding, and cooperation guide our path forward.

mtfc-July 26

Message from the Chief – July 26th, 2024

For many Mi’kmaq folks, St. Anne’s Day holds cultural and spiritual importance. The history of St. Anne’s Day in relation to the Mi’kmaq people can be traced back to interactions between the Mi’kmaq and French Catholic missionaries in the early 17th century. They introduced Catholicism to the Mi’kmaq people as part of their efforts to convert the Mi’kmaq. St. Anne, the mother of the Virgin Mary, became a particularly revered figure among the Mi’kmaq.

St. Anne’s Day, celebrated on July 26th, evolved to include pilgrimages to sacred sites, such as the St. Anne’s Mission in Nova Scotia. These gatherings are not only religious, but also social events that strengthen community bonds. The celebrations typically include a mixture of Catholic liturgy, such as masses and prayers dedicated to St. Anne, and traditional Mi’kmaq rituals.

There is no denying the complex relationship between religious groups and Indigenous people. There is a dark history that has led to intergenerational trauma that will take many generations to recover from. But for some people, their religion and the faith they were raised with is what gets them through hard times. Regardless of our personal beliefs, we should always allow each other space to express our cultural and spiritual beliefs without fear of judgment; we are all on a journey and our history has led us to a time when our past and present can intertwine if we allow.

St. Anne’s Day continues to be an important event for many Mi’kmaq people. It serves as a time for cultural reaffirmation, spiritual renewal, and community solidarity. The celebration is a testament to the resilience and adaptability of Mi’kmaq culture, as they have maintained their traditions while incorporating elements of Catholicism.

There may be events happening in your areas in observation of St Anne’s Day.  All are welcome to participate and learn about a day that for some, is an element of colonialism they embrace.