Survey text with man using a laptop in a modern gray chair

Housing and Accommodations—Qalipu Membership Survey

Qalipu First Nation is pleased to announce an enhanced focus on housing and accommodations among members in our province by way of establishing a Housing Committee.  The new committee aims to better understand issues and concerns, identify appropriate programs to help provide immediate support, and seek sources of funding for housing and accommodations.

The Housing Committee is made up of three Ward Councilors, Brian Dicks, Ivan White Sr. and Calvin Francis; and two staff support people, Manager of Health Mitch Blanchard and Director of Education and Training Monique Carroll.

Following their first meeting in January of this year, the committee would like to collect as much information as possible from the membership by way of a survey which will be available online February 18 – April 12 and shared at upcoming ward meetings.  Paper copies of the survey with postage paid return envelopes will also be mailed to the Elders Mailing List group.

This survey does not collect any personal identifying information and your participation will be anonymous.

Please, take a moment to share your input and point of view to help us better understand housing and accommodation issues, concerns and needs.

Click here to take the survey

Skills Link BSG Flyer_edited

Skills Link “Ready to Work” program 2019

College of the North Atlantic is offering a 13-week Skills Link “Ready to Work” program. This program
includes 6 weeks of paid classroom training and 7 weeks of paid on-the-job training. Students are
also eligible for a $150 Completion Bonus upon successful attendance and participation.

This program will provide students the opportunity to improve their employability skills with
Professional and Personal Development seminars, Job Search Skills, and Introduction to Computers.
This program will help students recognize and build personal management skills required to transition
to the workforce. Students will become certified in Emergency First Aid, WHMIS 2015, and Back Injury
Prevention. Students will have the opportunity to explore career choices, develop job search tools such
as a resume and cover letter, and participate in a supported job search. Students will then participate in
an on-the-job training session for at least 24 hours per week over a period of 7 weeks.

Entrance Requirements: Students must be:
• between the ages of 15 and 30 (inclusive) at the time of intake/selection;
• facing barriers to employment;
• Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or persons who have been granted refugee status in Canada;
• legally entitled to work according to the relevant provincial/territorial legislation and regulations; and
• not in receipt of Employment Insurance (EI) benefits.
* Open to applicants who have or have not completed high school and meet the requirements listed above.

Start Date: May 27, 2019**
Location: Bay St. George campus
Registration Deadline: April 1, 2019

**This program will be offered pending sufficient enrollment.

For further information, please contact:
Gail Dober at 709 643 7749, or
Deborah Jennings at 709 643 7825,

Canadian mountie police marching in parade

RCMP/Qalipu First Nation Summer Student Program

The Qalipu First Nation and the RCMP are working together to build a worthwhile work experience for aboriginal youth who are interested in a career in policing and/or justice. This exciting job opportunity will provide students with an insightful look at working with the RCMP as a possible career choice. This nine-week opportunity runs from June-August 2019. Successful applicants will attend a one week training session at the RCMP Headquarters in St. John’s prior to being placed at the RCMP detachment closest to their location.

The deadline to apply is February 22, 2019

For eligibility criteria, salary and other information including how to apply please visit
Or contact:

Vickie MacDonald,
Employment Coordinator

Call for Nominations 2019

The Qalipu Cultural Foundation Needs Volunteers!

The Qalipu Cultural Foundation is a charitable organization that supports Mi’kmaq culture in our province.  Through the Foundation, and the contributions of their partners and sponsors, QCF helps provide cultural experiences, and provides funding to grassroots community groups to host their own cultural workshops, teachings and events.

Are you or someone you know culturally engaged in the community and committed to learning about Mi’kmaq culture from Elders and knowledge keepers?

The Foundation is currently seeking nominations for its Board of Directors.  Please, click here to learn more and find the application form.

"A caribou stands dramatically on a ridge (Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland, Canada)"

Notice Self-Identification Reassessment

Letters are being mailed today, January 31st, 2019 regarding applicant re-assessment on the self-identification criterion of the enrolment process.  Here’s what you need to know:
Wells/Wells Court Case Implications

The Wells’ cases challenged the denial of applications for founding membership in the Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation based on the self-identification criterion of the enrolment process.

As a result of the federal courts’ decision on these cases, if you were denied founding membership with the Band in 2017 based on the original self-id criterion you will be sent a letter providing you with the opportunity to submit additional self-identification documents or indicate that you have previously submitted such documents as part of your application.

You will have approximately 100 days from the letters’ date to complete the form sent with the letter, gather self-identification documents if needed and mail the form and documents back to the Enrolment Committee.

For more on the Wells/Wells court cases, please click here

What is a self-identification document?

We encourage you to visit the Indigenous Services Canada Website to find information on what types of documents satisfy the self-identification criterion, and other information about the self-identification reassessment.

If You’ve Moved or Changed Address

INAC cannot reach you with your letter if you’ve moved or changed address but you did not let them know.

Update your address by calling the Government of Canada’s Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation line1-800-561-2266.

Alternatively, you can send a signed letter by fax to 1-204-984-3032.  Make sure to include:

  • Your full name
  • Your date of birth
  • Your file number from the department, if available (found at the upper-right corner of a letter from the Enrolment Committee)
  • Your previous and new mailing addresses
  • The effective date of your address change
  • Your phone number

Any other information you would like to update (e.g. name, gender, marital status, etc.)

Bernie Hanlon Scholarship Winner 2018_edited

2018 Bernie Hanlon Memorial Scholarship Winner

We are pleased to announce the most recent winner of the Bernie Hanlon Memorial Scholarship, Salome Barker, a fourth-year student at St. Francis Xavier University.   The Bernie Hanlon Memorial Scholarship was created to help an Education and Training client who is attending college or completing an undergraduate degree.  To win the $1000 scholarship prize, applicants write a short essay on how they embody the spirit of Bernie Hanlon.

Barker is a fancy shawl dancer and has participated in several Mi’kmaq language classes.  In her essay she commented on her pride in her Mi’kmaq identity, and her willingness to share and learn with others.  Her educational pursuits include Mi’kmaq language classes, and research in the area of Resilience within Indigenous Communities in Canada.

Barker said, “This program works with Indigenous women from all over Canada in providing them the skills to be leaders within their communities and being able to kick start projects to help benefit their community members.  After my degree, I would like to pursue a career in aboriginal law.”

Bernadette “Bernie” Hanlon dedicated her life to supporting and encouraging the aboriginal people of Newfoundland both culturally and in working with them to meet their educational dreams.   Bernie worked with students throughout her many years with the Federation of Newfoundland Indians and later with the Qalipu First Nation.  She worked tirelessly to help those around her develop personally as well as by supporting and encouraging cultural and spiritual growth.

Central Region Vice Chief Randy Drover was on hand to make the presentation which took place on January 3, 2019 in Grand Falls-Windsor.  Randy said he was proud to represent the nation for this presentation which honours the memory of his late friend, Bernie Hanlon.  He said, “It was my privilege to present Salome Barker with the Bernie Hanlon Memorial Scholarship.  Bernie was a very influential and strong Mi’kmaq women in my life, and I’ll never forget the moments we shared and the teachings she passed on.  She was a kind and gentle spirit, and she instilled in me, like she did with so many others, the importance of our culture and traditions.  Salome very much represents Bernie’s spirit, which is evident in her educational pursuits and her passion to learn and share the Mi’kmaq culture.  This young woman has a great future, and I’m honoured to see her receive the Bernie Hanlon Memorial Scholarship.”


Congratulations Salome and best of luck on your educational pursuits!

Kerzen zum gedenken.

Message From the Chief – January 10 2019


I was saddened to hear the news of a terrible tragedy that occurred last night in Conne River.  A young woman’s life was taken in an act of violence.  I encourage all of you to pray with me for healing and comfort for her family and community who are today dealing with the impact of such a terrible loss.

Chief Brendan Mitchell


Qalipu First Nation would like to announce the availability of two Communal Commercial Fishing Licences.

Details are as follows:

Area 13A – One Licence Available

Groundfish except Lumpfish; Lobster; Herring; Mackerel; Capelin; Scallop; Whelk

Area 13B – One Licence Available

Groundfish; Lobster; Bait; Herring; Mackerel; Capelin; Squid

Successful applicant will be designated to fish this licence by paying an annual administration fee to Qalipu First Nation Band.  The purchase and maintenance of all fishing gear is the responsibility of the designated fisherperson.  This designation may be renewed annually on the basis that the fisherperson remains compliant with QFN’s Fishing Designation Policy and meets the following criteria:

  • Member of Qalipu First Nation Band
  • All regulations of governing agencies of these licences are followed
  • Licences are utilized annually
  • Administration Fees are paid on time

Any member of the Qalipu First Nation Band interested in such a designation is encouraged to print and complete this application and indicate in which opportunity they are interested.  Printed applications are also available at the Corner Brook and St. George’s offices.

Deadline to apply is: Friday, January 25, 2018 @ 4pm

Please submit applications by e-mail, fax, mail, or hand-delivery to:

Fax: (709) 639-3997

Qalipu First Nation
3 Church Street
Corner Brook, NL A2H 2Z4
Attn:  Mabel MacDonald


Message from the Chief – December 24, 2018


On behalf of Qalipu Council and Staff, I would like to wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas and I hope and pray that the New Year will be filled with encouragement, good health and prosperity for all.

My wish is that your homes will be filled with the true spirit of Christmas and that good times will be shared with family and friends as we celebrate this beautiful season.

The past year has been busy and productive for our Council and Staff as we have endeavoured to provide programs and services which meet the needs of our people and communities. Our new Council which was sworn in on November 23, is looking forward to 2019 and the many challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. We will continue to move forward together in the spirit of unity and collaboration in building upon what has already been accomplished.

We recognize the need for a better outcome regarding enrolment in Qalipu First Nation as many Founding Members lost status in August. We will continue to press for changes that will bring many people back to Qalipu. This new conversation with the Government of Canada began in December and will carry into the next few months.

Your new Council will continue to concentrate efforts on cultural initiatives and language and will be providing support for community initiatives in this regard. Business development will see greater focus with a goal to provide funds that will be eventually distributed to our Ward communities. Also, health and wellness initiatives are expected to see expansion. Two new Qalipu Committees have been introduced in the areas of housing and communications to better meet member needs. We look forward to keeping Qalipu members and our communities apprised of new developments in these and other areas.

I am excited and optimistic about what Qalipu First Nation will accomplish in 2019 and I look forward to working together with our new Council for the betterment of our People and our Nation.

Merry Christmas,

Chief Brendan Mitchell