
Please Contribute to the Ktaqmkuk Mi’kmaq Place Names Project

Do you live in one of our Newfoundland Mi’kmaq communities such as Bay of Islands, Flat Bay, Burgeo, or Badger?  Do you have roots in Port au Port, Exploits or Millertown?

Have you camped, hunted or travelled Newfoundland areas and have stories or pictures that you would like to share?  Have you heard family stories about logging, guiding or fishing in Newfoundland?

We are collecting stories, pictures and information that we can add to our online interactive Mi’kmaq place names map.

Sharing knowledge through storytelling is a strong Mi’kmaq tradition that we continue today.  By capturing some of these memories, and adding them to an online interactive map, we can preserve stories about the places that are special to us.

If you would like to share, please contact Nicole Travers at the following email: or tel. (709) 634-3856.

We also invite you to view our interactive Ktaqmkuk Mi’kmaq Place Names map of Newfoundland.

Storyingtelling poster


Canada to reassess nearly 58,000 applicants for Founding Membership in the Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation and commits to exploratory discussions on membership for veterans, military members, RCMP and FNI members

November 15, 2018 — Ottawa, ON — Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada

Canada remains committed to renewing the nation-to-nation relationship with Indigenous Peoples based on recognition of rights, respect, cooperation and partnership.

Today, Gudie Hutchings, Member of Parliament for Long Range Mountains and Yvonne Jones, Member of Parliament for Labrador, on behalf of the Honourable Carolyn Bennett, Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations, along with Brendan Mitchell, President of the Federation of Newfoundland Indians (FNI) announced the next steps in the implementation of the Wells/Wells decision.

Canada and the FNI will be moving forward with reassessing approximately 58,000 individuals who were denied Founding Membership in the Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation. In addition, parties have committed to enter into exploratory discussions to address outstanding concerns regarding members of the Canadian Armed Forces, veterans, RCMP and FNI members or members of other Mi’kmaq organizations who were named in the 2008 agreement and denied Founding Membership. Individuals affected by the exploratory discussions will be contacted once further information becomes available.

The review of the Enrolment Process is a result of the May 8, 2018 Federal Court decision on the David Wells and Sandra Wells case, which deemed the requirement for proof of self-identification to the Mi’kmaq community pre-dating 2008 to be unreasonable and unenforceable. Therefore, these individuals will have the right to request reassessment of their application and to submit additional documentation for the self-identification criterion.

Individuals affected by the Wells decision will be contacted by mail in January 2019 with information on how to submit additional documents to have their application reassessed. Those who wish to have their applications reviewed will be asked to submit the form and documents with a postmark no later than 100 days after receipt of their letter.

Quick Facts on the Wells Decision

  • On May 8, 2018, Federal Court released its decision in the David Wells and Sandra Wells case, stipulating that it was unreasonable to require applicants to provide proof of self-identification to the Mi’kmaq community pre-dating the 2008 Agreement for the Recognition of the Qalipu Mi’kmaq Band.
  • This decision means that the approximate 58,000 individuals whose application for Founding Membership to the Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation was denied based on the self-identification criterion of the Enrolment Process, now have the right to request reassessment of their application and to submit additional documentation.
  • In January 2019 (TBD), the Government of Canada and Federation of Newfoundland Indians will notify the 58,000 applicants eligible for re-assessment as a result of the Wells decision on next steps for the reassessment of their application.
  • Those affected should ensure their mailing address is up to date by contacting the Qalipu toll-free telephone line (1-800-561-2266). Individuals whose mailing address has not changed since their initial application are not required to provide updated information.
  • Additional information on the Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation Enrolment Process and the process through which the Wells decision will be implemented can be found online.

Quick Facts on the Exploratory Discussions

  • In the signature of the 2008 and 2013 Agreements and the Indemnity Agreement, the Government of Canada, the Federation of Newfoundland Indians, and the Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation all agreed to the eligibility criteria individuals were required to meet in order to register under the Band.
  • In accordance with the 2008 and 2013 Agreements, and with the Enrolment and Appeals Processes, no exemptions or exceptions were granted to Veterans or members of other distinctive groups. However, Canada has heard the concerns regarding Canadian Armed Forces, RCMP, veterans, as well as members of FNI, who believe their applications were unfairly denied and will be entering into discussions with the FNI on this matter.
  • The Government of Canada recognizes and deeply values the meaningful contributions of Indigenous Veterans, RCMP, Canadian Armed Forces and other members of the military, to the development of our nation, and honours the sacrifices they have made in the defense of freedom and the pursuit of world peace.



“The creation of the Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation is an important step towards reconciliation and the recognition of Newfoundland’s Mi’kmaq People. Canada and the Federation of Newfoundland Indians will continue to work in close collaboration throughout the implementation of the Federal Court’s decision, in the spirit of upholding the integrity of founding membership.”

The Honourable Carolyn Bennett, M.D., P.C., M.P.
Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations

“I encourage all those who are eligible to submit additional documentation regarding the self-id criteria to do so.  Letters will be mailed to impacted individuals in the near future so I encourage you to ensure that your mailing address is up-to-date.  If you’ve moved or changed address, please contact 1-800-561-2266.  Let’s all look out for one another by sharing this news among our communities.”

Brendan Mitchell
President of the Federation of Newfoundland Indians


Maw-pemita’jik Qalipu’k November 2018 Newsletter


In this edition of Maw-pemita’jik Qalipu’k we’ve got a lot of great stories and pictures from our communities. Grassroots people are at the heart of our Nation and this is easily seen in the many events, workshops and volunteer efforts that we see happening in our communities. Find some of those stories featured on Pages 7-11.

Qalipu’s election was held on October 23 and our newly elected Council will officially take office in just one week. Find all the details on the Election, an invitation to the Swearing in Ceremony and explore the top three priorities of each member of Council on Pages 4-6.

Also, in this month’s newsletter, a story and pictures from the Experience Qalipu Indigenous Tourism Forum and a focus piece on one of the Indigenous tourism operators at work in our province, Pirates Haven RV Park and Chalets; an update on the Outdoor Education Program; student success stories and opportunities from the Qalipu Education and Training Department; and important updates from the Health division.

The big announcement yesterday came too late for publication but, we are all talking about it. The federal government has committed to enter into exploratory discussions regarding veterans, members of the Canadian Armed Forces, RCMP and FNI members or members of other Mi’kmaq organizations who were involved in the Enrolment Process and denied Founding Membership. Our Chief committed to fight for this in a Demonstration of Community Solidarity. Many stories were collected at that time, and people who are impacted by the outcome of these discussions will be contacted as more information becomes available.

The way forward for individuals impacted by the Wells/Wells court case is also in the works and details  of this were announced. What we want people to know now is that INAC cannot reach you if you do not have a current address listed with them.  If you’ve moved or had an address change, please update it by calling 1-800-561-2266.

Please, keep in touch. Share your community event, success story, news and anything else that would be of interest to the Inidgenous community by emailing me at




Message From the Chief – November 9, 2018


I greet you today humbled and thankful that you have chosen me to be your Chief for another term following our election on October 23.  I look forward to continuing to build on projects that were started in my first term including establishment of the Business Park, the pursuit of Indigenous hunting and fishing rights, partnerships, enhanced community engagement and cultural activity, and settling into our place among other First Nations in Canada with the Assembly of First Nations.

I would like to thank all those who were so supportive during election time.  Supporters, friends, and family, thank you for your faith in me and for your encouragement throughout the election and always.

I further offer thanks and congratulations to the newly elected Council: Randy Drover, Central Vice Chief; Keith Cormier, Western Vice Chief; Calvin Francis, Gander Bay; Frank Skeard, Glenwood; Andy Barker, Exploits; Bern White, Benoit’s Cove; Brian Dicks, Corner Brook; Jasen Benwah, Port au Port; Odelle Pike, Stephenville; Ivan J. White, St. George’s and; Ivan White, Flat Bay.  I look forward to working with the new Council in the years to come.

We begin our work together at 9:30 am, November 23, commencing with a Swearing in Ceremony at the Civic Centre in Corner Brook.

We are pleased to share that we will be joined by special guests Assembly of First Nations Regional Chief Morley Googoo, and Miawpukek First Nation Chief Mi’sel Joe.  All our community Chiefs, partners and government representatives have been invited to join us, and an invitation is extended to all of you! We hope to see many of you there as we mark a new beginning, a new chapter for the Qalipu First Nation.

Thank you and blessings for those who have moved on from Council, and to those who put themselves out there as candidates in the recent election.   I hope that you will all stay active in your communities and continue to share your gifts.

I am honoured to have the opportunity to serve our membership as Chief of Qalipu First Nation for the next three years.  I truly hope that our people can be united in the spirit of healing and reconciliation as we go forward to build a better tomorrow together, for our people and communities.


Chief Brendan Mitchell


Canadian Coast Guard Officer Training Program

Would you like to save lives, assist in search and rescue missions, patrol Canadian waters, support scientific surveys, and help deal with pollution in our oceans? These are some of the functions of the Canadian Coast Guard and through their Officer Training Program (OTP), you can become a Ship’s Officer and join the Fleet.

The OTP provides training in Marine Engineering and Marine Navigation over a 45-month training period.  Your education, text books, training costs, room and board are provided for, and participants are entitled to Federal Public Servant Benefits like medical, dental, vacation, pension and a monthly allowance.

The Qalipu Education and Training Department is committed to sharing opportunities that will help our members succeed and realize their full potential.  The OTP looks like an exciting opportunity to train and work toward making a real difference on Canada’s waters.  If this sounds interesting to you, find more information about the program here:

If this program isn’t for you, maybe something else is calling your name.  Please, feel free to talk to us about our programs and services including wage subsidies, grad incentive programs, employment and training opportunities and education funding.

Find contact information for our team here: and follow us on Facebook to stay in the know on valuable information about your benefits, as well as current opportunities, and announcements.

Cecil Ryan, Amgwes Safety_edited

Qalipu Business Network 2018 Award Winner Amgwes Safety

On October 19, the Long-range Small Business Week Committee held their Annual Business Awards Dinner at the Caribou Curling Club in Stephenville.  The sell-out event hosted many business owners/operators, along with industry stakeholders, to pay homage to their efforts throughout the past year. Qalipu First Nation is very active in providing business support to member businesses throughout our regions and, as such, are very proud to present an award to one Qalipu Business Network member each year from the Stephenville and surrounding area.

After careful consideration, this year’s Qalipu Business Network Award was presented to Cecil Ryan of Amgwes Safety Incorporated.  Amgwes Safety Inc. is a certified NCSO / CSO safety management & consulting firm located in Stephenville. Mr. Ryan, owner/operator, of the firm and has over 34 years in the construction industry, with the last 20 of those heavily focussed on safety.

Mr. Ryan started his company 4 years ago.  He said, “I anticipated 50 clients the first year, 100 the second and 150 during the third.  Amgwes safety served 180 clients in the first year, 410 in the second and today has over 1000 from many different parts of the island.”

Mr. Ryan is a proud member of the Qalipu First Nations Band. The word Amgwes is a Mi’kmaq word that means first as in “First and Foremost”

Psychotherapy session, woman talking to his psychologist

Qalipu to Deliver Mental Health Counselling Service

November 1, 2018, Corner Brook—The Qalipu First Nation is pleased to announce an expansion to our Health Division and our health services delivery.  Effective November 1, 2018, Qalipu will take on administration of the Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) Mental Health Counselling benefit for members of the Band living in Atlantic Canada.

The NIHB Mental Health Counselling benefit is intended to provide coverage for mental health counselling to complement other mental wellness services that may be available. This service provides for up to 22 hours of counselling annually (with extensions if needed) for individuals, children, families and groups.

There are numerous providers across the Atlantic Region that deliver this service (updated: June 22, 2021) who are ready to set appointments with clients.  To access counselling, members of the Band can choose a counsellor from the list, call to make an appointment and, after the appointment, the counsellor will send a request for approval to Qalipu for processing and the member bears no cost.

If a Band member needs to travel outside of their community to access their counsellor, they may also be eligible to receive support under the medical transportation benefit.

Mitch Blanchard, Manager of the Health Service Division said, “There are times in all of our lives when counselling could make a difference, and we encourage all those who are eligible to take advantage of the help that is available.  You don’t have to go through it alone.”

Those experiencing emotional distress and wishing to talk can also contact the toll- free Hope for Wellness Help Line at 1-855-242-3310, or the online chat at, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Mental health counselling is the second NIHB benefit for which Qalipu has taken over the administration on behalf of members living in Atlantic Canada.  The Band began administering the medical transportation benefit last year and plans to pursue management of other programs and services to grow the Band’s ability to serve its own membership, create employment opportunities for our people, and generate own source revenue that can be re-invested into our communities.

Group of young students and designers.They working on new project.

CNA Invites Qalipu Members to Participate in Review of Post Secondary Education in the Province

Email from Bruce Hollett, President & CEO, College of the North Atlantic

The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, through the Department of Advanced Education, Skills and Labour, is undertaking a review of post-secondary education in this province. Preliminary discussions with the administration of College of the North Atlantic have served as input towards a draft Terms of Reference on this initiative.

Now, as a first step in the college’s role in this process, we are seeking your input and that of your members on the draft Terms of Reference.

Please share this email with the Qalipu membership and also take some time to visit our website (see link below), review the draft Terms of Reference, and email us with your feedback and recommendations on these Terms. Your insights and views will help shape the Terms of Reference for the future of CNA and post-secondary education in the Province.

As this process moves forward, we will provide you with further opportunities for your thoughts and feedback on this initiative. Your input will be used to help inform the college’s official submission to the commission appointed to lead this process. As always, we look forward to hearing from you and working together for a brighter future for our province.

Post-Secondary Review Process:


Qalipu First Nation Band Election 2018

Qalipu First Nation Band Election 2018

October 24, 2018, Corner Brook—The Qalipu First Nation Band holds its election every three years to choose its governing body; a Chief, two Vice-Chiefs representing central and western Newfoundland, and nine Ward Councilors. Yesterday, thousands of members of the Band turned up at the polls to choose those leaders that will represent them for the next three years.

Brendan Mitchell was re-elected to lead the Nation as Chief. At the end of the night, Mitchell came out at almost double the votes received by his closest competitor, Hayward Young. Mitchell had received 2500 votes to Young’s 1290 votes. Clyde Russell, a third contender for Chief had a good showing at 867 votes.

In central Newfoundland, incumbent Joe Bouzanne was defeated by Randy Drover for the position of central Vice-Chief and in western Newfoundland, Keith Cormier went head to head with Andy Tobin for the position of western Vice-Chief, coming out on top at 1526-982 by the end of the counts. Edith Miller wasn’t far behind at 691 votes while Ron Jesseau, Blain Ford and Gary Greene who were also vying for the position had a good showing with several hundred votes a piece.

Incumbents Brian Dicks, Corner Brook Ward, Bern White, Benoit’s Cove Ward, Andy Barker, Exploits Ward and Jasen Benwah, Port au Port Ward were all successful in their bid to be re-elected for another term as Ward Councilor.

In St. George’s, newcomers Ivan J. White and Kenny Lee competed for the seat vacated by Arlene Blanchard White. Ivan J. White came out on top of that race 251-134. In Stephenville, for the seat vacated by former Ward Councilor Gerard Alexander, Odelle Pike came out on top in a race against former Councilor Joe White and newcomer Stefan Young. Odelle defeated nearest competitor Stefan Young at 354-305. White was not far behind at 238 votes.

In the Wards of Flat Bay, Gander Bay and Glenwood, the seats were won by acclamation. Of the three, Ivan White representing the Flat Bay Ward is new to the table while Frank Skeard of the Glenwood Ward and Calvin Francis of Gander Bay go on for their third consecutive term on the Qalipu Council.

Voter turn-out in this election was up from 2015 with a 25.3% voter turnout.

Keith Goulding, Band Manager, said that he was happy to see more members engaged but, that the Band can do better.
He said, “We are happy with another successful election, but we still hope to see more of our membership engaged in the process. With the amendment vote to change the way we administer elections, which passed last night with a 73% approval from membership who voted, we should see a more efficient, inclusive and effective election in 2021.”

Following a 30-day appeal period, per the Custom Rules governing Qalipu elections, the new Council will be sworn in and take office.

Click Here to view the 2018 Election End of Polls – Counts
Click Here to view the 2018 Election End of Polls – Council Elect