Indigenous Pre-Cadet Training Program


Are you an Indigenous person, aged 19 to 29, and interested in learning more about a career in policing with the RCMP? You may be eligible to take part in this year’s Indigenous Pre-Cadet Training Program.

Indigenous pre-cadet training at the RCMP Training Academy

The program includes a three-week training session at the RCMP Training Academy (Depot) in Regina, Saskatchewan.

You’ll learn:

  • How to work as part of a policing team
  • An introduction to the Criminal Code and RCMP policy
  • Physical fitness and drill
  • Skills to help prepare you to apply to be a police officer

Open to Indigenous Peoples in Canada

To apply you must be:

  • of Indigenous descent (First Nation, Métis or Inuit)
  • aged 19 to 29
  • a Canadian citizen
  • a graduate of a Canadian secondary school (or equivalent)
  • able to pass an enhanced reliability security check

DEADLINE: February 25th, 2020

Please Contact:

Cst. April Janes
Indigenous & Community Policing B Division



Candidate Submission Deadline:

February 26, 2020
4:00 P.M. Atlantic Standard time

On January 16, 2020 the Chiefs of Nova Scotia and Newfoundland (“Chiefs”) made the decision to commence the process to select a new Regional Chief for the Nova Scotia (NS) and Newfoundland (NL) region.

The Chiefs are seeking submissions from qualified and dedicated candidates who would like to be considered to become the NS and NL Regional Chief.

The role of the Regional Chief (RC)to advocate and act as an Ambassador on behalf of the NS and NL Chiefs and the Assembly of First Nations National forum. The RC holds a political office, that is accountable to the Chiefs and AFN.As the Ambassador for our region, our Mi’kmaq Communities expect the highest standards of professional and personal conduct from the Regional Chief and their office.

The term of office the RC will be a three (3) year term. The RC may be re-elected for further terms.

Mission of the Office of the Regional Chief

To restore and enhance the relationship among Mi’kmaq in Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, and Canada.

  1. Ensure strong representation of the Chiefs whom he/she represents in concert with the AFN Charter and the Regional Chief’s Rules and Procedures, as developed by the Chiefs of the region;
  2. Balance First Nations’ regional and national interests in a manner that supports the NS and NL Chiefs, the AFN Charter and Regional Chief’s Rules and Procedures;
  3. To communicate on an ongoing basis with the Chiefs to keep them informed and to seek instruction and guidance; and
  4. Work in a manner that is consistent with the NS and NL Regional Chief’s Constitution (including Schedules) as developed by the Chiefs of the region, AFN Charter and the vision, mandate and directives of the

The Submission Package must include the following:

  • Letter of interest – this would outline:
    • Why you are interested in becoming the RC;
    • Why you would be the best person to represent the Chiefs
    • How you meet the eligibility criteria and qualifications, skills and abilities (as outlined below); and
    • What experience you have that has prepared you to become the
  • An up-to-date Resume
  • Child Abuse Registry Check
  • Criminal Record Check
  • Two References

Eligibility Criteria

Any person submitting for the position of Regional Chief must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • A Band Member of one of the Nova Scotia or Newfoundland Mi’kmaq communities;
  • Ability to travel, including internationally;
  • Satisfactorily complete a Criminal Record Check;
  • Pass a Child Abuse Registry Check;
  • Demonstrated Leadership skills;
  • Minimum of High school education or equivalent (or higher);
  • Demonstrated connection to and involvement within the member community and/or overall Mi’kmaq Nation;
  • Knowledge of Mi’kmaq communities, governance and government relations (First Nation, Federal, Provincial and Municipal).

Qualifications and Skills and abilities:

  • Experience with Project Management;
  • Financial experience;
  • Strong analytical, public speaking and facilitation skills;
  • Strong organizational and time management skills;
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills;
  • Ability to work both independently within a deadline and in a complex multi-issue team environment with competing demands and priorities;
  • Computer competency, including in Microsoft Office Suite;
  • Experience working with Mi’kmaq communities and organizations;
  • Knowledge of Mi’kmaq language is not a requirement but would be considered an

The Process

  • Submissions from Candidates will be accepted until February 26, 2020 at 4pm After which, no further submissions will be accepted or considered.
  • The Interview Committee will review each candidate’s submission Only those candidates meeting the required criteria will be interviewed.
  • We appreciate everyone who takes the time and opportunity to send in a submission package; however, only those candidates selected to be interviewed, will be

If you have any questions, please email Crystal Dorey at

Please forward your completed submission package in confidence to Crystal Dorey, via email at: or by fax: (902) 843-3882.

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Qalipu Budget 2020 Survey

As work continues on our ten-year budget, to include input received during strategic and comprehensive community planning engagement sessions, we want to hear your thoughts about how to balance the budget while creating more opportunities to give back to our communities, and ensuring members continue to have access to the programs and services they need.

Please, take a few moments to complete this Survey

CCP Swag Contest Web

Take the Comprehensive Community Plan Survey for your Chance to Win!

The Comprehensive Community Plan (CCP) is a process that will allow our community to build a roadmap towards sustainability, self-sufficiency, and improved government capacity. It will allow the community to establish a vision for its future and implement projects to achieve this vision. This process is intended to be inclusive, representing the perspective of all members, from youths to Elders, within or outside the community.

The key planning areas are governance, land and resources, health, infrastructure development, culture, social issues, and the economy. The CCP will be sustainable, meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to thrive.

Qalipu First Nation looks forward to working with the community to develop the CCP via meetings, presentations, surveys and a variety of community engagement.

Click here to take the Survey!


Qalipu Staffer Participates in Indigenous Women in Community Leadership Program

In October 2019 Jasmine Collis, Non-Insured Health Benefits Support Specialist with Qalipu, attended a three-week residency at Coady International Institute in Antigonish, NS, as a part of the Indigenous Women in Community Leadership (IWCL) program. Each year Indigenous women leaders from across the country are awarded a full scholarship to complete the IWCL program, which focuses on designing a community project that will have a positive impact on their communities. The program covers Indigenous Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD), which filters the concept of ABCD through a cultural lens. Each morning began with a smudge, followed by teachings provided by an Elder.

The first group task demonstrated the ABCD concept quite clearly. The group of 19 women leaders were assigned the task of assembling a Tipi with no help from instructors or staff. The group had to work together to use each woman’s knowledge and/or skills to raise the tipi poles and wrap the canvas. Using innovative and creative techniques, the tipi was raised and stood tall. Each woman then had the opportunity to paint on the tipi, alongside many other women who had previously completed the program.

Jasmine noted, “Hearing about the projects that the other women are developing and getting to know them, and their backgrounds, was an amazing experience that I’ll never forget. The three weeks were full of inspiration and I felt very empowered as an Indigenous woman. I have come to realize how unique our Nation’s history is in Newfoundland, compared to other First Nations across Canada. Our story is one that we need to keep telling, as we reclaim our culture.”

This year was the first time Coady hosted an IWCL Gathering of the past cohorts. The three-day conference included over 100 Indigenous women leaders from across the country, with keynote speaker Dr. Ngahuia Te Awekotuku of New Zealand delivering an account of the struggles, barriers, and strengths of Indigenous people from her home country.

Jasmine said that the presentation on the Māori people was powerful.   She said, “Following her presentation, the auditorium sang the Strong Women’s Song to her while one woman drummed. It was an incredibly moving experience.”

Since her return home Jasmine has begun working on her community project, which will focus on supporting Indigenous youth in her community, by creating the opportunity for youth to speak for themselves and to conduct their own ABCD approach to the needs of the youth.

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No cost for this certification.

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Strategic Planning Facebook Event Cover (2)

Qalipu First Nation Continues Community Consultations, Development Of Five-Year Strategic Plan

Members of the Band are invited to participate in the development of the Qalipu First Nation five-year strategic plan via consultation sessions scheduled to take place throughout the territory.

Band Chief Brendan Mitchell noted, “The Strategic Plan is the document that will help guide the ongoing development of programs and services the Band provides to its members. A collaborative approach in its development is essential in ensuring our members’ needs and vision are reflected in our work. I hope that members will participate in the process.”

The Strategic Plan will provide direction for Chief and Council, as well as staff, as they plan for future development in the areas of member services, brand and communications, culture and heritage, environmental stewardship, economic development and operational excellence.

Members who wish to contribute to the plan can choose to participate in-person at the sessions or by completing an on-line survey ( . Written submissions will be accepted at our office in Corner Brook and individuals may also communicate directly with the consultant on the strategic plan by contacting Terry Hickey, Conach Consulting at 709-682-9026 or via email at

Consultations have bene scheduled in the following locations:

Port au Port January 14, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM 50 Plus Leisure Centre in Port au Port West

Stephenville January 15, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM College of the North Atlantic Bay St. George Lecture Theatre

Corner Brook January 16, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Greennwood Inn

Canadian mountie police marching in parade

RCMP Qalipu Youth Summer Employment Program 2020

RCMP/Qalipu Youth Summer Employment Program

The Qalipu First Nation and the RCMP are working together to build a worthwhile work experience for aboriginal youth who are interested in a career in policing and/or justice. This exciting job opportunity will provide students with an insightful look at working with the RCMP as a possible career choice. This nine-week opportunity runs from June-August 2020. Successful applicants will attend a one-week training session at the RCMP Headquarters in St. John’s prior to being placed at the RCMP detachment closest to their location.

For the Summer of 2020, successful applicants are placed in locations near their hometown within the RCMP jurisdictions of Grand Falls, Stephenville, Deer Lake, Corner Brook, Gander, Bay Roberts and Harbour Grace.

The deadline to apply is February 21, 2020

For eligibility criteria, salary and other information including how to apply please visit

Or contact:

Vickie MacDonald,
Employment Coordinator

My Post (3)

Apajitayek Mi’kMaq Language And Culture Camps

The Qalipu Cultural Foundation is pleased to announce it’s final language camp in the series for Apajitayek Mi’kmaq Language & Culture Camps.  The dates for the final camp in Corner Brook are January 14th and 15th. The camp will be led buy Robert Bernard, Dean Simon and supported by Elder George Paul.  In addition to basic conversation and introductory Mi’kmaw language course work, the two-day camp will offer participants a chance to engage in learning song, dance, history and stories about their Mi’kmaq ancestors.

The camp is free to attend and the number of seats are limited.  Due to such popularity,  the registration is for draw to participate.  Successful participants will be notified by January 8th, 2020.

Please see the form below to apply and participate.

For more information please contact Nicole Travers at or call 634-4706.

Full Name:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
How do you identify?:
Proficiency in Language:
Dietary Restrictions:
This is a two day workshop, are you willing to attend both days?
The Application process is now closed, thank you to all that submitted an application.


My Post (2)

Participate in the Qalipu Strategic Planning Survey for your Chance to Win!

Please take a few moments to participate in our Strategic Planning Survey. When the survey ends, we will draw for four $25 prizes.

Please check our Events Calendar ( for upcoming Strategic Planning Sessions. To give your feedback by email or phone, please contact planning consultant Terry Hickey at or tel. 709-782-2180