Little girl playing with colors

Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care Round Table

In partnership with the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples, the Qalipu First Nation will host an Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care Round Table in Corner Brook on July 5, 2017 from 10:00 am- 3:00 pm.

We would like to hear from a broad range of voices including parents, family members, communities, early childhood educators, youth, elders, and experts.  What is your vision for early learning and child care for indigenous children and families?

Food and refreshments will be provided.

Travel subsidy is available for people travelling from outside Corner Brook.

Please register by June 28, 2017 by contacting Vickie MacDonald by email at

Judy 1

Judy White accepts new role as Assistant Deputy Minister of Indigenous Affairs

Qalipu First Nation is pleased to share that Ms. Judy White, a well- known Mi’kmaq leader from the community of Flat Bay, has accepted a position as the new Assistant Deputy Minister of Indigenous Affairs for the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador.

Ms. White holds a Bachelor of Laws degree from Dalhousie Law School with emphasis on Aboriginal Law.  She has completed the Intensive Program of Lands, Resources and First Nations Government at Osgoode Hall Law School, as well as a certificate in Leading People’s and investing in sustainable communities, an Indigenous program at Harvard Business school.  Ms. White is also a certified board director through completing the Chartered Directors Program at McMaster University.

Her most recent role was Chief Executive Officer of the Assembly of First Nations, and has also worked as the Self Government Advisor for Miawpukek First Nation, and as a partner with the law firm of McDonald White located at Conne River, Newfoundland Labrador, which specializes in aboriginal law.

Ms. White has vast board and governance experience and has served many agencies and in various capacities including the National Centre for First Nations Governance, the First Nations Financial Management Board, Aboriginal Peoples Television Network, Board of Regents for Memorial University and most recently the Small Departments Audit Committee.

Brendan Mitchell, Chief of the Qalipu First Nation, said, “Ms. White’s education, work experience and involvement with indigenous people, communities and organizations have equipped her with the means to accomplishing much in the position of ADM.  We can all be proud of her achievements and I look forward to working with and assisting her in her new role as Assistant Deputy Minister.  It’s great to have a true indigenous voice in this important position within Government.”

a group of women are sitting in a circle, discussing

Attention Women Trained or Working in Trades, or Currently Seeking Employment

Each year the Women’s Policy Office hosts Roundtables on the Economic Status of Women to share information, provide feedback and support, and develop strategies to improve women’s economic well-being. The Roundtables also provide a mechanism for the Women’s Policy Office to consult with stakeholders on the effectiveness of new and existing government policies and programs.

The next Roundtable scheduled for June 8th at the College of the North Atlantic in Corner Brook.  It will be delivered in partnership with the Office to Advance Women Apprentices (OAWA).

To register, women should call Karen Walsh at 757-5434 Ext. 240 or by email at

Girl With Guitar in the Park. Little Caucasian Girl with Acoustic Guitar in Hands. Young Guitarist.

Call for Musicians and Artists- National Aboriginal Day Music and Sharing

National Aboriginal Day festivities will be held at Margaret Bowater Park in Corner Brook, June 21, 2017.  This special day will start with a sunrise ceremony in the Park, followed by a light breakfast at the Qalipu Community Room at 1 Church Street.  There will be a variety of activities for the whole family throughout the day starting at 10:00 AM.  Full schedule events coming soon.

As part of the day, we will host Music and Sharing, an opportunity for musicians, poets and dancers to take the stage and share something with all those gathered in celebration.  Individuals or groups welcome.

Please contact Mitch Blanchard at or phone 634-8046 to add your name to Music and Sharing. Honorariums will be provided.  Deadline to add your name is June 16, 2017.


Commercial Space for Lease in Grand Falls – Windsor

There are no current spaces available for lease.

Location: 28 Hardy Avenue

Available: July 1, 2017

Approximately 790 square feet is available which is suitable for office or retail space.  Common Kitchen and bathroom areas.  Wheelchair accessible.  Large parking lot.  Centrally located.  Heat and light included.

For more information, please contact Rob Dicks at 634-6895 or email


Healthy Lifestyles Elder and Youth Workshop

The Exploits Native Women’s Association (ENWA) in partnership with the Newfoundland Aboriginal Women’s Network (NAWN) are seeking participants in a six workshop project aimed at Aboriginal seniors in the Central NL area.

Seeking eight seniors (65+) and two youth between (16-20) . The aim of the workshops is to encourage our elders to become involved in our communities and maintain a healthy lifestyle on the four levels important to Aboriginal people: spiritual, physical, intellectual and emotional.

Youth are also sought to participate, in encouragement of that necessary connection between our past and our future.  The workshops are open to both female and male participants.

It is the intention of ENWA and NAWN that the participants have a great deal of involvement in deciding the direction of these workshops.  The first workshop is tentatively scheduled to start June 10, 2017, in Grand Falls-Windsor.

Seats are limited and should interest exceed the number allotted, a fair process will determine the participants.

If you are interested in attending please contact Pat Cameron email address or Marie Eastman email address  or by phone 290-0675. The deadline for submission of names will be June 1, 2017.


Work at our Provincial Mi’kmaq Museum this Summer!

Work at our Provincial Mi’kmaq Museum this Summer!

This summer, be part of the youth team telling the stories of our Mi’kmaq history in Ktaqmkuk, the land across the water.  The St. George’s Indian Band is currently seeking applications for three positions.  See below for some information on the museum from the band’s website, and a link to the application information.

“Seal Rocks was the largest and principle Mi’kmaq settlement on the West Coast of Newfoundland. It was established in 1804 as permanent settlement for the Mi’kmaq of Newfoundland and for the resettlement of the Mi’kmaq from Nova Scotia. Mi’kmaq oral tradition maintains occupation of the area is ancient.

To celebrate this rich culture a local historic old building has been renovated to house a cultural museum and interpretation center. This museum is the first and only official Mi’kmaw cultural historic museum for the island of Newfoundland. The significance of the tremendous contribution of our Mi’kmaq ancestors to Bay St. George will be recognized, celebrated and given its proper place.

The K’Taqmkuk Mi’kmaw Cultural Historic Museum is now what used to be the courthouse, pictured to the right, the outside of the building has been restored back to its’ former grandeur and the inside houses the K’taqmkuk Mi’kmaq Museum. It is located at Main Street, St. George’s, NL. The courthouse was built in 1903 and is one of three of its kind in the province of NL. The building has seen many changes over the years with it being a courthouse, jail, police station, post office, housed a medical clinic, public health and it was then turned over to the St. George’s Indian Band for the sum of one dollar! The St. George’s Indian Band Council has worked to turn this beautiful site into a cultural experience for all to see. The courthouse, which it is still called by the townspeople, is a large part of the rich history for the St. George’s area.”

 Click here to apply

Indigenous Women and Girl Image

Reach out to Have your Voice Heard at the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls

The National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls has announced that hearings will start soon. As the Inquiry’s Executive Director told us, if family members, loved ones and survivors don’t tell the Inquiry they are out there and want to talk, the National Inquiry won’t know they exist.

– Family members, loved ones, and survivors of violence who want to speak to the Inquiry, at a public hearing or in private, need to write to the Inquiry a simple letter, or give the Inquiry a quick call, to say “I want to speak to the Inquiry”. That’s it. If they do that much, the Inquiry will take over from there and make sure that person participates, and receives any needed travel (flights, hotels, taxis, meals, etc.) and other supports.

– “Family members” includes “adopted family members, foster care relatives, and even really close friends.”

– To contact the Inquiry, family members, loved ones and survivors of violence should call the Inquiry toll-free at 1-844-348-4119 or email at or you may call Arlene Blanchard-White at 709-214-0256 or email

– Please note there is also a 24-hour Crisis Line for anyone who may want support at any time; that number is toll-free 1-844-413-6649.

A person holding a Red Apple with engraved heart

Assessment of Health Promotion Needs and Cultural and Traditional Practices of Qalipu First Nation Members

Members Wanted as Participants for a Research Study

During the 60 years that passed before the recognition of Qalipu First Nation in 2011, our people experienced a loss from their cultural and traditional practices. Being an off-reserve landless Band makes us unique from other First Nations and, according to what some may say, may be responsible for a grassroots disconnection.

Research indicates that culture impacts individual and community health, as it influences interaction with the health care system and engagement in health programs and services (National Aboriginal Health Organization, 2008). In both the Federation of Newfoundland Indians Health Needs Assessment (2010) and Qalipu First Nation’s Healing Waters Study (2015), members indicated that culture was important to them in terms of overall health, and they identified a need for more culturally appropriate health initiatives.

To further investigate these findings, Qalipu First Nation’s Health Division is conducting a research study that will assess our members’ needs for health promotion initiatives, and help us gain a better understanding of their cultural and traditional practices with respect to health.

Survey participants will be asked to answer questions about what their needs are for health promotion initiatives, as well as what aspects of Mi’kmaq culture and traditions are most significant to them. Survey data will be collected through on-line, paper format, or through face-to-face or telephone interviews. Paper format surveys will be mailed out to members at their request. Face-to-face and telephone interviews will be conducted by a researcher. The on-line and paper format surveys will take 10-30 minutes to complete; face-to-face and telephone interviews may take up to 90 minutes.

To participate in this study, participants must be a registered member of Qalipu First Nation and be at least 18 years of age. They must be able to communicate in the English language.

Participants who complete the survey may benefit by participating in this survey by feeling that their opinions and desires regarding health promotion initiatives have been heard. Subsequently, they may be more inclined to engage in health promotion initiatives due to QFN integrating an approach in health promotion activities that are suited towards Mi’kmaq cultural and traditional practices. It is also possible that the benefits of this study may result in improved health outcomes of Qalipu First Nation members.

To learn more about or participate in this research study, please contact Jenna Osmond, Manager of Health, Qalipu First Nation.

 Jenna Osmond, Manager of Health Services, Qalipu First Nation
Telephone: (709) 634-5041