businessman working on Desk office business financial accounting calculate, Graph analysis

2015-2016 Audited Financial Statements

Qalipu First Nation recently completed our annual review for the 2015-2016 fiscal year. Chartered Accountants Bonnell Cole Janes have audited our financial operations and provided a report on their findings.

You can access the report here: 2015-2016 Audited Financial Statements

The details of the audited report, along with an overview of all QFN activities for the year, will be presented in full at Qalipu’s upcoming Annual General Assembly (AGA). The AGA will take place on June 25th at the Mount Peyton Hotel in Grand Falls-Windsor, 1:30-4:00.  The auditor will be on hand to answer any questions that you may have.

For members who have questions about the Financial Statements but are not able to attend the AGA, please feel free to contact Jodie Wells, Finance Manager, by email at


2015-2016 Annual Report

The Qalipu First Nation is pleased to share its Annual Report for the 2015-2016 fiscal year.  This report contains the audited financial statement, gives an overview of all activities from the three Departments of Qalipu, as well as provides insight into our Strategic Plan, and the 2015 Election.  It also includes messages from the Chief and CEO, a report from the Federation of Newfoundland Indians, and the Qalipu Business Trust.

The content of this report, and more, will be presented at the upcoming Annual General Assembly.  This meeting, open to all members of the Band, will take place on June 25th, 2016, 1:30-4:00 at the Mount Peyton in Grand Falls-Windsor.  Copies of the report will be available at the meeting.  Members are reminded to bring their Secure Card of Indian Status to register upon arrival.

Click Here to view the 2015-2016 Annual Report


Are you Interested in being a Professional Hunting/Fishing Guide?

Qalipu First Nation, in partnership with Arluk Outfitters, is currently seeking 3 members to participate in a Qalipu/Arluk Guide Initiative.   Up to three individuals who have a keen interest in pursuing careers as professional hunting and fishing guides will be hired.  These individuals will serve as assistant guides and will work under the direct supervision and mentoring of experienced Arluk guides.  We anticipate the work period to extend from mid to late June to mid to late October, 2016 with a minimum of 12 worked weeks.  The normal work week will be Monday-Saturday, 8 hours per day.  During periods when clients are at the lodge, guiding may require more than 8 hours per day.  Rate of pay is $1,000 per week.  Apply by May 11.

Click here for full details


Understanding the Recent Enrolment Update

Excerpt from the Indian and Northern Affairs Canada website regarding the recent update to the Qalipu Enrolment process

“Applications determined to be invalid: In April 2016, the Government of Canada and the Federation of Newfoundland Indians (FNI) announced:

  • Applicants with an application determined to be invalid have an opportunity to correct their applications for review by the Enrolment Committee.
  • The Enrolment Committee will add four members (two from the Government of Canada and two from FNI).
  • The deadline for the Enrolment Committee to review applications has been extended to no later than January 31, 2017. The deadline for the completion of the appeals process is now September 30, 2017.

If you have applied for membership and your address has changed since September 2011, please update your contact information.”

Click here to read more of this information Bulletin which addresses any questions you may have.

For assistance from Qalipu, please contact:

Charmaine Bath (Glenwood Office)
(709) 679-2142
Toll free 1-855-263-6440

Nancy O’Connell (Corner Brook Office)
(709) 634-4010

Mattie Mitchell site gmnp

Work with Parks Canada this Summer!

Would you like to work in with an organization known throughout the world?  Parks Canada protects some of the most special places in Canada, including Gros Morne National Park, L’Anse aux Meadows National Historic Site and Port au Choix National Historic Site on the west coast of Newfoundland.  

This summer, in partnership with the Qalipu First Nation, Parks Canada is offering unique employment opportunities to Qalipu students and members.

Employment opportunities include Park Attendant, Heritage Presenter, Interpreter and Resource Conservation Technician Student.

Click here to view job descriptions and how to apply

*Deadline: All applications must be received by 4:00 P.M. on Friday April 22nd, 2016.
Thank you to all applicants who apply; however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

Ralph Eldridge, Director of Service Qalipu, with Dave Feaver, General Manager at Parkway Hyundai

Qalipu Members Receive $500 off Vehicle Purchase

We are pleased to announce that for the month of April Parkway Hyundai in Corner Brook will waive the $500 fee for vehicle delivery to Conne River.  This deal has come about as part of a Qalipu First Nation initiative seeking companies that can offer group discounts, promotions and other benefits to our membership.

Dave Feaver, General Manager at Parkway Hyundai, has started a promotion that many of our members will be pleased to hear about.  If you buy a new car with Hyundai this month, you won’t have to pay the added cost of having it delivered to the Conne River reserve.

The standard price in Corner Brook to have a dealership transport the vehicle from Corner Brook to Conne River to is $500.  This savings, combined with other deals being offered this month including dealer invoice pricing and increasing trade-in values by $500, is a deal we know that our members will want to know about.

Visit the Parkway Hyundai website here

Note: The $100.00 administrative fee charged in Conne River is not included in this promotion.

PS Yvonne Jones Qalipu Vice Chief Joe Bouzanne Qalipu Chief Brendan Mitchell Minister Carolyn Bennett and Qalipu Vice Chief Erica Samms Hurley

Qalipu Council Executive meet with Minister Carolyn Bennett

On Sunday, April 3, 2016 Chief Brendan Mitchell, western region Vice-Chief Erica Samms Hurley and central region Vice-Chief Joe Bouzanne, traveled to St. John’s to meet with the Honourable Carolyn Bennett, Minister of Indigenous and Northern Affairs.

Chief Mitchell noted that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss some aspects of the Qalipu enrolment file, and economic development in Qalipu territory.  He said “this meeting was positive in a number of respects.  We will continue to work with this government to improve the overall situation for Qalipu and its members.”

Following their meeting, the group traveled with Minister Bennett and her party to the St. John’s Native Friendship Centre.  Chief Mitchell reported that they received a very warm welcome at the Centre, where they spent some time working on a craft, drumming, and were treated to cake and refreshments.

Rise Up Walk

Qalipu Supports Rise Up Walk to End Violence

On Sunday, April 3, the Qalipu First Nation organized a walk and reception in St. George’s for Conrad Burns, a young First Nations man who will walk 7000+ km across Canada to raise awareness about violence and abuse.  You can follow Conrad’s journey on Twitter @Conradburns #riseup, or on Facebook by searching “Rise UP Saskatchewan”.

Get the full story and more pictures in the April edition of Maw-pemita’jik Qalipu’k, due out April 22, 2016.


Exciting Opportunity for Youth at Mawio’mi 2016

The Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation is providing an opportunity for a limited number of students to attend this year’s Mawio’mi Annual Business Forum. This will be an opportunity for youth learn about business, innovation, technology, engineering and environment while networking with other youth, Qalipu entrepreneurs, and industry leaders.

This forum will take place from March 9-10th, 2016 in Corner Brook, NL.

Accommodations, meals, and a travel subsidy will be provided to successful applicants. For more information and how to apply, please see attached document.

Note deadline to apply is 4PM, January 29, 2016,

For further details or questions, please contact Mitch Blanchard via email:

For details on how to apply, click here


Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation Linkages Employment Program

The Qalipu Linkages Program is a youth employment program funded by the Department of Advanced Education and Skills which will be delivered by the Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation.  This year the program will be offered in the Corner Brook area.

The program provides participating youth with a 26-week, career-related, local job placement combined with regular workshops on employment skill-building topics such as job readiness and career planning.  After an initial week of orientation workshops, participants will conduct their own job search to find a placement that suits their skills and interests.  To be eligible for the Linkages program, participants must:

  • Be a registered Qalipu member between the ages of 18 to 30;
  • Be non-EI eligible and have limited work experience
  • Have completed a minimum of level II high school, and have NOT completed post-secondary education/training. If an applicant has not completed high school or equivalent, they must be out of school for a minimum of six months prior to applying to the program.

To apply to the Qalipu Linkages Program, please submit a resume by mail, in person, or by e-mail to:

Work Force Qalipu
Attention: Tara Saunders
3 Church St
Corner Brook, NL
A2H 2Z4

 Deadline Date:  Wednesday, January 20th, 2016