Black Bear 1

Black Bear Program an incredible opportunity for youth

Have we got an opportunity for you!

The Black Bear Program is a summer employment program for indigenous youth, age 16+, that combines culture and teachings with basic military training.  The six-week program takes place from early July to mid-August at 5th Canadian Division Training Centre located in Oromocto, NB.

And get this, participants get paid $4,200! That’s a summer job you won’t find anywhere else.  Meals and accommodations are provided while at the camp, and your transportation to and from Oromocto is covered too.

If you’re ready for a challenging experience that develops hands-on skills, encourages teamwork, improves physical fitness and promotes cultural awareness, get in touch with us to register for an upcoming information session.

Please contact Employment Coordinator Vickie MacDonald at

For more information, visit this link


ANNOUNCEMENT Are you an Indigenous university graduate, or currently studying? Are you considering medicine as a possible career choice? If so, this event may be of interest to you!

Pre-Med Summer Institute
Happy Valley-Goose Bay, NL
Date: July 2-20, 2018

The Pre-Med Summer Institute is one of the Aboriginal Health initiatives of Memorial University’s Faculty of Medicine. It is an intensive, non-credit program offered for three weeks (July 2-20, 2018). The institute provides experience in a clinical environment for selected candidates who are thinking seriously about pursuing a career in medicine and who wish to apply for admission to Memorial University’s Faculty of Medicine. Candidates are selected through an application process from the First Nations, Inuit and Southern Inuit communities in Newfoundland and Labrador. Selectees will be placed at the Labrador Health Centre in Happy Valley-Goose Bay. During the three weeks, participants will converse with physicians, medical residents and students and have some exposure to various health care situations.

To find out more about the institute and to submit an application please visit the Aboriginal Health Initiative website at

Qalipu Chief and Council received a presentation from the Town of Stephenville (L-R) Gander Bay Ward Councilor Calvin Francis, Corner Brook Ward Councilor Brian Dicks, Flat Bay Ward Councilor Ben Bennett, Grand Falls-Windsor Ward Councilor Andy Barker, Town of Stephenville Councilor Mark Felix, Qalipu Chief Brendan Mitchell, Stephenville Mayor Tom Rose, Port au Port Ward Councilor Jasen Benwah, Benoit’s Cove Ward Councilor Bern White and Stephenville Ward Councilor Gerard Alexander Click here to view the council meeting report

Council Meeting Report – March 16, 2018

Group of young students and designers.They working on new project.

Opportunity for Youth: Leading People and Investing to Build Sustainable Communities


AFOA Canada is pleased to partner with Nutrien, who will sponsor one Indigenous Youth who will attend the Harvard Business School program along with Senior Administrators, Executive Officers, Elected Leaders and Senior Managers working in Indigenous communities and organizations on-reserve, off-reserve and in urban, rural and isolated settings across Canada.

ABOUT THE PROGRAM: The program was developed under the guidance of HBS Executive Education, the Leading People and Investing to Build Sustainable Communities Program is the only program of its kind in North America. The program brings together HBS Faculty and guest speakers who are “specialists” in their fields and proficient in Aboriginal matters.

This four-day program provides the participant with the opportunity to view community investments in a broader context. While it is important to understand investment tools, strategies and products, it is equally important to understand how governance practices can shape the management of the investments with a longer-term view toward building sustainable communities. The skill sets of entrepreneurial finance, negotiations, and change management complement effective governance of community investments. Participants learn using the HBS case study method. Interactive lectures and small study groups ensure lively, thought-provoking discussions and the sharing of innovative ideas. At the program’s conclusion, participants will receive a Certificate of Completion from the Harvard Business School.

PROGRAM THEMES: The themes of the program will cover the following:

Investment Governance – Participants will better understand investments and good governance practices over investments.

Entrepreneurial Finance – Participants will build a framework and develop a better understanding of the valuation of potential investments, specifically pre-revenue start-ups.

Negotiations – Participants will enhance their negotiating skills and develop negotiation strategies at an individual and team level.

Change Management – Participants will develop effective strategies for leading through change at both an organizational and community level.

APN Program info
Solomon Semigak(L) and Katie Dicker (R)

Aboriginal Patient Navigator Program

The Aboriginal Patient Navigator (APN) Program offers support and assistance to Aboriginal patients/clients who are referred to St. John’s, NL for medical treatment. The APN Program provides a link between Aboriginal communities and Eastern Health care providers.

Services and Supports

  • Navigation to appointments.
  • Arranging interpretative services for Innu-Aimun and Inuktitut languages.
  • Assistance to access meals, transportation, accommodations, medical supplies and discharge planning.
  • Liaising with internal and external agencies.
  • Education and information sharing.

 (Located in Women’s Health Centre, across from Tim Horton’s on the Yellow Brick Road, Main Patient Entrance, Health Science Centre)

Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 8:00-4:00pm

Katie Dicker                                                        

Senior Aboriginal Patient Navigator

Health Science Center Rm. 2J514                

Office: (709) 777- 2199/Fax:777-2210

Pager:  (709) 758-9117

Solomon Semigak

Aboriginal Patient Navigator

Health Sciences Center Rm. 2J514

Office:  (709) 777-2110/Fax:777-2210

Pager:  (709) 758-1714


Maw-pemita’jik Qalipu’k February 2018 Newsletter


In this edition of Maw-pemita’jik Qalipu’k you will find the details on a demonstration set to take place in Ottawa this weekend on the front page.  On page 2, find out how the Chief is negotiating for grassroots people and community members, and how to share your story, and in my editorial, I’m With You, Joe, read a story that many can relate to- Joe is one of our members who has been told he will lose his status.

Also, in this edition are details about the Climate Change Study that has just begun at Qalipu.   Through interviews, we will gather information about climate change, its impact on our communities and people, and solutions for adaptations.  Find all the details on page 6.

As usual, we share important information about opportunities, community updates and events that you won’t want to miss.

Please enjoy and don’t hesitate to get in touch to make a comment, ask a question or provide content for the next edition of Maw-pemita’jik Qalipu’k.

Please enjoy this edition of Maw-pemita’jik Qalipu’k.  Remember to send your stories, pictures, and feedback to Alison at


Alison White

Great Blue Heron, (Juvinile), St. George's
Great-Blue-Heron-Juvinile-St.-Georges credit: Melvin White

Qalipu First Nation to Conduct Climate Change Study

February 13, 2018, Corner Brook—Qalipu First Nation is pleased to announce that it will be conducting Climate Change interviews in the communities of Lark Harbour, Cox’s Cove, Burgeo, St. George’s, Cape St. George, Stephenville Crossing, Lewisporte, Bishop’s Falls, and the Gander Bay area from February 12 to March 29, 2018.

The purpose of these interviews is to gather information about climate change, its impact on our communities and people, and solutions for adaptation. Topics will include: extreme weather events such as flooding and the impact on water quality, community infrastructure, and emergency preparedness; coastal erosion and rising sea levels and the impact they may have on spiritual grounds and medicinal plant sites; forest use and the impact climate change may be having on this use, and plant and animal life. This information will be used to help communities adapt to the challenges of climate change.

Interviews are open to members of the Band, and self-identifying Mi’kmaq aged 14+, and will take place Monday through Friday, February 12 – March 29, 2018. Times and locations to be determined on a community basis. Home visits and evening interviews are available.

To schedule your interview, please see below for contact information:

Residents of Lark Harbour, Cox’s Cove, Burgeo, St. George’s, Cape St. George, and Stephenville Crossing please contact Joanne Harris, Research Assistant at or call 709-634-4706.

Residents of Lewisporte, Bishop’s Falls, and the Gander Bay area please contact Nancy Jeans, Research Assistant at or call 709-393-6771.


Message From the Chief – February 2, 2018


Happy New Year.   I hope that you all weathered the recent flooding in Newfoundland, and that in cases where damage was done, I pray that you found support in your families and community.  May the Creator bless you all with good health and the care of community in the year ahead.

Something that has been much talked about in the media and on Facebook recently is the issue of separation that has been brought forward by the Flat Bay Band Inc. This has been a concern for members living in Flat Bay, and for other people in our communities.  I would like to take a moment to address this topic.  Band Division is, in fact, a provision under the Indian Act.  If you would like to read about it for yourself, go to this link and look under the heading “How to divide a Band?”

I would like to take a moment to clarify a few points with members of the Qalipu First Nation who have been calling me to ask what this means for them, and others who may be wondering.  First, I am not in support of Band division.  Secondly, Band division would be a lengthy process involving formal application to INAC and agreement by the Minister.  Further, the elected Chief and Council of the day would have to agree to division.   Such a division would also require the majority vote of status members belonging to the impacted community.  In this case, status card holders who are members of the community of Flat Bay, and those directly affiliated with Flat Bay Band Inc.

While some of the rhetoric in the ongoing conversation seems to imply that Band division would rectify issues related to the enrolment process or achieve status for individuals who do not currently have it, I regret to say that it will not.  Only status members would decide on division, and the number of status card holders would remain the same.  I hope that this situation has not given false hope to people.

I have no issue with any community or organization doing whatever they can to better themselves and the lives of people.  I do however, feel that the timing may not be the best to publicly talk of division.  We should try to stick together at this time as we fight for the rights of people who are not yet members of Qalipu and those that may lose First Nation status after the enrolment process concludes.

At this time, I am working diligently for those residents of our 67 recognized Mi’kmaq communities who were assessed on the points system and were found ineligible for Founding Membership.  This system of assessment, the points system, was never intended to be applied to people who lived in one of those communities at the time of recognition! People who, in fact, lived there all their lives.  I am compiling information on cases like these and I will fight for their fair treatment.   There are many others in this process we strongly support, and we will continue to do so.

While I’m talking about fairness, how on earth can the very members of the Federation of Newfoundland Indians, those who voted to ratify the Agreement to create our First Nation in the first place, now be found ineligible for membership? This is unacceptable, and the Government of Canada has not heard the last from me on this.  Grassroots people, I am fighting for you.  I offer myself, wholeheartedly, to walk with the people and seek justice.

Were you an FNI member who voted on ratification for the Agreement in Principle, yet you have been found ineligible for Founding Membership? Did you live in a Mi’kmaq community yet, were assessed on the points system and denied membership because you didn’t have enough points?

I want to hear from you!  Please send your story to

Chief Brendan Mitchell