
Qalipu First Nation Announces Hiring of New Band Manager Randy Drover

Corner Brook, January 9, 2017—The Qalipu First Nation is pleased to announce the hiring of a Band Manager.   Randy Drover of Bishop’s Falls joined staff at the Qalipu administrative office in Corner Brook today.  In this position, Drover will report directly to Chief and Council, and be responsible for oversight and management of all Band business, including management of a group of staff at four office locations.

Chief Mitchell noted that choosing an individual with strong leadership skills along with the right blend of education, experience and engagement with the aboriginal movement, was a significant task for the Qalipu Council.    He noted that there were many strong applicants, and that he relied on the assistance of an independent recruiter to help make the decision.

“Randy Drover’s involvement with the Mi’kmaq movement in Newfoundland from a young age, his former experience with Qalipu Council, collaborative approach to leadership, his education and work experience, made him the top candidate for the important job of Band Manager.”

Randy was first engaged in the Mi’kmaq movement in Newfoundland at 18 years old when he attended youth conferences and meetings through the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples.  In 2001 he was elected to the Sple’tk First Nation’s Board of Directors.  Since then, Randy has served as National Youth Representative (Chair of the National Youth Council) for the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples (2005-2008), Central Vice President for the Federation of Newfoundland Indians (2006 – 2008), National Vice-Chief of the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples (2010 – 2011) and, most recently, as Central Vice-Chief of the Qalipu First Nation (2012 – 2015).

Between 2006 and 2016 Randy worked with the Town of Bishop’s Fall’s in various capacities; he managed projects including development and implementation of the Town’s strategic community development plan, served two years as Town Clerk, and in 2010 was promoted to Town Manager/Clerk.  During his time with the municipality, Randy gained extensive experience in preparing and managing annual budgets, policy development, strategic planning, human resources, project management, program development, labour relations/collective agreement negotiations, clerking, and a variety of other assignments.  Prior to becoming Band Manager, Randy was employed by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador as a Manager of Operations with Service NL.

In terms of education, Randy holds a Master of Public Administration Degree from Dalhousie University, a Bachelor of Business Administration Degree from Memorial University, and a Diploma of Business Management (Human Resources) from the College of the North Atlantic.

Randy reports that he is excited to get started.  He said, “I am very excited to begin working with the Qalipu First Nation.  After more than 16 years of engagement with the Mi’kmaq movement in Newfoundland, this feels like a right fit and natural next step for me both professionally and spiritually.  I look forward to working with the Chief, Council, and staff in pursuit of the best outcomes for our Nation.”


Questions and Answers Regarding the Conclusion of the Qalipu Enrolment Process

The Enrolment Committee has completed its review of all 101,000 applications.  A letter regarding the Enrolment Committee’s decision on your file and next steps will be mailed on January 31, 2017.  You should expect to receive this letter in the mail within the first ten days of February.

For a comprehensive list of Questions and Answers regarding the upcoming conclusion of the Qalipu enrolment process, please click here

A group of approximately 25 people gathered outside the office of MP Gudie Hutchings

Chief to Demonstrators: “I have an obligation to act in the best interest of our First Nation”

Corner Brook, January 3, 2017—Approximately 25 demonstrators gathered outside the Qalipu administrative office in Corner Brook today to raise concerns related to the upcoming conclusion of the Qalipu enrolment process.   At the end of January, some 101,000 letters will be mailed to Qalipu members, and those seeking membership, advising them of the Enrolment Committee’s decision on their application to become members of the Qalipu First Nation.  This marks the end the Bands registration process that began in 2008 when the Federation of Newfoundland Indians (FNI) and the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) partnered in signing the Agreement for the Recognition of the Qalipu Mi’kmaq Band.

The primary concern expressed by the demonstrators gathered at the gazebo on the Majestic Lawn before walking to MP Gudie Hutchings’ office, was that many people will not be found eligible for Founding Membership in the Band following their assessment under the enrolment criteria.  Some expressed the concern that their ancestry alone should be enough to qualify for membership in the First Nation.  Organizer and Qalipu member Blain Ford argued that the process should be thrown out, and the fight for recognition be taken up anew.

Chief Mitchell, who stood in solidarity with the demonstrators along with Corner Brook Ward Councilor Brian Dicks, said that while he is sympathetic to the concerns of applicants, walking away from the table or starting over would not be in the best interest of the First Nation.  He said, “I’m concerned about jeopardizing the decades of effort and persistence which allowed us to form the Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation.  After an incredible investment of time and resources, it would be unreasonable to walk away and expect that Canada would be willing to sit with us again any time soon on a new enrolment process.”

He also expressed concern over the risk of losing or suspending the many programs and benefits available to those who gain membership in Qalipu First Nation.

In a related statement, Chief Mitchell commented, “When I was elected in 2015, I inherited this process.  The legal agreements setting out how Founding Membership in the Qalipu First Nation was to be determined had already been established.  I might have negotiated things differently had I been in a leadership position at the time that agreements were made. However, this is the legal agreement that created our First Nation and I have an obligation, as difficult as the outcome will be for many, to act in the best interest of our First Nation to see the enrolment process through as it had been previously negotiated.”

For more information on the Qalipu enrolment process please see the below fact sheet.  An updated series of Questions and related answers regarding the end of the Qalipu enrolment process has been added to the Band’s website.  Find these at qalipu.ca/band-registration/faq

Fact Sheet

In 2008 the Federation of Newfoundland Indians (FNI) and the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) partnered in signing the Agreement for the Recognition of the Qalipu Mi’kmaq Band.   In September of 2011, Qalipu received recognition as a First Nation under the Indian Act.  This was the culmination of decades of fighting for recognition as the Federation of Newfoundland Indians.  Negotiations had not accounted for the number of people who would eventually come forward laying claim to Mi’kmaq heritage.  In the final days allotted for review of applications under the Agreement in Principle (Agreement), tens of thousands of additional applications were received bringing the total to over 100,000 individuals seeking membership in the First Nation.  Leadership at the time, which consisted of INAC and the FNI, realized the need to negotiate an extension to the Agreement, as well as giving more guidance to the Enrolment Committee on applying enrolment criteria as presented in the Agreement.

In July, 2013, the Supplemental Agreement and its associated Directives to the Enrolment Committee, was introduced by INAC and the FNI.  The Supplemental Agreement outlined that all outstanding applications would be reviewed, including those that had already been assessed.  To ensure everyone was assessed with the same criteria, even those who had received status cards were reviewed under the criteria laid out in the Supplemental Agreement.

At the end of January, 2017, approximately 101,000 letters will be mailed to Qalipu members, and those seeking membership, advising them of the decision on their application. These letters are expected to be received within the first ten days in February. For those with a right to appeal the decision of the Enrolment Committee, there will be forty-five days to file such an appeal. The Appeal Notice Form will be included in the letters sent out.  An independent team of Appeal Masters will review all appeals submitted and a final determination will be made on the appeal. The appeal process will be completed in its entirety by the fall of 2017. The decisions of the Appeal Masters will be final.

Chief Mitchell with the Qalipu Directors (L-R) Ralph Eldridge, Chief Brendan Mitchell, Keith Goulding and Rob Dicks

Christmas Greetings from the Chief


I am pleased to greet you during this festive season and I pray that each of you finds joy in the twinkling lights, the snow-covered trees and Christmas treats.  I also pray that during this holiday season each one of you is blessed with many special moments of love and sharing.  May your homes be warmed with the presence of children, grandchildren, family members, friends and beloved pets.

I know that, for many, Christmas is not always joyous and it can be a difficult time of year.  I pray too that the Creator be with those who may have lost a loved one, is experiencing illness of a loved one, or finds themselves without the means of enjoying the kind of Christmas they would like.  Trust that there will still be many good moments for which to be thankful.  Creator is with us in good times, and in bad.

As I extend best wishes for 2017, I am struggling as your Chief, with the knowledge that we will share difficult times in the year ahead.   As we approach January 31, 2017, the conclusion of the enrolment process for membership in Qalipu First Nation, I recognize that applicants, which includes current members, are apprehensive and worried about possible outcomes.  I share your worries and concerns.  I have been working diligently on behalf of applicants while also lobbying Canada to minimize impacts and outcomes of the enrolment process.

In September of 2011, we received recognition as a First Nation under the Indian Act.  This was a truly momentous event that was the culmination of decades of fighting for recognition as the Federation of Newfoundland Indians.  Then something happened that surprised everyone; over 100,000 people came out and said, “I am Mi’kmaw!”  In the final days allotted for review of applications under the Agreement in Principle (Agreement), tens of thousands of applications were received.  Leadership at the time, which consisted of the Government of Canada (Canada) and the Federation of Newfoundland Indians (FNI), realized the need to negotiate an extension to the Agreement, as well as giving more guidance to the Enrolment Committee on applying enrolment criteria as presented in the Agreement.

In July, 2013, the Supplemental Agreement and its associated Directives to the Enrolment Committee, was introduced by Canada and the FNI.  The Supplemental Agreement meant that all outstanding applications would be reviewed, as well as all those that had already been assessed.  Indeed, even those who had received status cards were reviewed under the criteria laid out in the Supplemental Agreement to ensure everyone was assessed with the same criteria.

At the end of January, 2017, approximately 101,000 letters will be mailed to Qalipu members, and those seeking membership, advising them of the decision on their application. These letters are expected to be received within the first ten days in February. For those with a right to appeal the decision of the Enrolment Committee, there will be forty-five days to file such an appeal. The Appeal Notice Form will be included in the letters sent out.  An independent team of legally-trained Appeal Masters will review all appeals submitted and a final determination will be made on the appeal. The appeal process will be completed in its entirety by the fall of 2017. The decisions of the Appeal Masters will be final.

When I was elected in 2015, I inherited this process.  The legal agreements setting out how Founding Membership in the Qalipu First Nation was to be determined had already been established.  I have been asked the question, ‘Will you walk away from the table?’, and ‘will you fight to start over?’  My answer is no, I will not.  I might have negotiated things differently had I been in a leadership position at the time that agreements were made.  Today I have an obligation, as difficult as the outcome will be for many, to act in the best interests of our First Nation as a whole and to see the enrolment process through as it had been previously negotiated.  After having taken decades for the Newfoundland Mi’kmaq to achieve recognition, it is not in our First Nation’s best interest to leave it in a state of limbo by walking away from the table at this time.  This could potentially allow the Government of Canada to be in a position to unilaterally determine how all unresolved membership issues arising from the current enrolment process should be addressed.    Furthermore, I am concerned about the risk of losing or suspending the many programs and benefits that will be available to those who gain membership in Qalipu First Nation.

Many of you have made your concerns regarding the enrolment process known to your MP’s and the Honourable Carolyn Bennett, Minister of Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC).  Others may exercise their right to do so.  I have been working with various levels of government to minimize the potential negative impacts of the ongoing enrolment process.  I have met three times with the Honourable Minister Carolyn Bennett of INAC and with Joelle Montminy, Assistant Deputy Minister of INAC and with other senior staff members at INAC.  I have also met with Newfoundland Members of Parliament to express my concerns on this important situation.  I have asked for support from the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples and the Assembly of First Nations and I continue to meet with Canada’s legal representatives on the Enrolment Implementation Committee in an attempt to minimize impacts on current Qalipu members, particularly those that live outside established aboriginal communities.  Furthermore, I have written to Prime Minister Trudeau asking for a meeting on the topic of the Qalipu enrolment process.    These efforts will continue.

The most important thing I want you to know now, all of you, is that whether you are found eligible to hold a status card under the Indian Act or not, you will find that you are welcome at Qalipu First Nation.  The pinnacle of our focus going forward will be a culture of inclusion, and ensuring that it is the Mi’kmaq in our hearts that defines us, not what is stated on paper.

On behalf of Council and all of our staff I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas.  We look forward to working diligently on your behalf in 2017.

Magnifying glass over a newspaper classified section with Job Market text

Linkages Employment Program Deadline Date: March 31, 2017

Program Description

The Qalipu Linkages Program is a youth employment program funded by the Department of Advanced Education and Skills.  The program provides participating youth with a 26-week career-related local job placement combined with regular workshops on employment skill-building topics. After a week of orientation, participants will conduct their own job search to find a placement that suits their skills and interests. Upon completion of the program, participants will earn a “completion bonus” to support their future career and education goals.


To be eligible for the Linkages program, participants must:

  • Be a registered member of the QMFNB between the ages of 18 to 30;
  • Be EI eligible and have limited work experience
  • Have completed a minimum of level II high school, and have NOT completed post-secondary If an applicant has not completed high school or equivalent, they must be out of school for a minimum of six months prior to applying to the program.


To apply to the Qalipu Linkages Program, please submit a resume or cover letter by mail, in person, or via e-mail to:
Qalipu Mi’kmaq First Nation
Attention: Vickie MacDonald
3 Church Street
Corner Brook, NL   A2H 2Z4

Deadline for receipt of Cover Letter and Resume: March 31, 2017


Become a Member-Bay St. George Cultural Center

The Bay St. George Cultural Center has been undertaking an application to obtain registration as a Native Friendship Center.

They are in the final stages of this two year process and will hear in the New Year, if their application has obtained final approval. In preparation for this, one of the things they will require is an identified and registered list of their members and those who attend and support the Center in its activities.

Friendship Center status will open up new opportunities to reclaim and celebrate our culture as well as provide some much needed financial support. Belonging to the Friendship Center Family will also give them the opportunity to network with other Centers and Elders.

Please see below for links to the membership letter and application. Please support our efforts to bring this much needed resource to our communities.

Please click here to view the membership letter
Please click here to view the application

Glenwood Ward Councilor Frank Skeard with his wife, Deneka

Ke’tipnemk Fundraiser an Important Gathering Point for Dispersed Newfoundland Mi’kmaq Communities

On October 22 the Qalipu Cultural Foundation (QCF) held their second annual Ke’tipnemk Fundraising Dinner and Silent Auction at Jennifer’s Restaurant in Corner Brook.  The purpose of the fundraiser was to raise money in support of the Foundations’ mandate to support Mi’kmaq culture in Newfoundland and Labrador.

The event attracted more than 100 guests from throughout Qalipu territory, including Frank Skeard, Ward Councilor for Glenwood, and his wife Deneka.  Skeard said he was more than happy to travel some 300 km for the event which he and his wife had been looking forward to for some time.

“We are all on our own journey,” he said. “While I was pleased to attend to represent the people of the Glenwood Ward, I also attended for the cultural discovery that is part of my own personal journey.  This event was a great balance of social get together, and cultural sharing.  I’m so glad I got to be a part of it.”

Sherry Dean, Chairperson for the Foundation, was pleased to report that again this year, the Foundation surpassed its fundraising goal.  She said, “Through individual and business sponsorships, sale of the beautiful works of art and craft donated by local indigenous artists and craft people, and ticket sales we raised over $17,000!”

Sherry also expressed thanks for the hard working volunteers who she said “brought the event to life.”

The Qalipu Cultural Foundation was formed in 2014 to support Mi’kmaq culture in Newfoundland and Labrador. We are making every effort to reach out to individuals with limited knowledge of their heritage, and providing them with information and experiences that will assist them in the discovery process. We also seek to unite the people who have the experience and knowledge of Mi’kmaq traditions.

The girl at the table makes Christmas gifts. Hand made

Attention Youth aged 10-16

Make your winter a little warmer by getting together at the Qalipu Community Room evenings and/or weekend for crafts like quilting, beading, bracelet making and other possible activities depending on what youth would like to do/learn.

This initiative is being planned by Lorraine Stone and volunteers

To show your interest in participating or volunteering please contact Lorraine Stone.  Email: guiderstone@hotmail.com or call 634-2221


Maw-pemita’jik Qalipu’k November 2016 Newsletter


In this edition of Maw-pemita’jik Qalipu’k discover a new take on medicine wheel teachings through the wise words of our friend Brad Firth, aka Caribou Legs, in my editorial “God Shots”.

On page three, check out some great snapshots of some of the work that has been keeping our Chief and Council busy for the past month, and learn about the Seniors Mentoring and Leadership Project recently held at Kildevil Lodge.

Have you heard about the important appointment of our Western Region Vice Chief, Erica Samms-Hurley, to the Canadian Institute Health Research Advisory Board? Find the story on page four.

On page five we’ve got the popular Mi’kmaw language lesson from Dean Simon and on page six our Tourism Development Officer Tara Saunders explores the question ‘What is authentic indigenous art?’ through her discussion with local artist Jordan Bennett.  If you’re an artist who has a different opinion on the subject, get in touch with Tara for a new perspective in a future newsletter.  Reach her by email at tsaunders@qalipu.ca or by phone at (709) 634-5972.

You won’t believe the success of the Qalipu Cultural Foundation at this year’s Ke’tipnemk Fundraising Dinner and Silent Auction.  Get the scoop from Chairperson Sherry Dean on page seven, along with a link to a photo gallery on our Band’s Facebook page.

Find all this, and a little more in this edition of our monthly newsletter.  Please enjoy and remember, you’re encouraged to get in touch with your thoughts or contributions to the next edition of Maw-pemita’jik Qalipu’k (The Caribou are Travelling Together).



Click here to view this month’s newsletter