Contribute Your Voice to the Eastern Health Diversity Project


Eastern Health is conducting The Eastern Health Diversity Project: Examining needs and establishing priorities.  How well do you think that Eastern Health is doing with diversity? Is it being respected? Discriminated against? Welcomed?

Here’s how to share your perspective:

  • Fill out the anonymous survey by clicking here
  • Sign up for a 1-hour confidential chat with Fern Brunger & Adriana Pack to share your experience and give advice
  • Bring along one or two friends or family members from y our community to join in the discussion.
  • Interpretation provided by us in Inuktituk; for Innu Aimun your own interpreter will be paid for by the team.
  • Receive a thank you gift of $25

Contact: Adriana Pack at: or Fern Brunger at:

For more details, please visit the teams Facebook page