Qalipu takes on issue of violence and bullying with cultural approach

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July 15, 2016, Corner Brook—Dancer of the New Dawn – A Cultural Approach to Violence and Bullying Prevention is a new and unique program being offered by the Qalipu First Nation that has been funded through the Women’s Policy Office. There is still time to register for the two- day program which is set to begin on Friday, July 29.

Brendan Mitchell, Chief of the Qalipu First Nation, acknowledged the importance of working together with partners on this program including the Community Mental Health Initiative, Corner Brook Status of Women’s Council, RCMP, RNC, Western Regional Coalition to End Violence, and Western Health.

He said, “It is through community partnerships and collaboration that we do our best work. When we can all get together behind an important subject, like preventing violence and bullying and educating our youth on what to do if they experience it in their lives, we are better able to accomplish great things.”

Educational sessions to be included in the program will focus on topics such as types of violence, cyberbullying, signs and indicators of unhealthy relationships, the impacts of bullying, safety planning, and building empowerment for young girls. Elders and cultural leaders will also offer Aboriginal teachings which will focus on dance, smudging, talking circles, and more.

Renée Dyer, Manager of Health at Qalipu, added, “Through this program, we hope to empower and educate our youth about violence and bullying, particularly among Aboriginal women and girls. These young girls will learn not only ways to prevent bullying and violence, and about resources available to them, but also get in touch with their Aboriginal history and culture, all while forming new friendships.”

The program will take place over two days: Friday, July 29 and Saturday, July 30 from 9:00am to 4:00pm in the Qalipu Community Room located at 1 Church Street, Corner Brook, NL. The program is open to girls between the ages of 11 and 15 years old (although consideration may be given to interested youth outside of this age group), with priority being given to Qalipu First Nation members who apply.

For more information about the program and to RSVP, please contact Tyler Gallant, Program Coordinator at (709) 634-0996 ext. 244 or by email at