
Food & Essential Supplies Relief Fund

Update February 11, 2022
Please click here for announcement of Local Service Groups Providing Food & Essential Supplies


Update February 9, 2022
Action Required from Local Service Groups who put forward Proposals for Qalipu Food & Essential Supplies Relief Fund – Please check your email or voicemails, (as listed in your proposal contact information) if you have not already done so – some Local Service Groups still have not returned correspondence to accept funds being offered by Qalipu First Nation.

Update February 4, 2022

Proposals from local service groups ended January 31, 2022 for Qalipu First Nation (QFN) Food & Essential Supplies Relief Fund. The fund of $135,000 granted through Indigenous Services Canada is to provide a mechanism for grassroots Indigenous organizations and local service groups who are on the ground in their communities to support QFN Members by aiding in local needs of first priority food security and following essential cleaning and preventative protection supplies.


With an evident need across our communities, eighteen (18) proposals were put forward, covering all nine (9) wards of QFN (Stephenville, St. George’s, Port au Port, Flat bay, Corner Brook, Benoit’s Cove, Gander Bay, Glenwood, Exploits). We apologize to our members for a slight delay in the announcement of successful local service groups – the groups must formally confirm their acceptance before their information can be provided publicly.


An announcement of all local service groups will be made next week, where members can then reach out to the service group closest to them and place requests for food and/or essential supply need.

The Qalipu Department of Health and Wellness is pleased to announce a Food & Essential Supplies Relief Fund (FESRF)and invite proposals from local service groups. These local service groups will be amongst the nine (9) wards of Qalipu First Nation (QFN) to address food security and essential supply needs for QFN Members:

  1. Food Security and Food Care Baskets (Priority One)
  2. Cleaning and Sanitation Supplies (Secondary & Compliment Service)
  3. Protective and Preventative Supplies (Secondary & Compliment Service)

Application deadline date is Jan 31, 2022, for grant funding from the Qalipu Food and Essential Supplies Relief Fund program. All services, support, and reports are required to be completed and summited by March 31, 2022. Funding is limited so interested groups are encouraged to apply early.

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Notice to members: Opportunity to Provide Feedback

Update February 10, 2022
QFN Environment and Natural Resources Department has been notified the UNDERTAKINGS REGISTERED: Lewisporte Waste to Energy Project (Reg. 2181) has been REJECTED by Minister Davis on February 9, 2022. Link

Qalipu First Nation (QFN) Environment and Natural Resources Department have been notified of the


Lewisporte Waste to Energy Project (Reg. 2181)
Proponent: EnviroPower Renewable Development Inc.

This Notice is to Members to take this opportunity to provide their feedback as it relates to their communities.

**Deadline for public comment is February 16, 2022; and, the minister’s decision is due by February 24, 2022. Comments on documents are invited from the public, addressed in writing to the Minister, or by email to EAProjectComments@gov.nl.ca and are welcome prior to the deadline date.**


Standard First-Aid

Update March 4, 2021
Registration for Central Region has been extended to March 11, 2021 or until classes are filled. The offerings for Central Region Registration as removed its age limitation and has now opened to All Ages:
Grand Falls-Windsor | March 19-20 | https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/5NDQ93K
Gander | March 26-27 | https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/53X5829



Update February 10, 2022
Stephenville Registration has Closed & Central Region Registration has Open


The Standard First Aid (SFA) registration for the Stephenville course offering has closed. The offerings for Central Region Registration for Youth aged 14 – 29 are as follows:
Grand Falls-Windsor | March 19-20 | https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/5NDQ93K
Gander | March 26-27 | https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/53X5829


Registration for Central Region will close March 4, 2022 at 4:00pm NDT.


Update February 3, 2022
Corner Brook Registration Closed & Stephenville Registration Open



The Standard First Aid (SFA) registration for the Corner Brook course offering has exceeded capacity and closed. An additional offering for Corner Brook will be announced at a later date. Stephenville area Youth aged 14 – 29 will now have the opportunity to register for SFA February 12 & 13th, 2022 at 8:30am – 4:30pm. Link to register: surveymonkey.com/r/LVYGYY5 or scan QR code below.

Qalipu Education & Training is offering limited seats for Standard First-Aid for youth aged 14-29! The training will be in Corner Brook on February 12 & 13 from 8:30-4:00pm. Space is very limited.

Preference will be given to members of QFN. Those in attendance will receive a $50 daily stipend. Successful registrants will be contacted via email.

firstaidCentraldeadline extension


Qalipu First Nation Offices Phased Reopening & New Vaccination Requirement for Entry

As the special measures orders in Newfoundland and Labrador change, Qalipu First Nation (QFN) has worked to maintain essential, services for it members. With the latest adjustments to the special measures, we have been able to transition our employees from work at home, into their return to work at QFN offices and we are gradually reopening our buildings.

In order to ensure the health and safety of our staff, our members and our guests, QFN will require proof of vaccination for entry into our offices. Visitors will be asked to provide:

i. an electronic QR code as downloaded and saved to a mobile device (i.e., NLVaxPass);
ii. a physical copy of the QR code referenced above;
iii. a physical or electronic copy of a COVID-19 vaccination record issued by the Government of NL, which can be retrieved at: healthenl.ca/concerto/nlchi/covid19immunizations; or
iv. Physical or electronic copy of an official vaccination record issued outside of NL

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we move thorough these challenging times together and while these measures are temporary, we are grateful for your support and adherence to these extra precautions.

Keith Goulding
Band Manager


Employment Opportunity

Mi’kmaq Commercial Fisheries has an employment opportunity seeking a Fisheries Coordinator, Full-time, Term Position (1 year)

Deadline for receipt of Cover Letter and Resume has been extended to: 4 pm, Friday, February 11, 2022

The Fisheries Coordinator will assist with day-to-day operations and activities associated with Mi’Kmaq Commercial Fisheries (MCF), including the development of related communal commercial fisheries activities and investments associated with assets owned by the Qalipu First Nation Band (QFN) and Mi’Kmaq Alsumk Mowimsikik Kiqoey Association (MAMKA). The Fisheries Coordinator will report to the Manager of Fisheries Operations

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Expression of Interest for Member-at-Large

Qalipu First Nation is currently seeking a Member-at-Large to join their Environment and Natural Resources Standing Committee (ENRSC). This unique opportunity will give hands-on access and input into the current operational plans of our Environment and Natural Resources Department and their continues reach to preserve our Natural Ecosystem for future generations. The ideal candidate is a Band member living in the province with a background in Environment and Natural resource or related fields of experience. If you are committed and want to contribute your knowledge as a volunteer on this committee, please see below for an Expression of Interest.

Application deadline for interest Friday, February 18, 2022 at 12:00pm NST.

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babysitting feature

Babysitting Basics Virtual Course Offering (ages 12 to 15 years)

Update February 1, 2022
Registration opening for the Babysitting Basics Virtual Course Offering quickly closed, January 31, 2022. With an interest of five (5) times the virtual class capacity, an announcement for additional future, virtual class offerings will be made at a later date to be determined. Thank you for your interest!

Qalipu Education & Training are providing youth aged 12-15 with an opportunity to complete the ‘Babysitting Basics’ course! This course provides youth with skills to confidently care for babies and young children. The course is offered by St. John Ambulance and will be taught virtually. Successful registrants will be contacted via email. Space is very limited so youth are encouraged to register early! Participants will receive a $50 stipend for participating and will receive a certificate of completion from St. John Ambulance.


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YESP2022 FeaturePhoto

Youth Summer Employment Program 2022

Qalipu First Nation (QFN) Department of Education and Training have reopened employer application for their 2022 Youth Summer Employment Program (YSEP)!

Program Objective
The Youth Summer Employment Program is a partnership between the Government of Canada and QFN that provides Indigenous Youth with an opportunity to gain employment with local employers during the summer months. The aim of this program is to improve employability skills and provide tools that help youth advance their education.

Eligible Employers (Applicants)
QFN accepts proposals/ applications from community organizations who are interested in providing meaningful summer employment to Indigenous Youth. Interested employers must submit a completed YSEP application and attach any required supporting documentation by April 1, 2022. Notification will be sent from Education and Training by the end of April for successful employers.

Join the growing list of employers who are supporting Indigenous students on their journey! Business owners and organizations are invited to apply for a summer student by 4:00pm NDT on Friday, April 1, 2022.

Click here to apply for the Youth Student Employment Program

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Virtual Mi’kmaw Language Registration – Level 1 (Beginners)

Update February, 2, 2002
Registration has now closed 11:30am NDT, Wednesday, February 2nd due to full capacity. Successful applicants will receive their lesson ZOOM links by Friday, February, 4 at 4:00pm NDT. Please head over to L’nui-kina’masulti’kw (we are learning to speak Mi’kmaw) if you missed or did not make it through this round of registration. Here will be able to observe and learn from the pre-recorded language lessons. Wela’lin!


Update January 28, 2022
Due to increasing interest for our Level 1 registration of Mi’kmaw Language Lessons on Sundays, Qalipu First Nation incorporated an additional virtual class lesson during the time slot of 5:30pm to 6:30pm.


The new registration link for this Sunday time slot and all other remaining availability for Monday and Tuesday session registrations, can be found here: surveymonkey.com/r/YQ2V97P


The start date for Level 1 Mi’kmaw Language Lessons will be Sunday, February 6, 2022 (Monday the 7th and Tuesday the 8th). Successful registrants will be emailed the Zoom link prior to 4:00pm NDT on Friday, February 4, 2022.

Qalipu First Nation (QFN) under the department of Culture, Tourism, and Community Development is pleased to announce the 2022 registration for Level 1 (beginners) of Mi’kmaw Language Lessons! Tentative Start Sunday January 30, 2022.

You may only register for one session.
Each session will include 20 learners.
Once session blocks are filled to its 20 capacity, a wait list of 10 additional learners will be placed.
Priority will be to QFN Members but videos and learning materials will be made available to the general public.

7:00-8:00 pm Level 1 (beginner)

8:30-9:30 pm Level 1 (beginner)

7:00-8:00 pm Level 1 (beginner)

8:30-9:30 pm Level 1 (beginner)

7:00-8:00 pm Level 1 (beginner)

8:30-9:30 pm Level 1 (beginner)

Those who signed up to advance their language skills last year (2021) will be contacted directly for their Level 2 and Level 3 registration.

If you are a first time registrant but already have acquired reading and Writing Smith Francis and would like to possibly join as a Level 2 instead, please email dsimon@qalipu.ca to arrange a zoom assessment or for other program details.

Press Release

Press Release

Qalipu First Nation is please to announce a funding contribution of $544,000 from the department of Canadian Heritage for the delivery of Mi’kmaw Language programing for members of its community and beyond.

After introducing Mi’kmaw language to about 60 people two years ago, roughly 150 last year, Qalipu First Nation Mi’kmaw Language Revival Program is poised to serve 180 learners this year.  It is expected that demand will be well over that mark, but some cap needs to be in place with current staffing levels.

“We received written support from the Mi’kmaw Grand Council, the Assembly of First Nations Regional Chief, and exit feedback from our participants was overwhelmingly positive” says Dean Simon, Mi’kmaw Language Facilitator for QFN (now permanent position with Qalipu).  For the first time, Qalipu used an in-house teacher, with fluent supervisors, to catch any errors and to expand on topics that arose.  Mr. Simon says this was important to establish credibility.

The programs’ goal is to introduce the language to as many people as possible while building a core of fluent speakers in the next 3-5 years, who will have the capacity to create other fluent speakers, teaching it forward.  To this end, this year and next year the Qalipu program will select prospective teaching assistants to travel to Unama’ki (Cape Breton) for a 2 week preliminary immersion experience.

“I am looking forward to going back as well because my 2 years in Unama’ki required working in English 90% of the day to self-fund my learning, and ultimately detracted from my immersion”.

This year’s virtual offering will expand from 5 weeks to 10 weeks, with learner support throughout the whole year.   Another deliverable in next 2 years is to source and develop resources for youth from Pre-school to High School, and to work with the QFN Education Department to distribute those resources and provide training for teachers.

Simon completed a course called Language Reclamation Methods, at the University of Southern Maine during the past year and will bring the shared experiences of indigenous classmates from all over north America to this year’s offering.  “We are not the only people who have lost a language and work hard to bring it back.”

“I am very optimistic that Mi’kmaw will be heard again in Newfoundland.”